Muslims of early America

Mezquita and mestizo are not related of course. This post is absurd. I surmise it was supposed to be a weak joke that would only work on someone who has never interacted with languages.

I have interacted with all sorts of PERMUTATIONS of literacy and of

You've interacted way too much with your SHIFT KEY.

I learned to use my little pinky when I tried to play the violin

It's more deft than the big pinky. :eusa_boohoo:

my pinky is EXCEPTIONALLY little. It is a handicap in playing
many musical instruments

Get smaller instruments. Violins come in junior sizes.
I have interacted with all sorts of PERMUTATIONS of literacy and of

You've interacted way too much with your SHIFT KEY.

I learned to use my little pinky when I tried to play the violin

It's more deft than the big pinky. :eusa_boohoo:

my pinky is EXCEPTIONALLY little. It is a handicap in playing
many musical instruments

Get smaller instruments. Violins come in junior sizes.

don't patronize me------I am far too sensitive to my physical
limitations------not only small hands-----also short stature and
You've interacted way too much with your SHIFT KEY.

I learned to use my little pinky when I tried to play the violin

It's more deft than the big pinky. :eusa_boohoo:

my pinky is EXCEPTIONALLY little. It is a handicap in playing
many musical instruments

Get smaller instruments. Violins come in junior sizes.

don't patronize me------I am far too sensitive to my physical
limitations------not only small hands-----also short stature and

That makes you more artistic. :)
When I say that there are individuals, in society and on this message board, whom have expressed a desire to see Islam "de-certified" so that Muslims can lose their constitutional and other statutory rights, the following case makes my point. This was done even though the rights are in place. Imagine how these people and others would be behaving if those protections no longer existed.
The filed complaint can be read here: - Complaint.pdf

Electroimpact to pay $485K over anti-Muslim harassment, retaliation claims

Mar 24 2017
Believed to be largest civil rights resolution for the state in Washington history

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Mukilteo-based aerospace company Electroimpact will pay $485,000 after an investigation alleging discrimination by the company, retaliation against employees, and unfair or deceptive advertising. The company will also change its hiring practices and conduct outreach to minority applicants.

An investigation by the Attorney General’s Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit found evidence that Electroimpact and its president, Peter Zieve, refused to hire Muslim applicants, engaged in religious and/or national origin harassment, discriminated against employees based on marital status, and retaliated against employees who opposed such unfair practices. The investigation also found the company engaged in unfair or deceptive practices by describing itself as an equal opportunity employer in advertising.

“The conduct outlined in our complaint is outrageous,” Ferguson said. “Discriminating against workers and retaliating against anyone who questions it is illegal.”

Zieve posted job ads on Craigslist, Indeed and CareerBuilder and had primary responsibility for screening applicants and conducting final interviews. Almost all job ads requested applicants “attach a recent picture of [themselves.]”

The complaint alleges that Zieve screened out applicants that affirmatively indicated that they were Muslim, or that Zieve perceived to be Muslim based on their name, photograph, national origin and/or application.

As a result, 94.5 percent of Electroimpact’s 474 engineers are white, according to a June 30, 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Labor. The complaint alleges that these practices make Electroimpact’s claim that it is an “equal opportunity employer” false advertising.

Electroimpact also maintained a listserv where employees discussed and shared “jokes.” Many emails and “jokes” posted to the listserv were demeaning to Muslims or those perceived to be Muslim.

For example, one employee emailed: “How do you save half the Muslims? Kill the other half.”

Zieve encouraged employees’ conduct on the listserv and often engaged in similar conduct.

On Dec. 3, 2015, Zieve emailed the listserv regarding the mass killing in San Bernardino and stated in the subject line, “With the stupidity in the highest office” and in the email body stated: “we might as well lay down across railroad tracks. And they sue the states that refuse to take Syrian refugees.” When an employee noted that one of the San Bernardino attackers was born in the United States, Zieve responded to the listserv: “American born Muslims are almost as dangerous as the Syrian imports.”

