Muslims offended by gay marriage

...Before man there was no God. We invented him, not the other way around.
Thank you for your expression of personal opinion on the subject.
It's not personal, it's human history..,
It is your personal and biased interpretation of human history. Spun from other angles, it looks much different.
It's nothing of the kind.
I understand that you do not perceive it thusly... that much is a 'gimme'.
Incredible! 301 posts - the vast majority of which are liberals attacking Republicans - which has absolutely nothing to do with the OP!!!!! :321:

This is so typical. And, as for Muslims, the left will never understand that one who believes in the Koran is always determined to live by its commandments - so-called moderate or radical - both are equal.

So, all this silly male bovine excrement is nothing but a waste of time and disk space.:9:
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.

Then they're preaching a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, pure and simple.

That's what the bigots said when white churches started letting the "mud people" in.
Pure coincidence, and irrelevant.

Is he-she-it telling the truth?

Are there Judeo-Christian scripture, dogma, doctrine and traditional teachings, that designate homosexuality as an abomination in the eyes of God and Man?

If 'yes', then charges of bigotry may be safely set aside - with prejudice.

:lol:'s "pure coincidence" that bigots have always fought against change? I don't think so. More like, bigots don't change their spots, just their targets.

The same Judeo-Christian scripture, dogma, doctrine and traditional teachings designates the following as "abominations":

  1. Lobsters, shrimp, clams, octopus, and squidsWhatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you. Leviticus 11:12
  2. Four-legged fowlsAll fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you. Leviticus 11:20
  3. Four-footed flying, creeping thingsBut all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. Leviticus 11:23
  4. Whatever crawls on its belly, goes on all four, or has lots of legsWhatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth ... are an abomination. Leviticus 11:42
  5. Sacrificing a blemished sheep or goatThou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock, or sheep, wherein is blemish, or any evilfavouredness: for that is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 17:1
  6. Women who wear men's clothing
    The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.Deuteronomy 22:5
  7. The hire of a whore or the price of a dogThou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.Deuteronomy 23:18
  8. Taking back an ex-wife after she's been defiled
    (If you get married and then find that you hate your wife because she's unclean or something, go ahead and divorce her and kick her out of your house. After she's gone, if some other guy marries her and also hates her and divorces her, don't take her back as your wife. It really pisses God off. It's an abomination to him.)When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man's wife. And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife; Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD.Deuteronomy 24:1-4
  9. The work of a craftsmanCursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman.... Deuteronomy 27:15
  10. Whatever people value the most
    (Like kindness, wisdom, truth, courage, honesty, love, compassion, beauty?)That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Luke 16:15
Top 10 Abominations to god
Yes, I'm sure that some homosexual(s) with waaaaaaayyy too much time on his-her-its-their hands, drummed-up this ready-made list of archaic prohibitions that we no longer adhere to, for the precise purpose of pretending to portray these ancient prohibitions of bygone days, as equivalent to the prohibitions against homosexual perversion.

And, I'm sure that some straight folks with waaaaaayyy too much time on their hands, can conjure-up a similar collection of points, without so much as breaking a sweat.

The problem for you, in this context, is - most of those prohibitions are badly dated and haven't been practiced in hundreds or thousands of years on any sort of appreciable scale.

Whereas revulsion and shunning of sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) is alive and well and is reinforced by thousands of years of active enforcement.

And I'm sure that slavery is in the Bible. There are even instructions on how to treat one’s slaves. Slavery is not legal and even the most devout can’t own any human beings.

Mutilations for punishments are all over the place in the Bible for various crimes including theft and being a prostitute. Christians in some places still practice them. In the U.S. the Constitution prohibits such things; they are illegal.

Usury is condemned as an abomination in the Bible. Are Christians being threatened by the interest rates being charged poor people?

The Puritans stoned both gays and adulterers, then later just the gays. Now Christians don't stone either. How do your Christian ideals cope in such an ever changing landscape?
funny, but how about trying a valid muslim website, CAIR maybe. or you could ask the ayatollah of Iran.

Although the Ayatollah may hunker for one, he is NOT entitled to US citizenship.
Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.

