Mustang Sally, Baby!

All I can say is

What the Hell Happened to the Republican Party...
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She lost because TRUE conservatives didn't like her.If that moron Arpaio had not run then Ward would have won the primary and beat that traitorous bitch that "won" the race.
Shouldn’t they appoint someone similar to McCain?

Hell no! Need something BETTER than McCain not another cuckservative whiner.

You contradict yourself . She should get nominated because she lost, but you can’t replace McCain wh a clone because you don’t like him. Even though HE won.
McSally only WON the primary because she encouraged Arpaio's dumbass to split the TRUE conservative vote allowing her to sneak away with the win.She RIGHTFULLY lost in the general as I expected her to because Trump voters weren't going to vote for her worthless ass. Kelli Ward is the rightful candidate for the job and I expect her to take on McSally in 2020 and win this time as long as that moron Arpaio stays out of it.
All I can say is

What the Hell Happened to the Republican Party...
It became a WORKERS first, AMERICA and AMERICANS first party. What the hell happened to the democrat party? So far left they went off a cliff. Its sad when you become MORE American,MORE pro worker that it raises concerns among the media and elitists and traitors to America....
All I can say is

What the Hell Happened to the Republican Party...
It became a WORKERS first, AMERICA and AMERICANS first party. What the hell happened to the democrat party? So far left they went off a cliff. Its sad when you become MORE American,MORE pro worker that it raises concerns among the media and elitists and traitors to America....
We hear the claims...but what we are seeing is a hell of a lot uglier than that
McSally Tapped to Replace Kyl in the Senate


USAF Retired Colonel appointed by Arizona governor Doug Ducey ® to fill McCain’s seat left vacant by the departing temporary senator.

Assuming McSally is sworn into the Senate before Sinema, she will become the state’s first female U.S. senator, as well as Arizona’s senior senator.

With her experience and long record of service, Martha is uniquely qualified to step up and fight for Arizona’s interests in the U.S. Senate,” Ducey added. “I thank her for taking on this significant responsibility and look forward to working with her and Senator-Elect Sinema to get positive things done.”

Oh how delicious! She would be senior to ultra-Leftist Sinema.

More @ McSally Tapped to Replace Kyl in the Senate | LifeZette
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She lost because TRUE conservatives didn't like her.If that moron Arpaio had not run then Ward would have won the primary and beat that traitorous bitch that "won" the race.
Shouldn’t they appoint someone similar to McCain?

Hell no! Need something BETTER than McCain not another cuckservative whiner.

You contradict yourself . She should get nominated because she lost, but you can’t replace McCain wh a clone because you don’t like him. Even though HE won.
McSally only WON the primary because she encouraged Arpaio's dumbass to split the TRUE conservative vote allowing her to sneak away with the win.She RIGHTFULLY lost in the general as I expected her to because Trump voters weren't going to vote for her worthless ass. Kelli Ward is the rightful candidate for the job and I expect her to take on McSally in 2020 and win this time as long as that moron Arpaio stays out of it.

Explain again why the AZ voters chose that Leftist loon Sinema over the combat veteran pilot, even after McSally accused Sinema of treason in a debate for saying its okay for Americans to join the Taliban???

McSally accuses Sinema of 'treason' in Arizona Senate debate
I'm glad McSally got the seat. She'll do a good job.

Wouldn't surprise me if she runs for that seat in two years and wins.
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She sold out the McCain wing by embracing Trump in the primary. So they didn't turn out for her in the general. This seat and Alexander's in Tenn move from safe to the dem have a faint shot. I doubt the dems will have 60 in the senate three times in my lifetime, but you can bet the senate is in play in 20
All I can say is

What the Hell Happened to the Republican Party...
What is this republican party of which you speak? (-:

I'd have voted for Franken to get rid of this shit in the WH

Franken may have had a chance against this 2016 field, but Trump was the real outsider with the right ideas

John Kasich (3.8 million votes)
Ted Cruz (7.3 million votes)
Marco Rubio (3.5 million votes)
Ben Carson (732,000 votes)
Jeb Bush (277,000 votes)
Jim Gilmore (3,000 votes)
  • Entered on July 29, 2015
  • Exited on Feb. 12, 2016
Chris Christie (57,000 votes)
Carly Fiorina (38,000 votes)
Rand Paul (65,000 votes)
Rick Santorum (17,000 votes)
Mike Huckabee (50,000 votes)
George Pataki (2,000 votes)
Lindsey Graham (6,000 votes)
Bobby Jindal (200 votes)
Scott Walker (no votes)
Rick Perry (no votes)
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She’s not a conservative
Rep. Martha McSally appointed to open Arizona Senate seat

Is Ducey tone deaf? She LOST for a reason in November! TRUE republicans don't want her! He folded to the McCain whiners family like its ANY of their business who he appointed....should have appointed someone more in line with President Trump which would be Kelli Ward who I guarantee will primary McSally in 2020....

"RINO"s do not exist in the Senate. Senators exist in the Senate.

The function of a Senator is to represent the interests of their state ----- NOT to represent the interests of a political party. Whether Republicans "want" or "don't want" her there is entirely IRRELEVANT here.

What don't you "RINO" labelers **GET** about this simple truism?
Says a politically correct pussy

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