Zieve encouraged employees to engage in conduct that degraded Muslims. On May 6, 2015, Zieve emailed an employee a smiley face emoji after the employee sent him an email that stated: “The winning drawing at the ‘Draw Mohammad’ art contest in Garland, Texas” and attached an image of a chalk outline of a dead body.

Zieve likewise recruited employees to participate in a neighborhood group that opposed the construction of a mosque in Mukilteo and to attend events regarding perceived flaws within Islam.

Electroimpact provided a bonus program to employees, in addition to their regular salary, that was available at Zieve’s discretion. The bonus was added to employees’ regular paycheck.

Until July 2016, Zieve exercised that discretion by providing Electroimpact employees who got married with a bonus.

The purpose of the “marriage bonus,” and an additional “children bonus” for those employees with children, was to encourage Electroimpact employees to procreate.

In a Dec. 19, 2015 email to the entire company, Zieve stated: “The future can only be secured by building families. I will not go south on the family benefits. Consider that an annuity. The birth rate is still low for a young group like we have. . . I believe the financial benefits are helping people to make the right decisions. Since the marriages underpin henceforth I will bring a $1000 personal check to any marriage I attend. This is in addition to the $1,000 you get in your paycheck.”

In another email, dated Feb. 6, 2015, Zieve stated: “When [our sons and daughters] choose to not repopulate and allow our wonderful country to be backfilled with rubbish from the desperate and criminal populations of the third world[,] I find that to be disgusting and I find those persons to make these decisions to be repulsive and I don’t like them around me.”

In a Oct. 2, 2015, email to the company, Zieve responded to an employee’s announcement that his wife gave birth to a girl by stating: “I note that 381,000 terrorist savages have gotten into Europe so far this year and if we don’t make more babies the light will out on civilization” and included a link to an article about the meaning of God’s mandate that Adam and Eve be “fruitful and multiply.”

In addition to providing “marriage bonuses,” Zieve sometimes pressured employees into getting married. In October 2015, for example, an employee working at the Mukilteo campus requested that Zieve approve renewal of his work visa. Zieve initially refused, stating, “Isn’t there an American girl you can marry?”

Although Zieve eventually agreed to renew the employee’s work visa, he warned the employee in an email: “Last time I am doing this guaranteed. Get married. Join the human race.”

Some Electroimpact employees are retaliated against when they express opposition to Electroimpact’s discriminatory practices.

On March 27, 2015, for example, Zieve emailed the company on one of the email chains from the “Jokes” list. Zieve’s email included an article suggesting that the suicidal Germanwings co-pilot was a “Muslim convert” and a “hero of the Islamic state.”

One employee responded, “I am not on the jokes list and do not wish to be.”

Immediately afterwards, Zieve both called and emailed the employee, telling her that it was “time for [her] to leave [Electroimpact].” Over the phone, Zieve told her that this was his company and that if she didn’t agree with his beliefs, she had to leave.

Realizing that the company owner wanted her to leave, the employee was forced to find another job and quit several months later.

On March 22, 2016, Zieve discriminated against another employee in a similar manner. After receiving an email that seemingly derided Islam as the “religion of peace,” the employee pleaded that the group “not do this” because “world cultures are too complicated to discuss in a jokes email list.” Within 15 minutes, Zieve informed the listserv that he had just looked up the employee’s phone number and that the employee “[was] out of line.”

In a consent decree filed yesterday in Snohomish County Superior Court, Electroimpact agreed to pay $485,000, which will be used to cover restitution, damages, and the Attorney General’s Office’s costs to enforce the Washington Law Against Discrimination and the Consumer Protection Act, and:

  • Zieve will no longer participate in evaluating individual candidates for non-management positions;
  • Electroimpact will no longer base compensation decisions on a change in marital status;
  • Someone other than Zieve will be designated to accept employee complaints and the employee handbook will be changed to reflect that Electroimpact prohibits harassment based on all protected classes;
  • The company will provide annual trainings about their obligations under the WLAD (the first to take place within 90 days);
  • Electroimpact will make reasonable efforts to increase its hiring of minorities, including advertising every internship and full-time employment opportunity to minority engineering organizations, hosting two events with minority student associations at Electroimpact’s facilities on a semi-annual basis, and conducting at least two recruitment events with minority engineering organizations on a semi-annual basis; and
  • Electroimpact will provide semi-annual reports to the state including a summary of all complaints made against Electroimpact or its agents in the previous six month period about discrimination or harassment based on religion, national origin or marital status.
If you believe you experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation while employed at Electroimpact, please call the Attorney General’s Office toll free at (844) 323-3864 or email [email protected], by Oct. 1, 2017.