Entitled to your own opinion but NOT to your own facts:

It turns out the British National Health Service (NHS) — a system free at the point of service and funded by tax money — is pretty popular, despite the frequent controversy in the tabloids.

An impressive 61% of respondents said they were "satisfied" with the socialized health care system, according to a British Social Attitudes survey released today.

To give you an idea of how that stacks against the U.S. health care system, take a look at a comparative study that appeared in the Health Affairs journal earlier this year. Using patient satisfaction surveys from 11 different countries, the authors found that just 28.9% of U.S. citizens felt that their health care system "works pretty well, and only minor changes are necessary to make it work better." The figure for the United Kingdom was 61.3%

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muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Most insane basis for an OP ever.
How in the fuck does "this ruling" translate to terror attacks? Why the fuck would they care what we're doing internally? You don't have much of a grip on the nature of terrorism do ya?

Oh and nice touch basing your link on a Yahoo search. Found a way to lower the bar on "I got nothin'". :thup:
That is simply not true. Fox gives air to both sides and thats what you can't stand.
Even you know that when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because your arguments are not based on facts and truth, they are based on false emotion and bullshit.

Actually, FOX uses weak-kneed "libs" as punching bags to further promote their neo-fascist agenda.
...Before man there was no God. We invented him, not the other way around.
Thank you for your expression of personal opinion on the subject.
It's not personal, it's human history..,
It is your personal and biased interpretation of human history. Spun from other angles, it looks much different.
It's nothing of the kind.
I understand that you do not perceive it thusly... that much is a 'gimme'.
History is on my side, not yours.
...And I'm sure that slavery is in the Bible. There are even instructions on how to treat one’s slaves. Slavery is not legal and even the most devout can’t own any human beings...
Yep. Conflicting signals. Had believers erred on the side of freedom, Europe and America would not have enslaved many millions of Africans, and we could have avoided many generations of trauma and suffering by those lost souls, and their descendants, and our own Civil War would never have happened, and we would not have lost 600,000 of our own, not to mention the vast and larger numbers of wounded, and all of those destroyed lives, connected to the fallen and maimed.

...Mutilations for punishments are all over the place in the Bible for various crimes including theft and being a prostitute...
Yep. Most commonly by people who do not recognize the simple fact that the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament were designed to supersede those of the Old, with the Old merely there for historical and philosophical background and as supplement for topical matter not covered explicitly or implicitly in the New.

...Christians in some places still practice them...
Possibly. And, if true, only in more backwards areas, where the mindset of the population is buried far in the past - pre-industrial, at the very least, and, usually, pre- Reformation, or extra -Reformation.

...In the U.S. the Constitution prohibits such things; they are illegal...
Thank God. Although this is also true for most places in The West which are dominated by a population largely Christian in confession.

...Usury is condemned as an abomination in the Bible. Are Christians being threatened by the interest rates being charged poor people?...
Yep. Christians are called upon to shun such practices. That doesn't stop the more ignorant amongst Believers and Unbelievers from engaging in the practice.

...The Puritans stoned both gays and adulterers, then later just the gays. Now Christians don't stone either...
Insofar as my own poor and amateurish understanding of such things goes, Jesus of Nazareth saved a Sinner from stoning, and served-up a lesson in shunning Sin while forgiving and protecting the Sinner. Psychotic do-it-yourself post-Reformation delusional Christian-wannabes like the Puritans allowed Old Testament examples to take precedence over the loving and forgiving and protective lessons taught by their nominal Teacher and Master and Lord.

...How do your Christian ideals cope in such an ever changing landscape?
Historically, intelligent and sincere and compassionate People of Faith generally have little difficulty with distinguishing Righteousness from Wickedness in any era, despite the trend or fashion or mood or fickleness or momentum of the times.
Thank you for your expression of personal opinion on the subject.
It's not personal, it's human history..,
It is your personal and biased interpretation of human history. Spun from other angles, it looks much different.
It's nothing of the kind.
I understand that you do not perceive it thusly... that much is a 'gimme'.
History is on my side, not yours.
Yes, of course, I'm sure you think you're right. Thank you.
It's not personal, it's human history..,
It is your personal and biased interpretation of human history. Spun from other angles, it looks much different.
It's nothing of the kind.
I understand that you do not perceive it thusly... that much is a 'gimme'.
History is on my side, not yours.
Yes, of course, I'm sure you think you're right. Thank you.
I don't have to think it, I simply am...
Name a terrorist attack on US soil carried out by a non-Muslim.

