Muzzling Opposing Voices

PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.
Yourself, conveniently excluded from that number, of course. :rolleyes:
Usually, but that depends. I don't follow local politics much, I wrote that off decades ago.
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.

In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.


It's "muzzle 'em now....but when we are strong enough we'll lock 'em up in prison for disagreeing!!!"



"Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars."
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

More proof that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are from the same the folks who brought you the Stalinist purges.

And they sure aren't of the American persuasion.
You have the right to live in Fantsayland, and you do. The truth is presented to you and you reject it. So be it.
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.

In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.
What I said is entirely correct.

If you'd stop "thinking" for others maybe, just maybe, you could actually think?

In other words "nuh uhn!."

Why do you waste our time with this brainless dreck?
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.
Yourself, conveniently excluded from that number, of course. :rolleyes:
Usually, but that depends. I don't follow local politics much, I wrote that off decades ago.
No, it doesn't depend.

You are exactly the kind of haughty arrogant ass, who believes himself superior to the average individual, who wants nothing more than to mind their own business.

The coy routine really isn't working for you.
In other words, it's about shutting up opposing voices.

You could save us all a lot of time by just saying "nuh uhn!" whenever you respond to a post.


It's "muzzle 'em now....but when we are strong enough we'll lock 'em up in prison for disagreeing!!!"



"Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars."
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

More proof that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are from the same the folks who brought you the Stalinist purges.

And they sure aren't of the American persuasion.
You have the right to live in Fantsayland, and you do. The truth is presented to you and you reject it. So be it.

I just provided the link where the Liberal said it, you sack of sewage.

So...once again-me: the truth

You- lies.
Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?
Yourself, conveniently excluded from that number, of course. :rolleyes:
Usually, but that depends. I don't follow local politics much, I wrote that off decades ago.
No, it doesn't depend.

You are exactly the kind of haughty arrogant ass, who believes himself superior to the average individual, who wants nothing more than to mind their own business.

The coy routine really isn't working for you.
I'm an elite, and if you minded your own business that would be terrific. When are you planning to start doing such a thing? You're getting in my way of making things work.

It's "muzzle 'em now....but when we are strong enough we'll lock 'em up in prison for disagreeing!!!"



"Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

Man-made climate change happens. Man-made climate change kills a lot of people. It's going to kill a lot more. We have laws on the books to punish anyone whose lies contribute to people's deaths. It's time to punish the climate-change liars."
Arrest Climate-Change Deniers

More proof that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are from the same the folks who brought you the Stalinist purges.

And they sure aren't of the American persuasion.
You have the right to live in Fantsayland, and you do. The truth is presented to you and you reject it. So be it.

I just provided the link where the Liberal said it, you sack of sewage.

So...once again-me: the truth

You- lies.
That has nothing to do with being PC. PC is me calling you a right-wing, low-information partisan voter instead of a stupid immigrant bitch. See how that works?
Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?
Not a chance in hell. They flip out about the most basic things these days. They are overly emotional children.
Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

Which explains your incessant bitterness and venom? Getting it, or not getting it?

"...bitterness and venom...."


I'm simply the Jeremiah of the board, warning about the deleterious effects of Liberalism.
In are exactly a case in point.

To dumb the allusion down for one of your ability, I'm the incarnation of the little Dutch Boy who tried to save his community.

Get it now?

Your right to stick your finger in a dike is protected by liberals, not conservatives.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
What you call slander is simply another example of my speaking the truth.
You appear as nothing so much as the little kid trying to keep up with the big boys.
Interesting. I would have bet you would have agree with him? He has taken the same position as you. It's wrong but it's mutual.

You misunderstand what he means by "PC."
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Listen to you.

Yours is the side that can't let go of the Medicare and Great Society failures of the 1960s.

Or the Social Security Ponzi scheme of the 1940s.

Or the international meddling and warmongering, the income tax and central economic planning of the 19-teens.

Or the education system that traces roots back to the industrial revolution.

If it is anyone who lives their every day in the past, it is progressive know it all nutters like you.
Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?
Not a chance in hell. They flip out about the most basic things these days. They are overly emotional children.

Well, it only took Bob Jones University 30 years to end its ban on interracial dating.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Listen to you.

Yours is the side that can't let go of the Medicare and Great Society failures of the 1960s.

Or the Social Security Ponzi scheme of the 1940s.

Or the international meddling and warmongering, the income tax and central economic planning of the 19-teens.

Or the education system that traces roots back to the industrial revolution.

If it is anyone who lives their every day in the past, it is progressive know it all nutters like you.
Do you have something that isn't partisan crap? It seems like you might be smart enough to try for it so do so if you can.
Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?

Conservative colleges are all privately funded. It doesn't matter whether they are PC or not. Taxpayer money isn't being used to enforce liberal dogma. On the other hand, liberal colleges where PC runs amok are mostly government funded. The taxpayers shouldn't be required to pay for indoctrination.
Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?
Not a chance in hell. They flip out about the most basic things these days. They are overly emotional children.

Well, it only took Bob Jones University 30 years to end its ban on interracial dating.
I'm guessing they wanted the money back...
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Listen to you.

Yours is the side that can't let go of the Medicare and Great Society failures of the 1960s.

Or the Social Security Ponzi scheme of the 1940s.

Or the international meddling and warmongering, the income tax and central economic planning of the 19-teens.

Or the education system that traces roots back to the industrial revolution.

If it is anyone who lives their every day in the past, it is progressive know it all nutters like you.
Do you have something that isn't partisan crap? It seems like you might be smart enough to try for it so do so if you can.

What you call slander is simply another example of my speaking the truth.
You appear as nothing so much as the little kid trying to keep up with the big boys.
Interesting. I would have bet you would have agree with him? He has taken the same position as you. It's wrong but it's mutual.
You misunderstand what he means by "PC."
No, he was quite clear, and he's wrong just as you are.

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