Assistant Attorney General Marsha Chien handled the case.

The Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit was created in 2015 to protect the rights of all Washington residents by enforcing state and federal anti-discrimination laws. It is named for Wing Luke, who served as an Assistant Attorney General for the state of Washington in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He went on to become the first person of color elected to the Seattle City Council and the first Asian-American elected to public office in the Pacific Northwest.

More information about Washington’s civil rights laws in employment is available at Employment | WSHRC. Individuals who believe they have been victims of employment discrimination can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission at File a Complaint | WSHRC or can contact the Office of the Attorney General at [email protected].

The Office of the Attorney General is the chief legal office for the state of Washington with attorneys and staff in 27 divisions across the state providing legal services to roughly 200 state agencies, boards and commissions. Visit to learn more.
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When I say that there are individuals, in society and on this message board, whom have expressed a desire to see Islam "de-certified" so that Muslims can lose their constitutional and other statutory rights, the following case makes my point. This was done even though the rights are in place. Imagine how these people and others would be behaving if those protections no longer existed.
The filed complaint can be read here: - Complaint.pdf

Electroimpact to pay $485K over anti-Muslim harassment, retaliation claims

Mar 24 2017
Believed to be largest civil rights resolution for the state in Washington history

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Mukilteo-based aerospace company Electroimpact will pay $485,000 after an investigation alleging discrimination by the company, retaliation against employees, and unfair or deceptive advertising. The company will also change its hiring practices and conduct outreach to minority applicants.

An investigation by the Attorney General’s Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit found evidence that Electroimpact and its president, Peter Zieve, refused to hire Muslim applicants, engaged in religious and/or national origin harassment, discriminated against employees based on marital status, and retaliated against employees who opposed such unfair practices. The investigation also found the company engaged in unfair or deceptive practices by describing itself as an equal opportunity employer in advertising.

“The conduct outlined in our complaint is outrageous,” Ferguson said. “Discriminating against workers and retaliating against anyone who questions it is illegal.”

Zieve posted job ads on Craigslist, Indeed and CareerBuilder and had primary responsibility for screening applicants and conducting final interviews. Almost all job ads requested applicants “attach a recent picture of [themselves.]”

The complaint alleges that Zieve screened out applicants that affirmatively indicated that they were Muslim, or that Zieve perceived to be Muslim based on their name, photograph, national origin and/or application.

As a result, 94.5 percent of Electroimpact’s 474 engineers are white, according to a June 30, 2016 report to the U.S. Department of Labor. The complaint alleges that these practices make Electroimpact’s claim that it is an “equal opportunity employer” false advertising.

Electroimpact also maintained a listserv where employees discussed and shared “jokes.” Many emails and “jokes” posted to the listserv were demeaning to Muslims or those perceived to be Muslim.

For example, one employee emailed: “How do you save half the Muslims? Kill the other half.”

Zieve encouraged employees’ conduct on the listserv and often engaged in similar conduct.

On Dec. 3, 2015, Zieve emailed the listserv regarding the mass killing in San Bernardino and stated in the subject line, “With the stupidity in the highest office” and in the email body stated: “we might as well lay down across railroad tracks. And they sue the states that refuse to take Syrian refugees.” When an employee noted that one of the San Bernardino attackers was born in the United States, Zieve responded to the listserv: “American born Muslims are almost as dangerous as the Syrian imports.”

Zieve encouraged employees to engage in conduct that degraded Muslims. On May 6, 2015, Zieve emailed an employee a smiley face emoji after the employee sent him an email that stated: “The winning drawing at the ‘Draw Mohammad’ art contest in Garland, Texas” and attached an image of a chalk outline of a dead body.

