Muslims offended by gay marriage

Waiting 6 mths for MRI. Bullshit. Republican dogma.

NO, dude or dudette, its true. I have relatives in the UK and they don't lie.
I don't think you lie either. I think you believe the b******* that comes out of your mouth. I'll ensure your relatives do to

all normal human beings believe what is proven true. only mentally challenged liberals defer to ideology rather than facts.
Just refer to this post of yours. Think of what nonsense that is coming from a person who believes something just because millions of others also believe without any proof whatsoever. You're the one who believes because of ideology not facts not logic. Not Reason not science and not evidence.

I have proof of my beliefs. I am sorry that you have nothing to believe in but what your left wing handlers feed you.
I believe in the truth facts science love luck chance I just don't believe in an ultimate creator. At least not one that created us in His image or wants us to worship him or gave us 10 commandments. I'm sorry you think it's necessary for somebody to have this believed to be happy you're insane. I'm sorry you didn't live four thousand years ago in believe in Zeus. What possibly makes you believe the new God after Zeus is any more real than Zeus? Do you really believe he visited? What would Spock think of you?
Think about it everyone. Joseph Smith of the Mormons full of s***. Muhammad full of crap. The Catholic Church give me a break. So what makes me believe zeus wasn't real and humans made that up but the God after that we invented is any more real? Unless you're going to quote the Bible and thats all hearsay. Certainly not scientific fact.
all normal human beings believe what is proven true. only mentally challenged liberals defer to ideology rather than facts.
How can you say that when your side is the one that believes in God which cannot be proven and makes absolutely no sense? You believe in fairy tales. So if you believe that without proof how gullible are you?

The existence of God has been proven to me. To me personally, and to millions of others of all faiths.

Your denial does not change that reality.
Muslims agree with you 100 percent

muslims want gays exterminated. I want them to be able to lead full free lives and be treated as equals.

The gay marriage issue has nothing to do with those basic beliefs.

I know that you libs don't get that and never will. but thats your loss.
You guys just say that they're going to burn in hell for all eternity. Much nicer than what the Muslims believe.

wrong again. and again your ignorance is tremendous
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Nothing made up about it. Muslims are offended by the gay marriage ruling. Its just a simple fact.

The cite I provided was in response to your stupid claim that there was no evidence of muslims killing gays.

As to thinking before posting, I realize that when all you do is post left wing talking points and lies no thinking is required. So your ignorance and arrogance are expected.
I believe it is more important to Christians that a person believe in any God rather than no god at all. So ultimately I would believe that Christians and Muslims would unite and try to stomp out athiests.

I don't believe Christians would side with freedom from religion. Just like they've buddied up with the Jews. It wasn't always that way but the Muslims brought them together. Will us athiests unite all the crazies?

you are completely wrong. your ignorance is tremendous.
You never get anywhere if you don't explain why exactly

Its quite simple. What you said about Christians in the previous post is not true. no more explanation is needed.
Think about it everyone. Joseph Smith of the Mormons full of s***. Muhammad full of crap. The Catholic Church give me a break. So what makes me believe zeus wasn't real and humans made that up but the God after that we invented is any more real? Unless you're going to quote the Bible and thats all hearsay. Certainly not scientific fact.

you are free to believe, or not believe, whatever you want. I am secure in my beliefs. God has proven himself to me and I have had prayers answered. No insults you hurl at me will ever have any affect or change what I believe.

Can science PROVE love?
There are no Muslim countries where gay marriage is legal. Muslims are with YOU on the issue.

and muslimes are with you for wanting to behead, kill and destroy all Christians, you liberfools have more in common with muslime extremists than we do. :up:

Such as? I don't want to behead Christians or destroy them.

Next example please.

so.., you really do love Christians and approve of their religious human values and their right to deny qweers wanting to mary in churches and baking their perverted cakes..., basically you are agreeing with me..., RIGHT ?

oooh, when are you going to post proof of pissing on Moohamad ?
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Muslims and Redfish have the same belief

ridiculous statement from the forum idiot. The only belief that I share with muslims is a belief in God. Thats where the similarities end. Although there are some passages in the koran that are similar to some in the Bible.

The main difference is that Christianity teaches love and the basic goodness of all people. while islam teaches hatred of those who not believe as they do.

Both you and Muslims have an irrational hatred of gays

American Taliban
There are no Muslim countries where gay marriage is legal. Muslims are with YOU on the issue.

and muslimes are with you for wanting to behead, kill and destroy all Christians, you liberfools have more in common with muslime extremists than we do. :up:

Such as? I don't want to behead Christians or destroy them.

Next example please.

so.., you really do love Christians and approve of their religious human values and their right to deny qweers wanting to mary in churches and baking their perverted cakes..., basically you are agreeing with me..., RIGHT ?

oooh, when are you going to post proof of pissing on Moohamad ?

You don't get to act out your bigotry in the US, your 'religious' loopholes notwithstanding.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Muslims and Redfish have the same belief

ridiculous statement from the forum idiot. The only belief that I share with muslims is a belief in God. Thats where the similarities end. Although there are some passages in the koran that are similar to some in the Bible.

The main difference is that Christianity teaches love and the basic goodness of all people. while islam teaches hatred of those who not believe as they do.

Both you and Muslims have an irrational hatred of gays

American Taliban

I don't hate gays. I don't even hate you. I hate your lies, I hate obama's lies.
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Nothing made up about it. Muslims are offended by the gay marriage ruling. Its just a simple fact.

The cite I provided was in response to your stupid claim that there was no evidence of muslims killing gays.

As to thinking before posting, I realize that when all you do is post left wing talking points and lies no thinking is required. So your ignorance and arrogance are expected.

Wrong Chickenfish...some Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc are "offended" by gays marrying. Some Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc actually want to kill people over it. We are America...we don't give in to terrorist demands.
What other laws and rights in this nation should be based of the delicate constitution of ISIS?
What other laws and rights in this nation should be based of the delicate constitution of ISIS?

damn, are you really that stupid. This thread once again points out the hypocrisy of liberals. One minute they are doing everything possible to not offend muslims, then when a gay issue comes along offending muslims is just hunky dorry.

you libs are perverted assholes with no principles except your self promotion.

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