Muslims offended by gay marriage

no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You do realize that with the exception of Australia, virtually ALL industrial and progressive countries could not care less about gay marriages.....and, somehow, the planet survives.
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.

I'm happy to offend Muslims any time. Always have been.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Holy fuck. ANOTHER gay marriage thread.

Dude, you are obsessed.

no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You were just lamenting yesterday about how you were sick of the topic and whining about how you didn't want to talk about it anymore.

And yet like a crack head looking to score, here you are again. With another thread.

Don't ever bullshit us about how you don't want to discuss the issue. You're obsessed with it.
You'd think the hole he keeps digging would be deep enough for that dead horse cons never get tired of beating.
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.

I'm happy to offend Muslims any time. Always have been.
Hey, if Muslims are offended by equal rights, go back to bigot land and take the cons with them.
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession
Ouch... did some of this hit a little too close to home?
no, just pissed off at what my country has become. this is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

liberalism and PC are destroying this great nation and it PISSES me off.

sorry if you are offended, I don't give a shit if you are offended.

You do realize that with the exception of Australia, virtually ALL industrial and progressive countries could not care less about gay marriages.....and, somehow, the planet survives.
Australian's ended up with Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, and now Tony Abbott.

During their time as Prime Minister of Australia both Rudd and Gillard used their political influence to silence debate on same-sex marriage. It was a circumstance that probably won't be repeated, as the current Labor party is no longer led by two politicians opposed to same-sex marriage: Time to make marriage equality a reality Australia s Labor Party Gay Star News
The US has upheld the truth of equality for all, said Labor Leader Bill Shorten and deputy Tanya Plibersek in a statement referring to the US Supreme Court's historic ruling on Friday that marriage equality is a nationwide right.

The decision will now require all states to carry out and recognize same-sex marriage.

'This is a joyous day in America. In Australia, let us make it a call to action,' they said.

'It's time to make marriage equality a reality.'

The opposition leader earlier this month introduced a private member's bill seeking to legalize same-sex marriage by replacing the words 'man and woman' with 'two people.'
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Liberals will still allow Muslims to discriminate, it is only Christians that can't discriminate!
yes Muslims can chop off anyone's heads they want but Christians aren't allowed. you will go to hell and they will go to heaven and get 400 virgin

Even liberals draw the line at murder.

But bakeries that refuse gay marriage ceremonies are OK for Muslims to do. See the clip, notice none of the lawsuits were against Muslim bakeries!

because their religion is anti gay they have the right to refuse but what right does a secular business in America have for discriminating against gays? But I do see your point
she has the right to do or say stupid things that put her life at risk. Free speech is available to everyone in this country, even hate speech.

The problem with you right wingers is that you like to pick-n-choose parts of the Constitution (and Bible) that supports your biased ideology.

Above you state that you're all for free speech but yet you reject The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment which offers definitive support for gay marriages.

that is what the SC ruled. many constitutional scholars disagree with that ruling, but for now that is the law and we all must abide by it. We will see what affects this has on our society.

What will the court do when a polygamy case is brought to them using the 14th and the gay marriage ruling as precedent?

the slippery slope is real whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
ok a man cannot marry two men then we're even. and a woman can't marry three women.

they can't because you say so? thats laughable. it will happen, gay marriage is the tip of the iceberg.
I can look in my crystal ball and tell you just like you were wrong about blacks and now gays that is not going to happen don't worry about it. no one is going to be arguing for polygamy and the public is not going to get behind polygamy ever dummy
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?
Thanks for equating ISIS with the GOP.

Aler Alert Alert ! we have a candidate for the dumb post of the day award. ^^^^^^^^^^. Didn't you win it twice last week?
It's your stupid thread that wins the award.
we wouldn't even be talking about this if it wasn't for that f** fish
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession

The point, which you are too stupid to get, is that liberals are hypocrites. One day they won't do or say anything to offend muslims who want to kill them, and the next day (because of the gay marriage ruling) they say " who gives a shit what muslims believe.

This is about liberal hypocrisy, maybe thats too complex for your simple mind.

I'm happy to offend Muslims any time. Always have been.
Christians too. I love offending all religious people because their religions offend me
This thread and participation in it should be an embarrassment to many of you but you're too stupid to realize it.

Gays exist. Gays can now marry. Get the fuck over it.
Also any other thread/topic every single one of you righties would be saying FUCK WHAT MUSLIMS THINKS

Seek help with your ridiculous obsession
Ouch... did some of this hit a little too close to home?
Nope. Just sick of conservatives bitching about the left throwing this issue in our faces when some of us are the ones who keep creating the same whiny ass in your face gay threads over and over.

Seriously do any among us give a rats ass what Muslims think on this issue? Of course not, it's just a means to an end to allow us to bring up the subject yet again.
There are so many more substantive debates worthy of having that we could actually have an impact on and quite possibly influence the outcome of yet here we are. Arguing adnosium about a matter that has had the final chapter written on and we have no chance to change. For what? It seems to me that the only possible outcome is that it pushes conservative principles even further away from most Americans. Just a way for us to have another no win pointless issue thrown in our faces repeatedly as we try to win public approval.
As a fiscal conservative I can see that issues like this can and will cost us elections because we take our eyes off of what really matters to most Americans. And that issue is not homosexuality.
Admirable point of view, Gramps.

Have you given much thought to the reason why so many leading Republicans have been and continue to spend so much time focused on social issues instead of championing their economic policy proposals?
One feels for poor, conflicted Democrat Party adherents.

On the one hand they suck Muslim ass but, on the other, they suck up to the perversion Muslims hate the most.

So it becomes a contest between Gay and Muslim for the soul of The Democrat if there were such a thing!

What's coming will be more entertaining than the most violent of video games - but not without a lot of comedy!
On the one hand they suck Muslim ass but, on the other, they suck up to the perversion Muslims hate the most.

So it becomes a contest between Gay and Muslim for the soul of The Democrat if there were such a thing!

Heck, you forgot to mention communist, socialist, Nazi, baby-killers, etc., in your inane rant......FOX will be very disappointed with your omissions. LOL
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

A better question is this: Do you realize just how much you and right wingers have in common with radical Muslims?

As soon as a right winger cuts a gays head off you will have a point.

American Muslims don't either. Extremist Christians and Muslims in other countries do.

Here in the U.S., gays get more support for equal rights and protections from Muslims than evangelical Christians.
And the liberals keep bringing muslims in by the hundreds of thousand per year. Liberals are dumb fools. The funnies is probably Sweden!!!! Boy'oh'boy they're fucking themselves.
I have not brought in one, and if you will notice, many Muslim are recruited to work here by corporations.....neither on a liberal or conservative agenda...derp..dupe...
Admirable point of view, Gramps.

Have you given much thought to the reason why so many leading Republicans have been and continue to spend so much time focused on social issues instead of championing their economic policy proposals?
Not really. It is near impossible to find ANYONE who champions those ideals. I could give or take on most of the social issues but everyone seems too obsessed with them currently for me to pay much attention to them.
I have my own opinions on the social issues but from my perspective they aren't to be forced on anyone else. We are supposed to be the land of the free after all.
Admirable point of view, Gramps.

Have you given much thought to the reason why so many leading Republicans have been and continue to spend so much time focused on social issues instead of championing their economic policy proposals?
Not really. It is near impossible to find ANYONE who champions those ideals. I could give or take on most of the social issues but everyone seems too obsessed with them currently for me to pay much attention to them.
I have my own opinions on the social issues but from my perspective they aren't to be forced on anyone else. We are supposed to be the land of the free after all.
You bought that propaganda whole hog...

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