Zieve likewise recruited employees to participate in a neighborhood group that opposed the construction of a mosque in Mukilteo and to attend events regarding perceived flaws within Islam.

Electroimpact provided a bonus program to employees, in addition to their regular salary, that was available at Zieve’s discretion. The bonus was added to employees’ regular paycheck.

Until July 2016, Zieve exercised that discretion by providing Electroimpact employees who got married with a bonus.

The purpose of the “marriage bonus,” and an additional “children bonus” for those employees with children, was to encourage Electroimpact employees to procreate.

In a Dec. 19, 2015 email to the entire company, Zieve stated: “The future can only be secured by building families. I will not go south on the family benefits. Consider that an annuity. The birth rate is still low for a young group like we have. . . I believe the financial benefits are helping people to make the right decisions. Since the marriages underpin henceforth I will bring a $1000 personal check to any marriage I attend. This is in addition to the $1,000 you get in your paycheck.”

In another email, dated Feb. 6, 2015, Zieve stated: “When [our sons and daughters] choose to not repopulate and allow our wonderful country to be backfilled with rubbish from the desperate and criminal populations of the third world[,] I find that to be disgusting and I find those persons to make these decisions to be repulsive and I don’t like them around me.”

In a Oct. 2, 2015, email to the company, Zieve responded to an employee’s announcement that his wife gave birth to a girl by stating: “I note that 381,000 terrorist savages have gotten into Europe so far this year and if we don’t make more babies the light will out on civilization” and included a link to an article about the meaning of God’s mandate that Adam and Eve be “fruitful and multiply.”

In addition to providing “marriage bonuses,” Zieve sometimes pressured employees into getting married. In October 2015, for example, an employee working at the Mukilteo campus requested that Zieve approve renewal of his work visa. Zieve initially refused, stating, “Isn’t there an American girl you can marry?”

Although Zieve eventually agreed to renew the employee’s work visa, he warned the employee in an email: “Last time I am doing this guaranteed. Get married. Join the human race.”

Some Electroimpact employees are retaliated against when they express opposition to Electroimpact’s discriminatory practices.

On March 27, 2015, for example, Zieve emailed the company on one of the email chains from the “Jokes” list. Zieve’s email included an article suggesting that the suicidal Germanwings co-pilot was a “Muslim convert” and a “hero of the Islamic state.”

One employee responded, “I am not on the jokes list and do not wish to be.”

Immediately afterwards, Zieve both called and emailed the employee, telling her that it was “time for [her] to leave [Electroimpact].” Over the phone, Zieve told her that this was his company and that if she didn’t agree with his beliefs, she had to leave.

Realizing that the company owner wanted her to leave, the employee was forced to find another job and quit several months later.

On March 22, 2016, Zieve discriminated against another employee in a similar manner. After receiving an email that seemingly derided Islam as the “religion of peace,” the employee pleaded that the group “not do this” because “world cultures are too complicated to discuss in a jokes email list.” Within 15 minutes, Zieve informed the listserv that he had just looked up the employee’s phone number and that the employee “[was] out of line.”

In a consent decree filed yesterday in Snohomish County Superior Court, Electroimpact agreed to pay $485,000, which will be used to cover restitution, damages, and the Attorney General’s Office’s costs to enforce the Washington Law Against Discrimination and the Consumer Protection Act, and:

  • Zieve will no longer participate in evaluating individual candidates for non-management positions;
  • Electroimpact will no longer base compensation decisions on a change in marital status;
  • Someone other than Zieve will be designated to accept employee complaints and the employee handbook will be changed to reflect that Electroimpact prohibits harassment based on all protected classes;
  • The company will provide annual trainings about their obligations under the WLAD (the first to take place within 90 days);
  • Electroimpact will make reasonable efforts to increase its hiring of minorities, including advertising every internship and full-time employment opportunity to minority engineering organizations, hosting two events with minority student associations at Electroimpact’s facilities on a semi-annual basis, and conducting at least two recruitment events with minority engineering organizations on a semi-annual basis; and
  • Electroimpact will provide semi-annual reports to the state including a summary of all complaints made against Electroimpact or its agents in the previous six month period about discrimination or harassment based on religion, national origin or marital status.
If you believe you experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation while employed at Electroimpact, please call the Attorney General’s Office toll free at (844) 323-3864 or email [email protected], by Oct. 1, 2017.

