Muslims offended by gay marriage

Both you and Muslims have an irrational hatred of gays

American Taliban

I don't hate gays. I don't even hate you. I hate your lies, I hate obama's lies.

You seem to be overly obsessed with denying rights to homosexuals

Comes with being part of the American Taliban

bullshit ! Gays have every right that you or I have. Marriage is NOT a constitutional right, it is a license issued by a state and may or may not be sanctioned by a church, synagoge, or mosque..

The federal govt has no business getting involved with creating a new definition of marriage. It has nothing to do with minority rights or any of the other crap you libs are spouting.

Seems the court declared it a Constitutional right a few days ago

It was in all the papers

the SC ruled based on political correctness, not the constitution. That does not make their ruling "right". But you are correct, we all have to abide by it until/unless a future congress clarifies the law.

You should read the ruling- since it actually cites the Constitution. Of course you can disagree with their ruling- but whether you agree or not marriage is a right.

And Congress cannot 'clarify' anything- the only thing that would serve your purpose of denying marriage to homosexuals is a Constitutional amendment, which Congress can- but will not- initiate.
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Question for you: How am I in more danger now?

And why are you such a coward?

I could care less about offending Muslims or Christians or Jews when it comes to allowing people in love to marry.

Oh- and how many more threads about gay marriage are you planning on starting- isn't this your fifth since you told us all we had more important things to post about?


Listen, fool. I don't give a shit about offending muslims, gays, liberals, assholes, rednecks, rappers, blacks, japs, or anyone else. I will express my views and opinions freely. If you don't like them, tough shit.

My only point in this thread is that there will be muslim attacks on gays and other americans because of this ruling.

That was pointed out to remind you libtardians that previously you would not do or say anything to offend muslims, but now that there is a gay issue-----------well. You are fricken hypocrites.
I don't hate gays. I don't even hate you. I hate your lies, I hate obama's lies.

You seem to be overly obsessed with denying rights to homosexuals

Comes with being part of the American Taliban

bullshit ! Gays have every right that you or I have. Marriage is NOT a constitutional right, it is a license issued by a state and may or may not be sanctioned by a church, synagoge, or mosque..

The federal govt has no business getting involved with creating a new definition of marriage. It has nothing to do with minority rights or any of the other crap you libs are spouting.

Seems the court declared it a Constitutional right a few days ago

It was in all the papers

the SC ruled based on political correctness, not the constitution. That does not make their ruling "right". But you are correct, we all have to abide by it until/unless a future congress clarifies the law.

You should read the ruling- since it actually cites the Constitution. Of course you can disagree with their ruling- but whether you agree or not marriage is a right.

And Congress cannot 'clarify' anything- the only thing that would serve your purpose of denying marriage to homosexuals is a Constitutional amendment, which Congress can- but will not- initiate.

4/9ths of the supreme court disagreed with that ruling. If all 9 ruled for it, you might have a point, but thats not what happened.

I thought you lefties opposed the "tyranny of the majority".
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Well you did a great job of pointing out once again that Redfish posts bullshit.

And remember- this is the fifth thread he has started about 'gay marriage'- because he thinks we should talk about something else....
What other laws and rights in this nation should be based of the delicate constitution of ISIS?

damn, are you really that stupid. This thread once again points out the hypocrisy of liberals..

Speaking of hypocrisy- how many threads have you started now about 'gay marriage'?

After telling us all we have more important things to post about?

4? 5?

Since you brought up hypocrisy, just worth pointing out.
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Well you did a great job of pointing out once again that Redfish posts bullshit.

And remember- this is the fifth thread he has started about 'gay marriage'- because he thinks we should talk about something else....

ISIS responds to US legalizing gay marriage by killing four gay men

everything I said is true. Sorry, libs, you lose again.
This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

Why do you want to appease terrorists, coward?

Did you even bother to read the thread, idiot. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of libs who would not do anything offensive to muslims, but now they are happy to offend them with this gay ruling.

If it was left to me, ISIS would be nothing but a pile of redioactive sand by now.
What other laws and rights in this nation should be based of the delicate constitution of ISIS?

damn, are you really that stupid. This thread once again points out the hypocrisy of liberals..

Speaking of hypocrisy- how many threads have you started now about 'gay marriage'?

After telling us all we have more important things to post about?

4? 5?

Since you brought up hypocrisy, just worth pointing out.

this thread is about liberal hypocrisy, the gay ruling is just another example.
This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

Why do you want to appease terrorists, coward?

Did you even bother to read the thread, idiot. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of libs who would not do anything offensive to muslims, but now they are happy to offend them with this gay ruling.

You built your OP on a false premise. A strawman fallacy. That "libs would not do anything offensive to muslims".



