Muslims offended by gay marriage

Given the killings of gays over the ruling yesterday I'd be careful attending any gay pride parades.
Now...isn't THAT an interesting post.

San Francisco's is of the few that is going on AFTER the historic ruling. It's going to be freaking AMAZING!!!! If I didn't hate crowds and traffic so much, I'd drive into the city. :D
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

Here's a slightly longer list.

Blessing of same-sex unions in Christian churches - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
and their church is divided over it I bet? this is just one other spin on Christianity the Presbyterians decided to go after rhe gay demographic opening up to them but the Catholics and baptists will continue to keep their dogma and not accept gays although the Pope has a nice spin on who is he's to judge so even the Catholic Church will adapt with society and evolve ust like everything else does. knowledge pretty powerful thing
...What's up with that?:dunno:
It's called taking-up sides against Your Own.

In all probability...

Even if you do not hold religious beliefs, you are a Westerner, and, like the rest of us, the inheritor of Western culture and tradition and morals and philosophy, which has a very strong connection to Christianity, as that belief system evolved and spread throughout Europe and its successor domains in the New World and Oceania.

When you equate Islam with Christianity - an erroneous position, quite arguably - you take sides against your own, in favor of those who would see us weakened and fall.

That does not go down very easily, amongst your fellow countrymen and fellow inheritors of our common Western culture.

Not exactly Rocket Science, when you get right down to it, is it?
Is there a reason you altered my post you quoted? Here, let me say it again:

It's an interesting thing I've noticed.....I say the same things about Muslims and Christians on these boards...because I feel the same about both religions.

When I say something about Christians...I'm called hateful and am persecuting them.
When I say the exact same thing about Muslims...I'm supporting them to the detriment of everything else.

What's up with that?:dunno:
same goes for what Christians want. who cares?
Given that Christians represent over 70% of the population of the United States, your present arrogance stands a very good chance of being humbled once again, in the not too distant future.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?
so you want to offend muslims and give them more reasons to kill you? interesting.
You may be a coward and want to kow tow to what moooslims want. Don't put us in that coward catagory with you.
same goes for what Christians want. who cares?
Given that Christians represent over 70% of the population of the United States, your present arrogance stands a very good chance of being humbled once again, in the not too distant future.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.

Except what you're "suggesting" is not supported in the polls in any way, shape or form. 60% of the 70% supports marriage equality.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.
You may be a coward and want to kow tow to what moooslims want. Don't put us in that coward catagory with you.
same goes for what Christians want. who cares?
Given that Christians represent over 70% of the population of the United States, your present arrogance stands a very good chance of being humbled once again, in the not too distant future.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.

Except what you're "suggesting" is not supported in the polls in any way, shape or form. 60% of the 70% supports marriage equality.
Yes, I understand your point. However, elections are the only polls that truly matter, in this context, and, I perceive a sea-change in their air, and a decided turn towards starboard.

We'll know whether that spidey-sense intuition was on-target or not, in about 17 months.
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

I'm glad you take this so lightly. It shows how little you understand the danger Islam presents to freedoms and choices of lifestyle.

I just hope it doesn't bite you in the butt in the future.
Given that Christians represent over 70% of the population of the United States, your present arrogance stands a very good chance of being humbled once again, in the not too distant future.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?

The American People are far too fickle for me to wager any money on the outcome.

But, just as the American People could not stand the idea of a 3rd Bush term (John McCain), they will not be able to stand the idea of a 3rd Obama term (Clinton), either.

The American political pendulum swings both ways.

And, quite honestly, it's swung a little TOO far to the Left in recent months - and Nature (the nature of the America voting public) is about to take its course.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.

Then they're preaching a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, pure and simple.
There's lots of reasons why Muslims and many others around the world hate us. But i can assure you 'Gay Marriage' probably doesn't make the list.
let's not forget though Islam is another stupid religion just like Christianity and Judaism. you can't deny the fact that Muslim Americans probably disprove of homosexuality. I'd be willing to bet they do. But I do notice Dave stayed very quiet on the issue and the only ones I know about it are Christian. so from a neutral third party position to me it seems like Christianity is the bigger threat to freedom in fairness

Yes, a slim majority of American Muslims do not "approve" of gays marrying (we don't care, we're not looking for anyone's approval...except the person we're marrying). 51% disapprove while 42% approve. Let's compare that to Evangelical Christians and Mormons shall we? 66% of White Evangelicals and 68% of Mormons disapprove.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?