Assistant Attorney General Marsha Chien handled the case.

The Wing Luke Civil Rights Unit was created in 2015 to protect the rights of all Washington residents by enforcing state and federal anti-discrimination laws. It is named for Wing Luke, who served as an Assistant Attorney General for the state of Washington in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He went on to become the first person of color elected to the Seattle City Council and the first Asian-American elected to public office in the Pacific Northwest.

More information about Washington’s civil rights laws in employment is available at Employment | WSHRC. Individuals who believe they have been victims of employment discrimination can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission at File a Complaint | WSHRC or can contact the Office of the Attorney General at [email protected].

The Office of the Attorney General is the chief legal office for the state of Washington with attorneys and staff in 27 divisions across the state providing legal services to roughly 200 state agencies, boards and commissions. Visit to learn more.

Mariyam do you have a high fever? Your statement that americans have expressed a desire to decertify islam as a religion as PROVEN by a civil case------in which a muslim won an award of less than 1/2 million dollars for HORRIFIC DESCRIMINATION-------kinda marks you as psychotic. There are tens of thousands such cases for "discrimination" for this that and the other-----and prove nothing about America ethos other than the fact that WE CAN ALWAYS SUE ------

as to DECERTIFYING adherents to this or that religion----that is a what
the filth and stench of shariah law does. A simple question----do you consider HINDUISM to be A RELIGION? ----an interesting personal anecdote. My baby boy grew out of his grammar school but was accepted
into a really HOT SHOT public SPECIAL high school for the "really bright"
THUS he came into contact with all sorts of people-----being in Manhattan NY that included the kids of UN diplomats ----etc. As it worked out his chemisty lab partner was SIDDIQUE----Pakistani son of some sort of diplomat. The muslim boy EXPLAINED to my kid who had gone to a really conservative jewish grammar school----"THERE ARE THREE RELIGIONS"-----Judaism got "improved" by Christianity and then Christianity got "IMPROVED" by islam. There was a hindu girl sitting nearby and my kid said "there are more than three religions..." looking
toward the Hindu girl he said "HINDUISM IS A RELIGION"----Siddique shouted out----"HINDUISM IS A FAKE RELIGION"----My baby was horrified------that the little hindu girl was subjected to that sort of FILTH.
(for the record----I have worked with and socialized with lots of muslims
during my professional career----so the concept of HINDUISM IS NOT A
RELIGION was not news to me) ------do you consider HINDUISM to be a
BONAFIDE religion and that HINDUS must have rights EQUAL to----the rest of the population IN ALL COUNTRIES?
I learned to use my little pinky when I tried to play the violin

It's more deft than the big pinky. :eusa_boohoo:

my pinky is EXCEPTIONALLY little. It is a handicap in playing
many musical instruments

Get smaller instruments. Violins come in junior sizes.

don't patronize me------I am far too sensitive to my physical
limitations------not only small hands-----also short stature and

That makes you more artistic. :)

in reference to the figurative arts------I CANNOT DRAW A STRAIGT LINE
And Islam existed centuries before the United States existed so your uninformed opinion doesn't mean a hell of a lot especially in light of the U.S. Constitution as it stands today.
--------------------------- and Christianity and Judaism existed long before 'islam' so i don't understand your point . In fact its my halfway thought opinion that without out Judaism and Christianity there would be NO 'islam' . islam seems to copy both Judaism and Christianity as it copies the names and concepts , especially in Christianity MYam .
That's was in reference to those you want the U.S. Constitution amended to no longer recognize Islam as a religion so that all of the anti-Islamic animosity that currently exists can be implemented against Muslim without any Constitutional protections - like what they did to the communist during the McCarthy era - deportations, firing from government jobs, red scare & hysteria everywhere, etc.
---------------------------------- doesn't need Amending . All thats needed is Courts and Judges and Conservative interpretations same as the liberal Judges have had liberal interpretations . Foreign based muslims have no 1ST Amendment protections of religion to come to the USA as far as i can tell Myam .
Well maybe that's where part of the problem lies. There seem to be a whole lot of people who seem obvious to the fact that there are millions of Muslims living in the U.S. who were born here and they are busy at work trying to strip or reduce their constitutional protections.

