Muslims offended by gay marriage

Once again the dumb republicans can't understand the concept of respect.

I want the respect for Muslims to practice their religion freely. That doesn't mean I agree with everything they believe. I don't want people to discriminate against Muslims because of their beliefs.

Does that get into your thick skull?
It's an interesting thing I've noticed.....I say the same things about Muslims and Christians on these boards...because I feel the same about both religions.

When I say something about Christians...I'm called hateful and am persecuting them.
When I say the exact same thing about Muslims...I'm supporting them to the detriment of everything else.

What's up with that?:dunno:
The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.
No the point is you are an attention seeking liar.

Why do you continue to create these stupid fucking thread when YOU YOURSELF said they were unnecessary and you were not only done posting in them, but you'd not create anymore. Yet here we are.
these are wedge issues the right loves to used to divide the masses. if it weren't for these divisive issues what would the Republicans have? They certainly don't benefit the people who vote Republican because of God gays guns and racism financially.
Nonsense. The right is no worse than the left at dividing us. Both sides manipulate voters to further themselves. Stop being stupid
you mean the left argues why theyre right on all of these issues to make political points? Of course
Aaaand were done here
Thanks for stopping by and at least trying to get them to see reason.
she has the right to do or say stupid things that put her life at risk. Free speech is available to everyone in this country, even hate speech.

The problem with you right wingers is that you like to pick-n-choose parts of the Constitution (and Bible) that supports your biased ideology.

Above you state that you're all for free speech but yet you reject The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment which offers definitive support for gay marriages.

that is what the SC ruled. many constitutional scholars disagree with that ruling, but for now that is the law and we all must abide by it. We will see what affects this has on our society.

What will the court do when a polygamy case is brought to them using the 14th and the gay marriage ruling as precedent?

the slippery slope is real whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

It's not a precedent. Polygamy is not monogamy.

If there were a precedent, it was set when states legalized man/woman monogamous marriage.

bullshit, for over 3000 years marriage was recognized as one man and one woman, this SC ruling changes that. it does set a precedent for multiple marriage whether you admit it or not. Just wait, the next SC challenge will be by polygamists. are trying to say that the Supreme Court ruling changes 3000 years of marriage? How can that be when our country and its laws have only been around for about 240 years? You aren't very good with this history stuff, are you?
no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You do realize that with the exception of Australia, virtually ALL industrial and progressive countries could not care less about gay marriages.....and, somehow, the planet survives.

good for the aussies. Europe is a mess. Do you think China allows gay marriage? Russia? Japan? India?

you are full of shit. you are a liar.
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries. :rofl:
Name a terrorist attack on US soil carried out by a non-Muslim.

Unabomber attacks
OKC bombing
Centennial Olympic bombing
Sihk temple shooting
Christopher Dorner attacks
Killing of Dr. George Tiller
James Kopp attacks

Just to name a few....

I would need a link from you to prove these are all listed by the government as terrorist attacks.
Ah...I get it. You want to deny that they are terrorist attacks. Very clever.......................not.

Are you sure they weren't workplace violence?
Is there a reason they can't be both?
no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You do realize that with the exception of Australia, virtually ALL industrial and progressive countries could not care less about gay marriages.....and, somehow, the planet survives.

good for the aussies. Europe is a mess. Do you think China allows gay marriage? Russia? Japan? India?

you are full of shit. you are a liar.
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries. :rofl:
sometimes it seems like grandpa is arguing with me sometimes not. Does he happen to be a conservative who just so happens to be open to gay rights?
The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.
No the point is you are an attention seeking liar.

Why do you continue to create these stupid fucking thread when YOU YOURSELF said they were unnecessary and you were not only done posting in them, but you'd not create anymore. Yet here we are.
these are wedge issues the right loves to used to divide the masses. if it weren't for these divisive issues what would the Republicans have? They certainly don't benefit the people who vote Republican because of God gays guns and racism financially.
Nonsense. The right is no worse than the left at dividing us. Both sides manipulate voters to further themselves. Stop being stupid
you mean the left argues why theyre right on all of these issues to make political points? Of course
Aaaand were done here
why because you agree with me?
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?
I don't read any of that idiot's posts. I put that fool on ignore weeks ago.

Well, as a service to your knowledge base, here's the link (you're welcome)

Largest U.S. Muslim Organization Supports LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill

your cite is from a gay/lesbian website. got any valid :link:
don't expect to find the truth on Drudge rush or Fox

of those 3, Fox would the most likely to have something truthful. But go to any valid muslim website and ask the question. We'll be waiting
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

You thought wrong because you're retarded.

so you want to offend muslims and give them more reasons to kill you? interesting.
You may be a coward and want to kow tow to what moooslims want. Don't put us in that coward catagory with you.
same goes for what Christians want. who cares?
Given that Christians represent over 70% of the population of the United States, your present arrogance stands a very good chance of being humbled once again, in the not too distant future.
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?

You are correct, rich brits like socialized medicine. Why? because they aren't forced to participate in it. They can pay for the medical services that they need. Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?
Liberals gush all over themselves trying to defend Muslims, until the Muslims stand in their way, and then the Muslims get thrown under the bus, just like the rest.
When you start your post with a lie...why should we believe anything you say?
Trouble for you, in this regard, is that what I said is the truth... all your automatic gainsay to the contrary notwithstanding.
I don't read any of that idiot's posts. I put that fool on ignore weeks ago.

Well, as a service to your knowledge base, here's the link (you're welcome)

Largest U.S. Muslim Organization Supports LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill

your cite is from a gay/lesbian website. got any valid :link:
don't expect to find the truth on Drudge rush or Fox

of those 3, Fox would the most likely to have something truthful. But go to any valid muslim website and ask the question. We'll be waiting
Fox doesn't mind using the gay issue as a nice divisive issue to divide us the masses the people who should never be voting GOP for financial reasons at least.
Look at you...supporting what China, Russia, Japan and India well as the Muslim countries

Except, of course, when you bring up free health care......Then support for those other countries becomes mockery.
there must be a reason why every other country in the civilized world has socialized medicine. Its funny I have British friends who are conservative here in America but do agree socialized medicine makes sense. I think their greed and feeling like their superior because they make a lot of money gets them to put common sense aside involved with a party they believe has their best financial interest at heart. and since they get free health care at work what do they care?

You are correct, rich brits like socialized medicine. Why? because they aren't forced to participate in it. They can pay for the medical services that they need. Poor and middle class brits hate the NHS.
I don't think so. It's nice not to have to worry about paying for your health care. if you want to start a business you don't have to worry about not having health care. If you lose your job you don't have to worry about not having health care. And why would the Rich want to pay for other people to be covered? Also you're in America the Rich have better healthcare than you do because they can pay for it but it's nice that you have at least basic coverage
There's lots of reasons why Muslims and many others around the world hate us. But i can assure you 'Gay Marriage' probably doesn't make the list.

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