The American People are far too fickle for me to wager any money on the outcome.

But, just as the American People could not stand the idea of a 3rd Bush term (John McCain), they will not be able to stand the idea of a 3rd Obama term (Clinton), either.

The American political pendulum swings both ways.

And, quite honestly, it's swung a little TOO far to the Left in recent months - and Nature (the nature of the America voting public) is about to take its course.
Who said anything about money....I usually do board bets...avatars, signatures, temporary bans, etc.
Humbled in what way? Are you suggesting Christian Sharia?


I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?

The American People are far too fickle for me to wager any money on the outcome.

But, just as the American People could not stand the idea of a 3rd Bush term (John McCain), they will not be able to stand the idea of a 3rd Obama term (Clinton), either.

The American political pendulum swings both ways.

And, quite honestly, it's swung a little TOO far to the Left in recent months - and Nature (the nature of the America voting public) is about to take its course.

Agreed. I for one am looking forward to the new resurgence of conservatism. For those who's memory is as short as their dicks, remember how Reagan was elected, following the failed administration of Jimmy Carter. We're about to see a repeat of that.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.

Then they're preaching a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, pure and simple.
Says you. They disagree.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.

Then they're preaching a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, pure and simple.

That's what the bigots said when white churches started letting the "mud people" in.

I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?

The American People are far too fickle for me to wager any money on the outcome.

But, just as the American People could not stand the idea of a 3rd Bush term (John McCain), they will not be able to stand the idea of a 3rd Obama term (Clinton), either.

The American political pendulum swings both ways.

And, quite honestly, it's swung a little TOO far to the Left in recent months - and Nature (the nature of the America voting public) is about to take its course.
Who said anything about money....I usually do board bets...avatars, signatures, temporary bans, etc.
Nahhhhh... like I said, the American People are far too fickle... but the Pendulum comment stands.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

No religion that I know of, supports homosexuality or same-sex marriage. Christianity? Nope. Islam? Nope. Judaism? Nope. Buddhism? Nope. Hinduism? Nope. Taoism? Nope.

Well, maybe Satanism and demon cult worship. :dev3:

The Presbyterians do. They're Christian.
As do the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and the Methodists.

Then they're preaching a false doctrine that is contrary to the Bible, pure and simple.

That's what the bigots said when white churches started letting the "mud people" in.
Pure coincidence, and irrelevant.

Is he-she-it telling the truth?

Are there Judeo-Christian scripture, dogma, doctrine and traditional teachings, that designate homosexuality as an abomination in the eyes of God and Man?

If 'yes', then charges of bigotry may be safely set aside - with prejudice.

I am suggesting that the 70%+ (black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever) percentage of the population that identifies as Christian will, in the main, and in large part, be sufficiently disgusted with much of what has been shoved down the country's throat, so as to vote Liberals out of office and onto the sidelines for a very long time, after Obama's term of office has been completed.

Democracy in action.
Yeah...that's gonna happen. :rofl:
Gotta just LOVE the arrogance...

That's one of the most ironic, delightful and powerful weapons in the Conservative Comeback that you're going to be witnessing in the coming months.

Please continue to believe that you have the upper hand in the coming general election...

It will make the (by now) all-but-inevitable take-down all-the-easier, and all-the-sweeter, when Judgment Day comes, in November 2016.

Tick... tick... tick.
Maybe you'd like to make some kind of wager as to what will happen in the 2016 election?

The American People are far too fickle for me to wager any money on the outcome.

But, just as the American People could not stand the idea of a 3rd Bush term (John McCain), they will not be able to stand the idea of a 3rd Obama term (Clinton), either.

The American political pendulum swings both ways.

And, quite honestly, it's swung a little TOO far to the Left in recent months - and Nature (the nature of the America voting public) is about to take its course.

Agreed. I for one am looking forward to the new resurgence of conservatism. For those who's memory is as short as their dicks, remember how Reagan was elected, following the failed administration of Jimmy Carter. We're about to see a repeat of that.
Yes. That seems likely. Sounds like fun. And a breath of fresh, clean air.

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