Muslims offended by gay marriage

What the Hell does not piss off Muslims? Oh yeah, the same the does not piss off Christians..
if it offends Muslims, then why wont Obama hold a "Gay Muslim Summit" with some of their leaders, and they call all wolfe down small portions of Michelle Obamas pastries and consume gay cocktails.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

A better question is this: Do you realize just how much you and right wingers have in common with radical Muslims?

As soon as a right winger cuts a gays head off you will have a point.

American Muslims don't either. Extremist Christians and Muslims in other countries do.

Here in the U.S., gays get more support for equal rights and protections from Muslims than evangelical Christians.

Here is one for you.

The Muslim Convert Behind America s First Workplace Beheading - The Daily Beast

As usual it is labeled 'workplace violence' by the Obama suckups. I would like to see a link to Muslims supporting gays in the US.
Name a terrorist attack on US soil carried out by a non-Muslim.

Unabomber attacks
OKC bombing
Centennial Olympic bombing
Sihk temple shooting
Christopher Dorner attacks
Killing of Dr. George Tiller
James Kopp attacks

Just to name a few....

They were called terrorist attacks before Obama and even under Obama if they were done by a non-Muslim. Now any attack by a Muslim is called workplace violence.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

A better question is this: Do you realize just how much you and right wingers have in common with radical Muslims?

As soon as a right winger cuts a gays head off you will have a point.

American Muslims don't either. Extremist Christians and Muslims in other countries do.

Here in the U.S., gays get more support for equal rights and protections from Muslims than evangelical Christians.

Here is one for you.

The Muslim Convert Behind America s First Workplace Beheading - The Daily Beast

As usual it is labeled 'workplace violence' by the Obama suckups. I would like to see a link to Muslims supporting gays in the US.



Human Rights Campaign

Gays are in no more danger from American Muslims than they are American Evangelicals. Maybe less so.
I would like to see where the US government labeled these as 'terrorist' attacks.

No, I don't think you would like to see that. You know damn well these were terrorist attacks. You're desperately trying to avoid the fact.

Look, before you go and make a mockery out of yourself, all you have to do is say "oops, my bad" and move on, leaving the Islamophobia behind. Question is, which is more important to you: Logic and self respect, or Islamophobia?
Name a terrorist attack on US soil carried out by a non-Muslim.

Unabomber attacks
OKC bombing
Centennial Olympic bombing
Sihk temple shooting
Christopher Dorner attacks
Killing of Dr. George Tiller
James Kopp attacks

Just to name a few....

I would need a link from you to prove these are all listed by the government as terrorist attacks.

Are you seriously so uninformed that you aren't familiar with at least one of these?

Did you hear about all of these?

· 1977 Hanafi Siege

· 1993 World Trade Center bombing

· 1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

· 1997 Murder of Prison Guard by Haneef Bilal[33]

· 2000 H. Rap Brown(Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin) shoots two police officers

· 2000 New York terror attack

· 2000 millennium attack plots

· 2001 September 11 attacks

· 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting

· 2002 José Padilla (Abdullah al-Muhajir) Plot

· 2002 Buffalo Six

· 2004 financial buildings plot

· 2005 Los Angeles bomb plot

· 2006 Sears Tower plot

· 2006 Toledo terror plot

· 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot

· 2007 Fort Dix attack plot

· 2007 John F. Kennedy International Airport attack plot

· 2009 Little Rock recruiting office shooting

· 2009 Bronx terrorism plot

· 2009 Dallas Car Bomb Plot by Hosam Maher Husein Smadi[34]

· 2009 New York City Subway and United Kingdom plot

· 2009 Fort Hood shooting

· 2009 Colleen LaRose arrested (not made public until March 2010)

· 2010 King Salmon, Alaska local meteorologist and wife assassination plots

· 2010 Alleged Washington Metro bomb plot

· 2011 Waltham triple murder

· 2011 Alleged Saudi Arabian student bomb plots

· 2011 Manhattan terrorism plot

· 2011 Lone Wolf New York City, Bayonne, NJ pipe bombs plot.

· 2012 Car bomb plot in Florida.[35]

· 2013 Boston Marathon bombing

· 2013 Wichita Airport bombing plot

All of them? You asked for one. I gave a list of several. Surely you're familiar with at least one on my list.
Name a terrorist attack on US soil carried out by a non-Muslim.

Unabomber attacks
OKC bombing
Centennial Olympic bombing
Sihk temple shooting
Christopher Dorner attacks
Killing of Dr. George Tiller
James Kopp attacks

Just to name a few....

I would need a link from you to prove these are all listed by the government as terrorist attacks.

Are you seriously so uninformed that you aren't familiar with at least one of these?

Did you hear about all of these?

