Muslims of early America

thats why i say , best not to import them as a way to preserve Western ideals of Freedom and as a way to avoid 'dhiminitude' . I can see 'choudrys' words being used as defense of why a muslim beheaded a 'englisher' one day . Hey , the 'englisher' knew what was going to happen if he drew that cartoon . That all being said , 'islam' and the WEST can't coexist in my opinion Rosie .
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you.
Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans
and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent
to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite
some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to
use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of
PS---even before the inception of islam------"arabs" ---with origin
from Arabia----have been into "slave trading" An ancient word
that describes an "arab" (in da bible) is translated into
English as "Ishmaelite"------refers to "arabs". Remember how
Joseph got hooked up with a caravan and transported to Egypt?
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE.

Neat trick since Muslims haven't even existed for MILLENNIA. Oh wait, you're telling us Muslims invented time travel?

Where do you get the idea that OldLady is "Muslim"?

The Persians, Greeks, and Romans

Oh yes, do regale us with stories about how Romans were enslaved. By anybody.

and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of contact

The musical forms have already been cited, back in 57 and 58 for a start --- one of them is right there in this quote nest.. Of course, those went in the opposite direction, didn't they. It would seem we picked up aspects of their culture, to wit syncopation; Ragtime; Blues; Jazz; Rock 'n' Roll, linguistic forms too numerous to mention. And we. are the richer for it
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE.

Neat trick since Muslims haven't even existed for MILLENNIA. Oh wait, you're telling us Muslims invented time travel?

Where do you get the idea that OldLady is "Muslim"?

The Persians, Greeks, and Romans

Oh yes, do regale us with stories about how Romans were enslaved. By anybody.

and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of contact

The musical forms have already been cited, back in 57 and 58 for a start --- one of them is right there in this quote nest.. Of course, those went in the opposite direction, didn't they. It would seem we picked up aspects of their culture, to wit syncopation; Ragtime; Blues; Jazz; Rock 'n' Roll, linguistic forms too numerous to mention. And we. are the richer for it

try to maintain sanity, Pogoid. I never suggested that "old lady"
is either muslim or not. Romans enslaved all sorts of people and
ALSO obtained black slaves from arab slavers on the OPENED
MARKET ------they did not go to the tip of Africa to CAPTURE them---
Rome did not INVADE that far down. If you read carefully and with discernment-----you will see that I refer to the ANCIENT ARABS as
the slavers-------the "arabs" in the seventh and eighth century vitually
ALL adopted islam----even those in arab outposts like Sudan and Somalia
and in Ethiopia and the entire Levant
PS---even before the inception of islam------"arabs" ---with origin
from Arabia----have been into "slave trading" An ancient word
that describes an "arab" (in da bible) is translated into
English as "Ishmaelite"------refers to "arabs". Remember how
Joseph got hooked up with a caravan and transported to Egypt?
i think that Rosie said 'ay'rabs' [arabs] before 'islam' existed Pogo .
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you.
Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans
and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent
to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite
some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to
use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of

What fascinates me is the same thing that interests me about the Downeast dialect, soul food and Maypole dances. It's an echo of long ago voices, the roots of where we came from. Traditions change very very very slowly.
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you.
Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans
and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent
to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite
some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to
use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of

What fascinates me is the same thing that interests me about the Downeast dialect, soul food and Maypole dances. It's an echo of long ago voices, the roots of where we came from. Traditions change very very very slowly.

SO SO true------the lessons of the grandmothers PERSIST. For those who like to read------this concept ---to wit the PERSISTENCE OF
CULTURE, ETHICS and CUSTOM is the topic addressed by the
and 20th Centuries-----like Erich Fromm and Erick Erickson
Ya nevah lose the lullabye. In some ways LINGUISTICS beats
DNA in tracing lineages. As to islam------it is the culture of
Arabia which is located on the SILK ROAD and highly influenced
by trade----east to west and west to east
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays

Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.
Issa, when are you going to prove that you mean it by leaving America?

these spoiled little Burb Brats would never leave the U.S. and the comforts and freedoms they have here just to go promote principles; they don't have any themselves and don't want to be inconvenienced by fighting for other peoples' lack thereof.
Intelligent people talk about the OP , idiots co.e here to be personal. Grow up!!!

