Muzzling Opposing Voices

Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”

Which explains your incessant bitterness and venom? Getting it, or not getting it?

You are a poster child for this OP story, Carbineer. You hear the truth and instead of responding to the OP you wage a false personal attack against the author! How do you ever expect to be taken seriously when you cannot even bring yourself to listen to the truth as a calm, rational human being would?

I've yet to come across a thread by PC that is full of incessant bitterness and venom. You've just lied through your teeth here. The only place I find venom and bitterness is in some of the responses to her threads because the truth incites these people to wrath!

Perhaps you and others in your camp should cut to the chase and just call the trigger word TRUTH. Anything true is a trigger and must be banned.

Attention! Attention! Here's a guy who claims to have never seen bitterness or venom in a PoliticalChic post!
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.

That explains why there is some pretty serious, and bipartisan, condemnation of the people who are demanding that everyone shut the fuck up unless they unconditionally support the agenda of the radical left.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Exactly what I have come to expect from you.
Those aren't lies. Nearly all of the PC I see is your side, but then again I don't spend much time with my side. Anyway, bring your ideas forward and we'll beat the hell out of them but you are welcome to do so. The best way to win is to let your "the past was better" worldview die in the sunlight. Anyone who says you can't do that I will tell to shut up. They are hurting not helping.

Bring forth, so I may shred your sacred cows like a wood chipper.

Show me some examples or shut the fuck up.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.

What the fuck are you talking about?

PC is not pointing out that somebody said something stupid, it is the attempt to restrict speech and, by extension, thought so that it doesn't offend people based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.

By the way, Obama was telling people that they didn't build their business.
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Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?

They actually tend to be politically correct in exactly the same way as liberal universities.
You have the right to live in Fantsayland, and you do. The truth is presented to you and you reject it. So be it.

I just provided the link where the Liberal said it, you sack of sewage.

So...once again-me: the truth

You- lies.
That has nothing to do with being PC. PC is me calling you a right-wing, low-information partisan voter instead of a stupid immigrant bitch. See how that works?

Is it PC for me to call you a fucking scumbag?
Not many people know this, but the letters P and C do not stand for 'Politically Correct'.

They stand for 'Progressive Control'.

There is also a secret hand shake. Though the hand shake has not been officially put into the progressive codes of conduct because the feminists do not like to shake hands.

Conservatives could make a valid point here if they could demonstrate that conservative colleges and universities are much less politically correct - as in conservative political correctness - than are the so-called liberal schools.

Can you?

They actually tend to be politically correct in exactly the same way as liberal universities.

I'm sure that was going to be PoliticalChic's next thread, since she prides herself in her objective allegiance to the facts.
"You're with us or against us" seemed to muzzle critics of presidential actions. A person questioned presidential decisions and all of a sudden they weren't patriots. Just ask Max Cleland.

Yet the IRS silencing opposition gets defended by a certain political group.
Who did it silence? Oh right, no one.

They used power to delay the setting up of the group. And some gave up because of a longer than reasonable investigation, and an unfavorable investigation.

So they did in effect use their power to silence those opposing the President and his party.
political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.
political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

1. "There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth...."

The only myth is the idea that you have any ability to incorporate factual material into your reality.

2. " ....the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense."

Now, watch carefully how easily I eviscerate your post, and puncture any view that you can even read:

""In the 1960s, longtime socialist intellectuals were horrified by the anarchic energies of the new left. Then some of those new leftists reached middle age and watched, aghast, as new speech codes proliferated on college campuses during the first iteration of political correctness. I was in college then and am now in my thirties, which means it’s my turn to be dismayed by a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness and hair-trigger offense."

That, from the OP.

It was written by Liberal Michelle Goldberg in the Liberal "The Nation."
#CancelColbert and the Return of the Anti-Liberal Left | The Nation are a moron.
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political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

Conservatives have zealously embraced victimology mostly because they have run out of excuses to explain why conservatism is dying.

Of course the reason conservatism is dying in this generation is because the conservatism of almost every generation dies, felled by progress, because progress in the long run is invincible; conservatism is nothing more than a series of barriers in the road that have to be removed.

So victimology becomes the last excuse. Losing elections is tyranny. Losing in the Court is the result of demonic anti-constitutional forces having overtaken the SCOTUS.

The liberal media is a conspiracy against them.

The colleges and universities are a conspiracy against them.

and on and on...waaa.
i always find it amusing when people who cry every time someone disagrees with them and think anyone who disagrees with them should lose their voice, their representation, their votes, their government....

suddenly whines about their "voices" being shut down.

all we hear is the rightwing din.

maybe if y'all stopped shrieking, you'd hear it too
Paintmyrubberroom, nycabinqueer and duddley is the combined IQ over or under 95?..........
political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

Conservatives have zealously embraced victimology mostly because they have run out of excuses to explain why conservatism is dying.

Of course the reason conservatism is dying in this generation is because the conservatism of almost every generation dies, felled by progress, because progress in the long run is invincible; conservatism is nothing more than a series of barriers in the road that have to be removed.

So victimology becomes the last excuse. Losing elections is tyranny. Losing in the Court is the result of demonic anti-constitutional forces having overtaken the SCOTUS.

The liberal media is a conspiracy against them.

The colleges and universities are a conspiracy against them.

and on and on...waaa.


It’s the reactionaryism common to most conservatives, the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and dissent.

And when private society as a whole appropriately rejects that fear for the nonsense it actually is, the reactionary right will make unfounded, inane claims of being ‘silenced,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

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