Mustang Sally, Baby!

She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She’s not a conservative

She ain't supposed to be a "conservative". She's supposed to be a SENATOR.

No shit, when ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your skull. :banghead:
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She’s not a conservative

She ain't supposed to be a "conservative". She's supposed to be a SENATOR.

No shit, when ignorance goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on your skull. :banghead:
All career politicians are the same... corrupt
That's good. Had Trump not caused this midterm to be a giant hate fest clusterfuck towards his party she would have won that race. She was leading on election day until all the absentees came in. In a normal election year a radical extremist like Sinema could have never won in Arizona. She's very out of touch with her state, but the wave pushed her through the gate.

Well, that's most of the story...the rest of it is that 15,000 votes suddenly appeared for Sinema and the election commissioner, a leftist hack, wouldn't allow the provisionals to be examined. McSally was 7,000 votes ahead at the time and the Az. Republic said McSally couldn't get the lead did they know that with over 300,000 votes uncounted? It happened all over the country.

I see a certain pattern here. That being, whenever summa y'all sore losers lose an election, suddenly there arrive stories about "phantom votes" and "three million illegals" and shit.

Does it not occur to you that you fucking LOST? Can't you just man up? Does it always have to be "waaaah my dog ate my homework"?

Grow the fuck UP already Hunior. Cheeses.
She lost because of her healthcare hypocrisy

She may not be a batshit crazy Trumper but she's no moderate

I guess in this world that makes her a RINO
She lost because TRUE conservatives didn't like her.If that moron Arpaio had not run then Ward would have won the primary and beat that traitorous bitch that "won" the race.
Shouldn’t they appoint someone similar to McCain?

Hell no! Need something BETTER than McCain not another cuckservative whiner.

You contradict yourself . She should get nominated because she lost, but you can’t replace McCain wh a clone because you don’t like him. Even though HE won.
McSally only WON the primary because she encouraged Arpaio's dumbass to split the TRUE conservative vote allowing her to sneak away with the win.She RIGHTFULLY lost in the general as I expected her to because Trump voters weren't going to vote for her worthless ass. Kelli Ward is the rightful candidate for the job and I expect her to take on McSally in 2020 and win this time as long as that moron Arpaio stays out of it.

Explain again why the AZ voters chose that Leftist loon Sinema over the combat veteran pilot, even after McSally accused Sinema of treason in a debate for saying its okay for Americans to join the Taliban???

McSally accuses Sinema of 'treason' in Arizona Senate debate
Leftists were hyped up because it was first elections since Trump became president,GOP voters just didn't come out in force for RINO'S like McSally...For Ward they would have...
The governor just named Martha McSally to take McCain's senate seat so old Jon Kyle can finally retire. That means Martha can harrass commie Sinema for the next two years after the Rat machine here stole the other senate seat from McSally.


Ah, so then McTumor was replaced with a McCain clone with a vagina? Sorry Arizona, y’all got hosed again.

My brother gets his news from Rush, too. That is how he found out that Hillary was on the grassy knoll....

Last time I listen to anything Rush said my youngest must have been around 5 years old. He's now 31.
I do miss Paul Harvey, especially his Rest of the Story.
Only national talk host I listen to occasionally these days is Dave Ramsey. What a racket he has, and I say that in total admiration. And oh yeah, when I'm awake after midnight sometimes I tune in America Coast-to-Coast.
The governor just named Martha McSally to take McCain's senate seat so old Jon Kyle can finally retire. That means Martha can harrass commie Sinema for the next two years after the Rat machine here stole the other senate seat from McSally.


Ah, so then McTumor was replaced with a McCain clone with a vagina? Sorry Arizona, y’all got hosed again.

That would be up to them, wouldn't it. This just in --- the job of an AridZona Senator is to represent the interests of AridZona --- not yours.

I know little about McSally, nor do I have any incentive to since I don't live in AridZona, but I do see that she's ex-military and that bodes well. Military usually instills a sense of honor and responsibility (contrast that with the current resident of the Orange House). So it seems to me AridZona got the best of both --- one they voted for and one from the military. Good service for them both.
The governor just named Martha McSally to take McCain's senate seat so old Jon Kyle can finally retire. That means Martha can harrass commie Sinema for the next two years after the Rat machine here stole the other senate seat from McSally.


Ah, so then McTumor was replaced with a McCain clone with a vagina? Sorry Arizona, y’all got hosed again.

That would be up to them, wouldn't it. This just in --- the job of an AridZona Senator is to represent the interests of AridZona --- not yours.

I know little about McSally, nor do I have any incentive to since I don't live in AridZona, but I do see that she's ex-military and that bodes well. Military usually instills a sense of honor and responsibility (contrast that with the current resident of the Orange House). So it seems to me AridZona got the best of both --- one they voted for and one from the military. Good service for them both.

As a resident of AZ, I can assure you that McSally is nothing but a Trump sock. She wrapped herself in a flag, and put on a MAGA hat, and lost the election.
The governor just named Martha McSally to take McCain's senate seat so old Jon Kyle can finally retire. That means Martha can harrass commie Sinema for the next two years after the Rat machine here stole the other senate seat from McSally.


Ah, so then McTumor was replaced with a McCain clone with a vagina? Sorry Arizona, y’all got hosed again.

That would be up to them, wouldn't it. This just in --- the job of an AridZona Senator is to represent the interests of AridZona --- not yours.

I know little about McSally, nor do I have any incentive to since I don't live in AridZona, but I do see that she's ex-military and that bodes well. Military usually instills a sense of honor and responsibility (contrast that with the current resident of the Orange House). So it seems to me AridZona got the best of both --- one they voted for and one from the military. Good service for them both.

As a resident of AZ, I can assure you that McSally is nothing but a Trump sock. She wrapped herself in a flag, and put on a MAGA hat, and lost the election.

Well then I retract my optimism. Obviously her judgment has called in absent.

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