Unabomber attacks
OKC bombing
Centennial Olympic bombing
Sihk temple shooting
Christopher Dorner attacks
Killing of Dr. George Tiller
James Kopp attacks

Just to name a few....

I would need a link from you to prove these are all listed by the government as terrorist attacks.
Ah...I get it. You want to deny that they are terrorist attacks. Very clever.......................not.

Are you sure they weren't workplace violence?
Is there a reason they can't be both?

The reason is simple. If it happened before 2009, it was a terrorist attack. If it happened on Obama's watch, it is a terrorist attack if done by a non-Muslim. If it was a Muslim committing the act, it is workplace violence. I guess I have to concede that they were terrorist attacks even though not a lot of people were terrorized.
It is your personal and biased interpretation of human history. Spun from other angles, it looks much different.
It's nothing of the kind.
I understand that you do not perceive it thusly... that much is a 'gimme'.
History is on my side, not yours.
Yes, of course, I'm sure you think you're right. Thank you.
I don't have to think it, I simply am...
Of course you are.
Waiting 6 mths for MRI. Bullshit. Republican dogma.

Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?

You are correct, rich brits like socialized medicine. Why? because they aren't forced to participate in it. They can pay for the medical services that they need. Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.
I don't think so. It's nice not to have to worry about paying for your health care. if you want to start a business you don't have to worry about not having health care. If you lose your job you don't have to worry about not having health care. And why would the Rich want to pay for other people to be covered? Also you're in America the Rich have better healthcare than you do because they can pay for it but it's nice that you have at least basic coverage

someone has to pay for it idiot. its not FREE. if you like waiting 6 months for an MRI to see if you have cancer, fine. get in line.
That is simply not true. Fox gives air to both sides and thats what you can't stand.
Even you know that when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because your arguments are not based on facts and truth, they are based on false emotion and bullshit.

Actually, FOX uses weak-kneed "libs" as punching bags to further promote their neo-fascist agenda.

and MSNBC uses ??????????????????????????? libs, libs, and more libs.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Most insane basis for an OP ever.
How in the fuck does "this ruling" translate to terror attacks? Why the fuck would they care what we're doing internally? You don't have much of a grip on the nature of terrorism do ya?

Oh and nice touch basing your link on a Yahoo search. Found a way to lower the bar on "I got nothin'". :thup:

In Syria ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling. More is very likely and the USA is not secure under this administration.
Waiting 6 mths for MRI. Bullshit. Republican dogma.

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?

You are correct, rich brits like socialized medicine. Why? because they aren't forced to participate in it. They can pay for the medical services that they need. Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.
I don't think so. It's nice not to have to worry about paying for your health care. if you want to start a business you don't have to worry about not having health care. If you lose your job you don't have to worry about not having health care. And why would the Rich want to pay for other people to be covered? Also you're in America the Rich have better healthcare than you do because they can pay for it but it's nice that you have at least basic coverage

someone has to pay for it idiot. its not FREE. if you like waiting 6 months for an MRI to see if you have cancer, fine. get in line.

NO, dude or dudette, its true. I have relatives in the UK and they don't lie.
Waiting 6 mths for MRI. Bullshit. Republican dogma.

there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?

You are correct, rich brits like socialized medicine. Why? because they aren't forced to participate in it. They can pay for the medical services that they need. Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.
I don't think so. It's nice not to have to worry about paying for your health care. if you want to start a business you don't have to worry about not having health care. If you lose your job you don't have to worry about not having health care. And why would the Rich want to pay for other people to be covered? Also you're in America the Rich have better healthcare than you do because they can pay for it but it's nice that you have at least basic coverage

someone has to pay for it idiot. its not FREE. if you like waiting 6 months for an MRI to see if you have cancer, fine. get in line.

NO, dude or dudette, its true. I have relatives in the UK and they don't lie.
I don't think you lie either. I think you believe the b******* that comes out of your mouth. I'll ensure your relatives do to

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