Whenever you and your 'peers' ever develop any intelligence, let me know; so far your fake history lessons are just pathetic failures.
Muslims are slave traders.
Why do the Left Wingers admire them so much.
BTW, muslims did not contribute anything to America's founding.
Nope....They didn't participate in the slaughtering of millions of Natives, and enslaving millions of take the whole credit.
Issa, when are you going to prove that you mean it by leaving America?

these spoiled little Burb Brats would never leave the U.S. and the comforts and freedoms they have here just to go promote principles; they don't have any themselves and don't want to be inconvenienced by fighting for other peoples' lack thereof.
Intelligent people talk about the OP , idiots co.e here to be personal. Grow up!!!

Whenever you and your 'peers' ever develop any intelligence, let me know; so far your fake history lessons are just pathetic failures.

the intelligence of a child is superficially measured by how well
he learns the lessons of his parents. school and place of worship.
Do not blame ISSA-----he is a good student of-----DA MOSQUE.
You have not lived until you have experience a nice KHUTBAH
JUMAAT feces fling.
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you.
Muslims have been ENSLAVING black Africans for MILLENNIA and---selling them off FAR AND WIDE. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans
and even Indians ended up with black African slaves----excellent merchandising. Along the way---black Africans ---whether adherent
to religion or not ---PICK UP aspects of the dominant culture. To cite
some adopted musical forms is so INEVITABLE that it is silly to
use that phenomenon to consider a person "muslim" It is evidence of

Indeed. This rewriting of history is dangerous - thank you for pointing out the truth.
--------------------------- and Christianity and Judaism existed long before 'islam' so i don't understand your point . In fact its my halfway thought opinion that without out Judaism and Christianity there would be NO 'islam' . islam seems to copy both Judaism and Christianity as it copies the names and concepts , especially in Christianity MYam .
That's was in reference to those you want the U.S. Constitution amended to no longer recognize Islam as a religion so that all of the anti-Islamic animosity that currently exists can be implemented against Muslim without any Constitutional protections - like what they did to the communist during the McCarthy era - deportations, firing from government jobs, red scare & hysteria everywhere, etc.
---------------------------------- doesn't need Amending . All thats needed is Courts and Judges and Conservative interpretations same as the liberal Judges have had liberal interpretations . Foreign based muslims have no 1ST Amendment protections of religion to come to the USA as far as i can tell Myam .
Well maybe that's where part of the problem lies. There seem to be a whole lot of people who seem obvious to the fact that there are millions of Muslims living in the U.S. who were born here and they are busy at work trying to strip or reduce their constitutional protections.

From my perspective this is no different than all the bullshit legislation, policies & procedures crafted that relegated people of African descent to second class citizenship status. It's almost like you all need a new target to beat up on.

It's a regular rotation, like a Top 40 radio station. Today it's "Muslims", yesterday it was "Jews", before that "Catholics", "Germans", "Eye-talians", "Irish", "Chinese", "Bohunks", on and on and on. Same shit, different target, lather, rinse repeat.
--------------------------------------- and the difference is the 'religion of islam. All mentioned bu Pogo are acceptable except for 'islam' practitioners . Except for 'chinese' all the mentioned are at least nominal Christian from Christian Nations and were practitioners of Western Way , laws and culture so they fit right into Americas Western Culture Pogo .
You must have missed where I mentioned Catholics and Jews, both of which are religions and both of which were demonized in the same manner by the same ignorant bigots. They were both targets of the Klan, the Know Nothings and other nativist wackos in between. Jews were out to control the world and its money. Catholics were "Papists" out to enslave the world. Muslims are "terrorists" and "shariamongers" Irish were "drunks" and "violent". Eye-talians were "greasy". This is yet another rerun of the same thing. We've heard it all before.

And of course I left out blacks from the list as a given but there again another culture --- which, when you're deliberately conflating "religion" with "culture" with "politics" --- as you just did directly at the end of this post --- is again, the same bigot-bullshit standard. For that matter the Germans and East Europeans are in the same bag as well. They were supposed to be all "socialists and communists", whatever that meant.
i say , let American muslims live in the USA . Simply STOP importing more . Sadly , they are here in the USA but stop importing more Myam .

Hate to break breaking news to your ignorant ass, but "importing people" has been illegal for over two hundred years.

you don't get out much, do you POGOID. Newbies in the USA---bring their relatives, potential spouses and all sorts of HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE relationships for all sorts of purposes

With any luck some of them may actually bring dictionaries, yea that you and Pissmouth might look up what the word "import" means.
----------------------------------------- i say IMPORTED as a polite and slight insult , polite for polite board members and everyone knows what i mean Pogo . Imported 'third worlders' make perfect sense as a description but it must annoy you and yer ilk which is partially the reason for the description Pogo . [chuckle]

"Imported" carries a connotation of initiative activity. Again, you CAN'T "import" people. Not legally.

