Muzzling Opposing Voices

I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.

1. "I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide."

In that case, some antonym for "think" is required.

2. "Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here."

Of course, your statement is totally untrue.

What he meant is transparent, as it is the basic cornerstone of all communist/socialist/statist/ 'big government as God' believers.

Your attempt to hide that from yourself is.....puzzling.

No actually it's totally true.

President Obama, worst communist/socialist/statist EVER.:mad: When's the revolution supposed to start? Shouldn't the GOP be outlawed and the Blue Dogs executed by now so that the party faithful can rule (well I mean destroy America herself. Squawk) with impunity.
I think liberals are worse towards those they disagree with. Initially, they wanted the Chic-fil-et shut down when they disagreed with them. The mindset behind that is disturbing.

I guess the days of debate and protest are over and they prefer that government step in and silence the people they have issues with.

One poster here wished death on conservatives for disagreeing. I've heard so many similar comments from liberals in the media. Bill Maher wished for a mass shooting at the CMAs. I just rolled my eyes and moved on. If a Repub said that to a Dem, it would be a huge deal that needed investigation. Ask Ted Nugent.

I think it's a bad idea to treat all people like fragile little babies and try to protect them from words. That ends all discussion and debate. Kids are being taught to fear things by teachers. They are expected to freak out at the mention of a gun, let alone the site of a toy gun. While minorities freely use derogatory names for whites, don't dare go the other way or you might be cited with a hate speech violation. And the left continually bashes people from the South. Somehow, a lot of people aren't covered when it comes to their hate speech laws.

Speech is being controlled. One liberal professor thinks we should charge people and put them in jail for disagreeing with the rhetoric on global warming. More and more, the left refuses to engage in debate and simply vilifies those with different opinions. Gore said there was no debate on global warming despite a growing number of scientists who question the data.

It wouldn't be so bad if the majority of people in the media still reported facts and left their opinions out of it. Most of the vilifying is done by the media and when some politicians engage in trash talk, the media takes the ball and runs with it.

The only ones the media points a finger of shame at are Republicans. Say something about how welfare people should do more for themselves or talk about how Obamacare is hurting millions and you are labeled as a racist and a big old meanie rightie. Don't talk about minority crime in cities, but when a white person shoots someone it's top news for weeks. The speech limitations are completely agenda driven.

Things are grossly unbalanced and some of the crap has been adopted by schools. It went from asinine comments by the radical left to being part of the curriculum. From common core to zero tolerance, common sense has left the building and has been replaced by hysteria over the slightest thing. Kids are told they should be offended by the things that liberals hate. The message is that anyone going against the left is evil and it's okay to humiliate them. It's just not okay for that criticism to go both ways as debate is a thing of the past. Question them or disagree and pay the price. It's sad that it's gotten this far.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.

The problem is that the word "truth" has become a politically incorrect word. As have the words, "integrity," "honesty," "common sense," "hard work," "personal responsibility," "freedom," "free market," "limited government," "liberty," and a plethora of others. So ... no matter what a freedom-loving-American says it's considered politically incorrect from the mainstream-media perspective.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.

The problem is that the word "truth" has become a politically incorrect word. As have the words, "integrity," "honesty," "common sense," "hard work," "personal responsibility," "freedom," "free market," "limited government," "liberty," and a plethora of others. So ... no matter what a freedom-loving-American says it's considered politically incorrect from the mainstream-media perspective.
The lie is you posting partisan crap like that. It's why it is treated as such.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.

Exactly what I have come to expect from you.

PC, remember this... A politically correct lie is right. Politically incorrect truth is a lie.
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Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

Which explains your incessant bitterness and venom? Getting it, or not getting it?

You are a poster child for this OP story, Carbineer. You hear the truth and instead of responding to the OP you wage a false personal attack against the author! How do you ever expect to be taken seriously when you cannot even bring yourself to listen to the truth as a calm, rational human being would?

I've yet to come across a thread by PC that is full of incessant bitterness and venom. You've just lied through your teeth here. The only place I find venom and bitterness is in some of the responses to her threads because the truth incites these people to wrath!

Perhaps you and others in your camp should cut to the chase and just call the trigger word TRUTH. Anything true is a trigger and must be banned.
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Considering that FOX News is the most watched "news" channel, and each of you Conservatives spend your days bitching on a national public forum about the loss of your right to free speech, it's safe to say that the right-wing is not facing any persecution when it comes to the right to express their feeble-minded opinions.
Political correctness is the last resort of the morally bankrupt.

You know, those who are "offended" by words, "troubled" by opinion differing from their own, those who can't get past their kindergarten days when they were intelligent enough to know that sticks and stones could break their bones, but words could never hurt them. Examples that quickly come to mind to illustrate are: Senators Schumer, Reid, Durbin and Boxer, Congressmen Rangel and Jackson-Lee and the plain (as in simple) Lee.

Most people get smarter and more mature as they grow older, those with the political correctness gene in their DNA are getting progressively more stupid.

I, myself, don't get offended by words. Call me anything you want, and I will tell you that no matter what you call me I've been called worse by better people than you.

Just don't call me politically correct.
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The other fool wrote "PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."
And you think he meant "political correctness"?
You sure?
Yes, unless he meant you? That's possible I suppose since I don't track spitball wars between children here.
Yup....that's what he meant.
I love shoving your words back down your throat.
That's perfectly fine then. It's an easy mistake to make.

BTW, do you think what you say here matters, even to me? It doesn't, not a damn.
the left wants to silence everyone that does not agree with them or their agenda------why? because deep down inside they know that they are wrong and that when both sides are given equal time liberalism will lose every time.

Its logic vs feeeeeeeeeelings.
the left wants to silence everyone that does not agree with them or their agenda------why? because deep down inside they know that they are wrong and that when both sides are given equal time liberalism will lose every time.

Its logic vs feeeeeeeeeelings.
Liberalism loses every time? That's why children no longer work in factories, women and minorities can vote, and true information about Cannabis is finally reaching the public.

Liberals are winning. Conservatives still have their drug war and terror war, but that shit will end. It would end a lot sooner if pro-life, freedom-loving Conservatives stop trying to kill everyone or lock them in cages.
Political correctness is the last resort of the morally bankrupt.
PC is humans being dishonest, that's all.

Democrats/liberal/progressives are the champions dishonesty.

Is it any wonder they are most politically correct?

P.S. And they are not only dishonest, but they are mind-bogglingly lazy. They are too lazy to say POLITICALLY CORRECT (or any of its derivatives) in order to save a few key strokes.
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Yes, unless he meant you? That's possible I suppose since I don't track spitball wars between children here.
Yup....that's what he meant.
I love shoving your words back down your throat.
That's perfectly fine then. It's an easy mistake to make.

BTW, do you think what you say here matters, even to me? It doesn't, not a damn.

That's exactly why you are so careless about honesty.

And why "sack of sewage" applies.

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