Muslims on Temple Mount Attack Police with Fireworks, Rocks and Live Ammunition

What a racket!!! One would need ear plugs to overcome the noise these thugs are making. How in the world do tourists who come from all over the world withstand such actions as those in the video?

Muslims on Temple Mount Attack Police with Fireworks, Rocks and Live Ammunition

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Muslims on Temple Mount Attack Police with Fireworks Rocks and Live Ammunition Israel Video Network
The police should be required to sweep up and dispose of all the debris, then hose the area down with aviation fuel to keep away the flies and mosquitoes.
Close the mount to everyone for a month.

how about-----ban muslims from Jerusalem forever?

Yes, that will work - about as well as trying to ban Jews from Jerusalem worked in 1948.

I really don't think banning people from the land where they have lived, worked and raised children for a thousand years is particularly useful.
Close the mount to everyone for a month.

how about-----ban muslims from Jerusalem forever?

Yes, that will work - about as well as trying to ban Jews from Jerusalem worked in 1948.

I really don't think banning people from the land where they have lived, worked and raised children for a thousand years is particularly useful.

Jews who lived in the city of Yathrib and raised children for
more than 1000 years were banned from that city about 1300 years ago------the city was renamed "medina"----and the ban has been holding up since. Fair is fair
Rosie -

I do not think many sensible people believe that any country should base their policies on events that took place 1,300 years ago in another country.
Rosie -

I do not think many sensible people believe that any country should base their policies on events that took place 1,300 years ago in another country.

the 'EVENT' to which I alluded did not HAPPEN long ago--it is STILL IN EFFECT----ie STILL HAPPENING. I do not think any decent people justify that sort of filth and DISMISS it with a cynical snort Doing so causes resentments that
lead to ----RETURNING THE COMPLIMENT having discovered an example of horrendous ignorance and prejudice on the part of the Saudis - your solution is to repeat the example in other countries. having discovered an example of horrendous ignorance and prejudice on the part of the Saudis - your solution is to repeat the example in other countries.

"horrendous ignorance'? I do not know you and therefore
do not have a concept of what sort of stuff YOU know. ----
The "prejudice" you describe is not "on the part of Saudis"---
IT IS ISLAM You make comments that suggest you have
"been around"-------if you have---you missed quite a bit.
I appreciate your use of the phrase "having discovered"---
as if it takes effort to uncover the "few examples" of filth
in shariah is ubiquitous in the system
and impacts on all sorts of people----including hindus unlucky enough to find themselves desperate enough
to take jobs I shariah cesspits
Rosie -

I do not think many sensible people believe that any country should base their policies on events that took place 1,300 years ago in another country.

does that include sharia law based on he quran and hadith?

This wasn't what I meant, of course, but actually yes - I do think states should base their laws and policies on something slightly more current than ancient hstory, the magna carta, bible, Koran or, for that matter, the US constitution. :)

This wasn't what I meant, of course, but actually yes - I do think states should base their laws and policies on something slightly more current than ancient hstory, the magna carta, bible, Koran or, for that matter, the US constitution. :)

OK your discussion has nothing to do with the ISSUES.
The issue of this thread is the fact that muslims are trying
to claim the ancient jewish holy site----the temple mount---
it is THE most important site for jews-----Jews have a right to defend it ----it is a moral issue. Several years ago----Hindus fought to REGAIN their ancient holy site ---the temple of---uhm I think RAMA----at Ayodhiya-----it had been taken several hundred years ago by a digusting murdering pig----BABUR----who built a mosque on to of it----
the good news is that the hindus got it back------slobs that steal or are in the process of stealing "holy" sites-----should get their own shit thrown in their faces. Either all
"ANCIENT HOLY SITES" are important ----or none are.
If you decide none are-----fine with me------lets pig-shit-bomb mecca and medina

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