From my perspective this is no different than all the bullshit legislation, policies & procedures crafted that relegated people of African descent to second class citizenship status. It's almost like you all need a new target to beat up on.

It's a regular rotation, like a Top 40 radio station. Today it's "Muslims", yesterday it was "Jews", before that "Catholics", "Germans", "Eye-talians", "Irish", "Chinese", "Bohunks", on and on and on. Same shit, different target, lather, rinse repeat.
--------------------------------------- and the difference is the 'religion of islam. All mentioned bu Pogo are acceptable except for 'islam' practitioners . Except for 'chinese' all the mentioned are at least nominal Christian from Christian Nations and were practitioners of Western Way , laws and culture so they fit right into Americas Western Culture Pogo .
Last edited:
i say , let American muslims live in the USA . Simply STOP importing more . Sadly , they are here in the USA but stop importing more Myam .

Hate to break breaking news to your ignorant ass, but "importing people" has been illegal for over two hundred years.

you don't get out much, do you POGOID. Newbies in the USA---bring their relatives, potential spouses and all sorts of HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE relationships for all sorts of purposes

With any luck some of them may actually bring dictionaries, yea that you and Pissmouth might look up what the word "import" means.
----------------------------------------- i say IMPORTED as a polite and slight insult , polite for polite board members and everyone knows what i mean Pogo . Imported 'third worlders' make perfect sense as a description but it must annoy you and yer ilk which is partially the reason for the description Pogo . [chuckle]
Last edited:
And Islam existed centuries before the United States existed so your uninformed opinion doesn't mean a hell of a lot especially in light of the U.S. Constitution as it stands today.
--------------------------- and Christianity and Judaism existed long before 'islam' so i don't understand your point . In fact its my halfway thought opinion that without out Judaism and Christianity there would be NO 'islam' . islam seems to copy both Judaism and Christianity as it copies the names and concepts , especially in Christianity MYam .
That's was in reference to those you want the U.S. Constitution amended to no longer recognize Islam as a religion so that all of the anti-Islamic animosity that currently exists can be implemented against Muslim without any Constitutional protections - like what they did to the communist during the McCarthy era - deportations, firing from government jobs, red scare & hysteria everywhere, etc.
---------------------------------- doesn't need Amending . All thats needed is Courts and Judges and Conservative interpretations same as the liberal Judges have had liberal interpretations . Foreign based muslims have no 1ST Amendment protections of religion to come to the USA as far as i can tell Myam .
Well maybe that's where part of the problem lies. There seem to be a whole lot of people who seem obvious to the fact that there are millions of Muslims living in the U.S. who were born here and they are busy at work trying to strip or reduce their constitutional protections.

From my perspective this is no different than all the bullshit legislation, policies & procedures crafted that relegated people of African descent to second class citizenship status. It's almost like you all need a new target to beat up on.

It's a regular rotation, like a Top 40 radio station. Today it's "Muslims", yesterday it was "Jews", before that "Catholics", "Germans", "Eye-talians", "Irish", "Chinese", "Bohunks", on and on and on. Same shit, different target, lather, rinse repeat.

Except Jews don’t go to foreign countries and blow shit up over cartoons. Thanks for your idiotic input. Pigo.
And? Christianity existed way before Islam and Judaism before that and those countries are thriving. You a Muslim?
Yet no one is actually promoting trying to get Christianity and Judaism classified as "not a religion" in order to strip it's adherents of their constitutional protections
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?

Why would I answer your questions when you do not answer mine?
And? Christianity existed way before Islam and Judaism before that and those countries are thriving. You a Muslim?
Yet no one is actually promoting trying to get Christianity and Judaism classified as "not a religion" in order to strip it's adherents of their constitutional protections
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?
------------------------------------------------------- if talking or asking me . Hey its impossible as i would never have muslim friends MYam .
From The Conversation:
>> Scholars estimate that as many as 30% of the African slaves brought to the U.S., from West and Central African countries like Gambia and Cameroon, were Muslim. Among the difficulties they faced, were also those related to their faith.

