Muzzling Opposing Voices


While one of the goals of Political Correctness is to intimidate people and control the conversation, the more annoying aspect to me is its effectiveness in avoiding the conversation entirely. Example:

Adult: "I don't like Obamacare. Let's discuss it."

PC Police: "What!! You only say that because Obama's black and you're a RACIST! AAAUUGHHH!"

Adult: "Uh, no, I don't like the way it works. Let's discuss it".

PC Police: "You fucking racist! I bet you belong to the KKK! Why do you hate black people!!! AAAAUUUGGHHH"

Adult: "No, I don't hate black people. Are we going to discuss this or not?"

PC Police: "Why would I talk to a racist!! You're a racist and you want all black people to die!!!"

Adult: "Holy shit. Okay, never mind, forget I brought it up. I just wanted to discuss it..."

PC Police: "See!! You're a racist and now you're RUNNING!"


"You're with us or against us" seemed to muzzle critics of presidential actions. A person questioned presidential decisions and all of a sudden they weren't patriots. Just ask Max Cleland.

Yet the IRS silencing opposition gets defended by a certain political group.
Who did it silence? Oh right, no one.

The minor fact that some groups never got permission from the government to talk is absolute proof you are wrong.
political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

If it doesn't exist why the fuck do universities have speech codes?
Paintmyrubberroom, nycabinqueer and duddley is the combined IQ over or under 95?..........

Do you have that in English?

Do you have any examples of PC from the conservative side?

Didn't think so.
PC is about language people, not shutting off debate. That's just partisans attacking. PC is when you call them low-information black voters instead of what you really mean which is stupid *******.

And I see you guys in PC mode all the time. Every time I post something about that useless quitter **** Palin and her little moron the Drooler, whom she should have aborted, you freak. That's PC.

PC is not about shutting off debate. PC is about saying homosexuality is incompatible with your faith when what you really mean is God hates faggots and so do I.

Don't be PC, just lay it out there for all to see.
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???
That is not PC. God you guys believe such crap.
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???
That is not PC. God you guys believe such crap.

How do you explain an incriminating article about Obama and Bill Ayers' involvement with each other and Common Core all of a sudden disappearing from every website you check?
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???


they say that Breitbart died of natural causes :eusa_shhh:
And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???
That is not PC. God you guys believe such crap.

How do you explain an incriminating article about Obama and Bill Ayers' involvement with each other and Common Core all of a sudden disappearing from every website you check?
Haven't seen it nor do I care. Sounds like just your paranoia at work, as usual.
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???
they say that Breitbart died of natural causes :eusa_shhh:
That screaming off-his-meds drunk? Look at hom a couple of days before he died, he was dead already. What a mess, and he had nothing to hurt Obama with, as usual.
I think Political Correctness comes form both side of the partisan divide. Both sides try to use PC language in order to not give the other side a Sound Bite that can be used against them. But as we saw in 2012 it can sometime turnaround and bite you in the ass. Like the failed Mitt meme that President Obama actually meant a person didn't build their own business when he was referring to the fantastic infrastructure we have here. Many independents looked with distain on that false campaigning based on a grammatical error.
In other words "Don't do to us what we do to you."

P.s. Obozo didn't make a grammatical error. He meant what he said.

Well, at least there's one funny thing about PC:

Some of them defend it, while some of them deny its very existence!



It’s amusing that there are those who believe 'PC' exists, which it clearly does not.

The proof that it doesn’t exist can be found on this very forum, on Fox ‘news,’ Breitbart, The Blaze, and Beck – and on countless rightwing websites and blogs advocating for partisan ignorance, hate, and stupidity – all engaging in free expression absent punitive sanctions by the state.

Well, at least there's one funny thing about PC:

Some of them defend it, while some of them deny its very existence!



It’s amusing that there are those who believe 'PC' exists, which it clearly does not.

The proof that it doesn’t exist can be found on this very forum, on Fox ‘news,’ Breitbart, The Blaze, and Beck – and on countless rightwing websites and blogs advocating for partisan ignorance, hate, and stupidity – all engaging in free expression absent punitive sanctions by the state.


Just like that!



Well, at least there's one funny thing about PC:

Some of them defend it, while some of them deny its very existence!



It’s amusing that there are those who believe 'PC' exists, which it clearly does not.

The proof that it doesn’t exist can be found on this very forum, on Fox ‘news,’ Breitbart, The Blaze, and Beck – and on countless rightwing websites and blogs advocating for partisan ignorance, hate, and stupidity – all engaging in free expression absent punitive sanctions by the state.
That is not PC, that is Freedom of the Press you idiots. And yeah, we have that here, still, even today under Obama.
political correctness

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

If it doesn't exist why the fuck do universities have speech codes?

Are speech codes limited to liberal universities?
No, it isn't. It's about not saying what you really believe because doing so would have consequences. Uniformed Voters is PC for Stupid, which most American voters are.
Yourself, conveniently excluded from that number, of course. :rolleyes:
Usually, but that depends. I don't follow local politics much, I wrote that off decades ago.

And yet you will support your local Progressives because ... well ... because they're Progressives. It's like voting for Obama because he's a Democrat. Nobody had a clue what he really believed but they voted for him anyway. That blunder will come back to bite them (and the rest of us) in the butt.
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