And you did it to conceal your desire to appease terrorists.
This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

Why do you want to appease terrorists, coward?

Did you even bother to read the thread, idiot. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of libs who would not do anything offensive to muslims, but now they are happy to offend them with this gay ruling.

You built your OP on a false premise. Sorry!

bullshit, the premise is 100% valid.

Read : ISIS responds to US legalizing gay marriage by killing four gay men
This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

Why do you want to appease terrorists, coward?

Did you even bother to read the thread, idiot. I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of libs who would not do anything offensive to muslims, but now they are happy to offend them with this gay ruling.

You built your OP on a false premise. Sorry!

bullshit, the premise is 100% valid.

Nope. You have this retarded idea that liberals want to keep all Muslims happy at any cost. You completely invented this joke. This is a hilarious, simpleminded, idiotic in the extreme, straw man premise.

Classic circular reasoning. Begging the question.
Explain, how you have proof? Because you believe something, doesn't mean there is proof!

muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Muslims and Redfish have the same belief

ridiculous statement from the forum idiot. The only belief that I share with muslims is a belief in God. Thats where the similarities end. Although there are some passages in the koran that are similar to some in the Bible.

The main difference is that Christianity teaches love and the basic goodness of all people. while islam teaches hatred of those who not believe as they do.
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Nothing made up about it. Muslims are offended by the gay marriage ruling. Its just a simple fact.

Because you say they are?
You seem to be overly obsessed with denying rights to homosexuals

Comes with being part of the American Taliban

bullshit ! Gays have every right that you or I have. Marriage is NOT a constitutional right, it is a license issued by a state and may or may not be sanctioned by a church, synagoge, or mosque..

The federal govt has no business getting involved with creating a new definition of marriage. It has nothing to do with minority rights or any of the other crap you libs are spouting.

Seems the court declared it a Constitutional right a few days ago

It was in all the papers

the SC ruled based on political correctness, not the constitution. That does not make their ruling "right". But you are correct, we all have to abide by it until/unless a future congress clarifies the law.

You should read the ruling- since it actually cites the Constitution. Of course you can disagree with their ruling- but whether you agree or not marriage is a right.

And Congress cannot 'clarify' anything- the only thing that would serve your purpose of denying marriage to homosexuals is a Constitutional amendment, which Congress can- but will not- initiate.

4/9ths of the supreme court disagreed with that ruling. If all 9 ruled for it, you might have a point, but thats not what happened.

I thought you lefties opposed the "tyranny of the majority".

Yeah- 4/9th of the court disagreed- they are called the dissent- and their dissent has no legal standing. Whether 4/9th or 9/9ths- the decision is just as legal and just as binding.

And as I pointed out- your idiotic claim that Congress can do something is just that.

Congress cannot 'clarify' anything- the only thing that would serve your purpose of denying marriage to homosexuals is a Constitutional amendment, which Congress can- but will not- initiate
muslims offended by gay marriage - AT T Yahoo Search Results

I thought that liberals did not want to offend muslims. This ruling puts americans in more danger from radical muslim terrorist attacks.

More hypocrisy from the left and more danger to american citizens.

Question for libs: Is gay marriage worth dying for?

Question for you: How am I in more danger now?

And why are you such a coward?

I could care less about offending Muslims or Christians or Jews when it comes to allowing people in love to marry.

Oh- and how many more threads about gay marriage are you planning on starting- isn't this your fifth since you told us all we had more important things to post about?


My only point in this thread is that there will be muslim attacks on gays and other americans because of this ruling..

Your only point in this thread is your on going attack on homosexuals who want to get married.

You just changed the music and claim to have invented a new dance craze.
not much of a googler are you? I found a whole page of cites from legitimate news outlets in 5 seconds.

Not much of a thinker, are you? This is YOUR assertion, therefore the onus is on YOU to back it up.

Let's review -- not me ---- YOU.

OK then two questions:

One --- where does it say anywhere in this article that "ISIS threw several gay men off a roof as a protest to the gay marriage ruling"? I could not find it.

And two--
Since the SCOTUS ruling only came this week ---- how do you suppose ISIS managed to carry out this protest in FEBRUARY -- four months before SCOTUS said jack shit?

Is ISIS psychic?
Is it really effective to commit a protest act BEFORE the act you're protesting has taken place?

Did the Supreme Court strike down linear time as well?


Again..... think before posting. Possibly you're confused on what that means.

First --- think. THEN post.
You'll find that the results of the first step often make the second unnecessary.
Especially on bullshit made-up crap like this.

Nothing made up about it. Muslims are offended by the gay marriage ruling. Its just a simple fact.

Because you say they are?

how many times do I have to post this?

ISIS responds to US legalizing gay marriage by killing four gay men

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