As a scholar of Muslim communities in the West, I know African slaves were forced to abandon their Islamic faith and practices by their owners, both to separate them from their culture and religious roots and also to “civilize” them to Christianity.

Historian Sylviane Diouf explains how despite such efforts, many slaves retained aspects of their customs and traditions, and found new, creative ways to express them. Slave devotionals sung in the fields, for example, kept the tunes and memory of a bygone life alive well after the trauma of dislocation.

Diouf argues that blues music, one of the quintessential forms of American culture, can trace its origins to Muslim influences from the slave era. She also demonstrates how the famous blues song, “Levee Call Holler,” has a style and melody that comes from the Muslim call to prayer, the “adhan.” <<​

I'll just never understand people who deliberately choose to remain ignorant of their own history when it's readily available to them. Boggles the mind.

Stuff like this is so fascinating to me. Thanks.
Yet no one is actually promoting trying to get Christianity and Judaism classified as "not a religion" in order to strip it's adherents of their constitutional protections
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?

Why would I answer your questions when you do not answer mine?

I can help you, Defiler and Mariyam. ----it's like this---BOYS are far more \
tolerant of FOIBLES in their circle of friends than are girls. I know because I am a lone daughter --sister of four brothers. They kinda
"accept" all kinds of characters into their social circles----the "smart",
the "singer" the "jerk" Sometimes "friend" for a boy just means
"one of the gang that hangs out" during periods of free time. Mariyam --
can you cast some light on YOUR concept that "people" "fear islam"
because they don't "understand it" ??
Yet no one is actually promoting trying to get Christianity and Judaism classified as "not a religion" in order to strip it's adherents of their constitutional protections
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?
------------------------------------------------------- if talking or asking me . Hey its impossible as i would never have muslim friends MYam .

I had lots of muslim friends in my youth Pis-----I learned lots about islam
and 'ummah ethos' that way. "friends" for me include -----work and social contacts------
--------------------------- and Christianity and Judaism existed long before 'islam' so i don't understand your point . In fact its my halfway thought opinion that without out Judaism and Christianity there would be NO 'islam' . islam seems to copy both Judaism and Christianity as it copies the names and concepts , especially in Christianity MYam .
That's was in reference to those you want the U.S. Constitution amended to no longer recognize Islam as a religion so that all of the anti-Islamic animosity that currently exists can be implemented against Muslim without any Constitutional protections - like what they did to the communist during the McCarthy era - deportations, firing from government jobs, red scare & hysteria everywhere, etc.
---------------------------------- doesn't need Amending . All thats needed is Courts and Judges and Conservative interpretations same as the liberal Judges have had liberal interpretations . Foreign based muslims have no 1ST Amendment protections of religion to come to the USA as far as i can tell Myam .
Well maybe that's where part of the problem lies. There seem to be a whole lot of people who seem obvious to the fact that there are millions of Muslims living in the U.S. who were born here and they are busy at work trying to strip or reduce their constitutional protections.

From my perspective this is no different than all the bullshit legislation, policies & procedures crafted that relegated people of African descent to second class citizenship status. It's almost like you all need a new target to beat up on.

It's a regular rotation, like a Top 40 radio station. Today it's "Muslims", yesterday it was "Jews", before that "Catholics", "Germans", "Eye-talians", "Irish", "Chinese", "Bohunks", on and on and on. Same shit, different target, lather, rinse repeat.

Except Jews don’t go to foreign countries and blow shit up over cartoons. Thanks for your idiotic input. Pigo.

it is a matter of ETHOS-----the murder of kaffirin who "insult" islam,
muhummad, or allah------is highly prized in the ethos of the Ummah.
Both muhummad and allah are very touchy and they are "islam"
A person from England (where else?) is "anjem chaudary"
(?spelling) He said it right-----approximately---'if people are murdered
for insulting muslims or muhummad, it is their own fault----because they
know how muslims feel about it' ---it is a unique right of muslims-----

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