If my local clothing store happens to carry shirts from Bangladesh, that doesn't mean I "imported" them simply because they're there.
Catholics are Western and Christian and are where all denominations of Christianity came from . Also the most famous Jew i know of is Jesus who also was the first Christian i think . Anyway , Jews and Catholics are acceptable while 'imported third world muslims' are not Pogo . [see 'ilham omar' and that 'rashida talib' chick are unacceptable same as their voters and supporters that elected them Pogo]
Last edited:
most 'blacks' i know are American and grew up in Western Culture in America. And most 'Blacks' are in the USA are Christian from my informal surveys Pogo .
Catholics are Western and Christian and are where all denominations of Christianity came from . Also the most famous Jew i know of is Jesus who also was the first Christian i think . Anyway , Jews and Catholics are acceptable while 'muslims' are not Pogo .

Of course not. And next week, next month, whenever, it will be the dangerous Inuits or the terrible Azerbaijanis or the relentless hordes of Burmese. Or perhaps the Jerky Jainists or the conniving Shintoists. Same shit, different day. SEE the pattern.

Of course, in the same pattern, by then when the EEBIL Polynesians are suffering the brunt of the bigot tree, the Muslims will be just fine and all these inane rants will have become unposts that never happened. Just like the blacks, and the Catholics, and the Jews, and the Irish, and the Eye-talians, and the "Pollocks" etc etc etc etc etc. Because we have always been at war with Oceania. :rolleyes:

SEE the pattern. The Bigot Tree is, above all else, predictable.

But it's nice to know that you deign to dub all those Bigot Brigade targets of the past "acceptable" now. Good to know they have your stamp of approval as if they somehow have need of your permission. To coin a phrase, "that's white of ya".

Last edited:
nope-----NOTHING HAPPENED "in the same manner" Every issue
is characterized by different nuances Any suggestion that muslims
are being treated in the USA "AS IF...." they are blacks in Alabama
in 1950 is absurd, or "AS IF..." they are Irish immigrants in northeast
USA in the 19th century. DEM WAS INSTANCES OF REAL DISCRIMINATION...... I was really AMUSED when Ilhan Omar
claimed that muslims in the USA have been denied basic
constitutional rights.......???? yeah??? where? when?
how?? One can write a real history of the discrimination upon
blacks and Irish immigrants------but muslims? anyone?
some people saying "I don't like that religion" ??
do muslims have to say that they ADMIRE HINDUISM?
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

Amen to that. I love to find out the roots of how things got the way they are. It fleshes out a deep understanding and is the antithesis of the vacuum of Ignorance that fuels the Bigot Brigade. Stuffing their tiny little heads into the sand is the only way they can come up with this malarkey about (insert target group here) that clearly makes no sense on its face. Knowledge is Bigotry's kryptonite.

old lady---you should be a bit more discerning over what "fascinates" you.

There is nothing --- LITERALLY no conceivable instance ever possible --- where a lack of curiosity is a negative.

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From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

Amen to that. I love to find out the roots of how things got the way they are. It fleshes out a deep understanding and is the antithesis of the vacuum of Ignorance that fuels the Bigot Brigade. Stuffing their tiny little heads into the sand is the only way they can come up with this malarkey about (insert target group here) that clearly makes no sense on its face. Knowledge is Bigotry's kryptonite.

you suffer from a confusion between HISTORICAL FACT and CURRENT
EVENTS vs "bigotry" In the 1960s your malady became so
SERIOUSLY accepted that some black sociologists claimed that any
suggestion that black persons have a high propensity for the development of HYPERTENSION based on inherited physiology was called
BIGOTRY. They insisted that the only reason for an increased
prevalence of Hypertension in black populations was OBVIOUSLY BASED
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.

Amen to that. I love to find out the roots of how things got the way they are. It fleshes out a deep understanding and is the antithesis of the vacuum of Ignorance that fuels the Bigot Brigade. Stuffing their tiny little heads into the sand is the only way they can come up with this malarkey about (insert target group here) that clearly makes no sense on its face. Knowledge is Bigotry's kryptonite.

you suffer from a confusion between HISTORICAL FACT and CURRENT EVENTS vs "bigotry" In the 1960s your malady became so SERIOUSLY accepted that some black sociologists claimed that any suggestion that black persons have a high propensity for the development of HYPERTENSION based on inherited physiology was called BIGOTRY. They insisted that the only reason for an increased prevalence of Hypertension in black populations was OBVIOUSLY BASED ON RACISM .

Uh, I think you suffer from not only HYPERACTIVE SHIFT KEY but also STRAWMAN.

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