· 1977 Hanafi Siege

· 1993 World Trade Center bombing

· 1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

· 1997 Murder of Prison Guard by Haneef Bilal[33]

· 2000 H. Rap Brown(Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin) shoots two police officers

· 2000 New York terror attack

· 2000 millennium attack plots

· 2001 September 11 attacks

· 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting

· 2002 José Padilla (Abdullah al-Muhajir) Plot

· 2002 Buffalo Six

· 2004 financial buildings plot

· 2005 Los Angeles bomb plot

· 2006 Sears Tower plot

· 2006 Toledo terror plot

· 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot

· 2007 Fort Dix attack plot

· 2007 John F. Kennedy International Airport attack plot

· 2009 Little Rock recruiting office shooting

· 2009 Bronx terrorism plot

· 2009 Dallas Car Bomb Plot by Hosam Maher Husein Smadi[34]

· 2009 New York City Subway and United Kingdom plot

· 2009 Fort Hood shooting

· 2009 Colleen LaRose arrested (not made public until March 2010)

· 2010 King Salmon, Alaska local meteorologist and wife assassination plots

· 2010 Alleged Washington Metro bomb plot

· 2011 Waltham triple murder

· 2011 Alleged Saudi Arabian student bomb plots

· 2011 Manhattan terrorism plot

· 2011 Lone Wolf New York City, Bayonne, NJ pipe bombs plot.

· 2012 Car bomb plot in Florida.[35]

· 2013 Boston Marathon bombing

· 2013 Wichita Airport bombing plot

All of them? You asked for one. I gave a list of several. Surely you're familiar with at least one on my list.

They were called 'terrorist' attacks when they were done by non-Muslims. Now when they are done by Muslims they are called 'work place' violence or attacks.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

A better question is this: Do you realize just how much you and right wingers have in common with radical Muslims?

As soon as a right winger cuts a gays head off you will have a point.

American Muslims don't either. Extremist Christians and Muslims in other countries do.

Here in the U.S., gays get more support for equal rights and protections from Muslims than evangelical Christians.

Here is one for you.

The Muslim Convert Behind America s First Workplace Beheading - The Daily Beast

As usual it is labeled 'workplace violence' by the Obama suckups. I would like to see a link to Muslims supporting gays in the US.



Human Rights Campaign

Gays are in no more danger from American Muslims than they are American Evangelicals. Maybe less so.

No credibility as far as I am concerned. ThinkProgress is an American liberal political news blog that "provide a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies" They have been caught just making shit up several times.
A better question is this: Do you realize just how much you and right wingers have in common with radical Muslims?

As soon as a right winger cuts a gays head off you will have a point.

American Muslims don't either. Extremist Christians and Muslims in other countries do.

Here in the U.S., gays get more support for equal rights and protections from Muslims than evangelical Christians.

Here is one for you.

The Muslim Convert Behind America s First Workplace Beheading - The Daily Beast

As usual it is labeled 'workplace violence' by the Obama suckups. I would like to see a link to Muslims supporting gays in the US.



Human Rights Campaign

Gays are in no more danger from American Muslims than they are American Evangelicals. Maybe less so.

No credibility as far as I am concerned. ThinkProgress is an American liberal political news blog that "provide a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies" They have been caught just making shit up several times.

They just reported the numbers. The source is the Public Religion Research Institute.

I noticed you ignored this:
Largest U.S. Muslim Organization Supports LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?
Thanks for equating ISIS with the GOP.

Aler Alert Alert ! we have a candidate for the dumb post of the day award. ^^^^^^^^^^. Didn't you win it twice last week?
It's your stupid thread that wins the award.

The OP is factual. Muslims are offended by the gay marriage ruling and it is very likely that that ruling will cost american lives. I am not saying we should cater to muslims, I am merely stating a fact.
no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You do realize that with the exception of Australia, virtually ALL industrial and progressive countries could not care less about gay marriages.....and, somehow, the planet survives.

good for the aussies. Europe is a mess. Do you think China allows gay marriage? Russia? Japan? India?

you are full of shit. you are a liar.
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.

I'm happy to offend Muslims any time. Always have been.
Hey, if Muslims are offended by equal rights, go back to bigot land and take the cons with them.

Liberals like you might say that on a message board, but in reality you coddle all their bigotry and sensitivities at every corner. It is no coincidence that all the lawsuits were against Christian bakeries and none were Muslim bakeries!
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.

I'm happy to offend Muslims any time. Always have been.
Hey, if Muslims are offended by equal rights, go back to bigot land and take the cons with them.

Liberals like you might say that on a message board, but in reality you coddle all their bigotry and sensitivities at every corner. It is no coincidence that all the lawsuits were against Christian bakeries and none were Muslim bakeries!

Nope. I think the Muslim religion is foolish and based on a fairy tale. I think fundamentalist Muslims are a danger to freedom loving people the world over. I piss on pictures of Mohammed.
See Democrats are great at finding the key issue and playing to that and it doesn't matter what issues they support from there:
1. Latino: unrestricted illegal immigration.
2. Blacks: increased welfare. Faux racism in things like voter ID.
3. Muslims: hate on Israel.
4. Union members: free reign pensions.

The list goes on and on. Once they find that key issue they can basically take any other stance they choose.

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