Muzzling Opposing Voices


Well, at least there's one funny thing about PC:

Some of them defend it, while some of them deny its very existence!



It’s amusing that there are those who believe 'PC' exists, which it clearly does not.

The proof that it doesn’t exist can be found on this very forum, on Fox ‘news,’ Breitbart, The Blaze, and Beck – and on countless rightwing websites and blogs advocating for partisan ignorance, hate, and stupidity – all engaging in free expression absent punitive sanctions by the state.
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

1. The feelings-based nature of liberalism helps explain why people on the Left are much more likely to claim to be “offended” when faced with which they differ. Not, ‘I disagree,” but “I am offended!”

When are people ‘offended’? When their feelings are hurt.

A pro-choice woman is ‘offended’ by the pro-life position, ostensibly because her feelings are more worthwhile than the objective worth of a human fetus.
‘Political correctness’ is also based on not hurting people’s feelings.
Complaint about Senator Joseph McCarthy often center around how abusive he was to communists….again, feelings.
Dennis Prager

And now, this:

2. "Hypersensitive students and professors all over the country are about to score another victory for political correctness if they succeed in their mission to normalize the use of “trigger warnings,” which are intended to protect people from taking part in class discussions and media that might offend them.

3. Trigger warnings are most commonly attached to online news ....warn readers that the post contains specific, offensive content. An article about sexual violence, for instance, might come with a trigger warning for rape victims.

4. ...censorship-inclined activists are now eager to force professors to attach trigger warnings to their syllabi.

“Some students and professors argue that nearly everything should come with a trigger warning,” wrote Laurie Essig, a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and a contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

a. The Great Gatsby? Trigger warning: suicide, domestic abuse, graphic violence.

5. ....“by creating trigger warnings for their students, professors can help to create a safe space for their students — one that fosters positive and compassionate intellectual discussion within the collegiate classroom.”

6. Students at the University of California-Santa Barbara are doing their best to make their PC dreams a reality. The student government passed a resolution that urged administrators to adopt mandatory trigger warnings as official university policy last month.

7. ....some liberals are condemning it in no uncertain terms. The Nation’s Michelle Goldberg called the pro-censorship agenda of the PC crowd “left-wing anti-liberalism,”:

"In the 1960s, longtime socialist intellectuals were horrified by the anarchic energies of the new left. Then some of those new leftists reached middle age and watched, aghast, as new speech codes proliferated on college campuses during the first iteration of political correctness. I was in college then and am now in my thirties, which means it’s my turn to be dismayed by a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness and hair-trigger offense."
Trigger warnings: New wave of political correctness hits campuses | The Daily Caller

8. "Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to "be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression," to remove triggering material when it doesn't "directly" contribute to learning goals....

a. Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," it states, is a novel that may "trigger readers who have experienced racism, colonialism, religious persecution, violence, suicide and more."

9. What began as a way of moderating Internet forums for the vulnerable and mentally ill now threatens to define public discussion both online and off. The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm and a paranoia about giving offense.

10. Trigger warnings are presented as a gesture of empathy, but the irony is they lead only to more solipsism, an over-preoccupation with one’s own feelings—much to the detriment of society as a whole."
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That's Bad | New Republic

Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”
Just another load of bullshit from the Queen of Crap. Oh, and if you want an example of the muzzling of the voices of opposition just listen to the conservatives screaming "LIBERAL MEDIA! LIBERAL MEDIA!"
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

1. The feelings-based nature of liberalism helps explain why people on the Left are much more likely to claim to be “offended” when faced with which they differ. Not, ‘I disagree,” but “I am offended!”

When are people ‘offended’? When their feelings are hurt.

A pro-choice woman is ‘offended’ by the pro-life position, ostensibly because her feelings are more worthwhile than the objective worth of a human fetus.
‘Political correctness’ is also based on not hurting people’s feelings.
Complaint about Senator Joseph McCarthy often center around how abusive he was to communists….again, feelings.
Dennis Prager

And now, this:

2. "Hypersensitive students and professors all over the country are about to score another victory for political correctness if they succeed in their mission to normalize the use of “trigger warnings,” which are intended to protect people from taking part in class discussions and media that might offend them.

3. Trigger warnings are most commonly attached to online news ....warn readers that the post contains specific, offensive content. An article about sexual violence, for instance, might come with a trigger warning for rape victims.

4. ...censorship-inclined activists are now eager to force professors to attach trigger warnings to their syllabi.

“Some students and professors argue that nearly everything should come with a trigger warning,” wrote Laurie Essig, a professor of psychology at Middlebury College and a contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

a. The Great Gatsby? Trigger warning: suicide, domestic abuse, graphic violence.

5. ....“by creating trigger warnings for their students, professors can help to create a safe space for their students — one that fosters positive and compassionate intellectual discussion within the collegiate classroom.”

6. Students at the University of California-Santa Barbara are doing their best to make their PC dreams a reality. The student government passed a resolution that urged administrators to adopt mandatory trigger warnings as official university policy last month.

7. ....some liberals are condemning it in no uncertain terms. The Nation’s Michelle Goldberg called the pro-censorship agenda of the PC crowd “left-wing anti-liberalism,”:

"In the 1960s, longtime socialist intellectuals were horrified by the anarchic energies of the new left. Then some of those new leftists reached middle age and watched, aghast, as new speech codes proliferated on college campuses during the first iteration of political correctness. I was in college then and am now in my thirties, which means it’s my turn to be dismayed by a growing left-wing tendency towards censoriousness and hair-trigger offense."
Trigger warnings: New wave of political correctness hits campuses | The Daily Caller

8. "Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to "be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression," to remove triggering material when it doesn't "directly" contribute to learning goals....

a. Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," it states, is a novel that may "trigger readers who have experienced racism, colonialism, religious persecution, violence, suicide and more."

9. What began as a way of moderating Internet forums for the vulnerable and mentally ill now threatens to define public discussion both online and off. The trigger warning signals not only the growing precautionary approach to words and ideas in the university, but a wider cultural hypersensitivity to harm and a paranoia about giving offense.

10. Trigger warnings are presented as a gesture of empathy, but the irony is they lead only to more solipsism, an over-preoccupation with one’s own feelings—much to the detriment of society as a whole."
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That's Bad | New Republic

Liberals should take the warning in Oscar Wilde's famous 'two tragedies'

“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”
Just another load of bullshit from the Queen of Crap. Oh, and if you want an example of the muzzling of the voices of opposition just listen to the conservatives screaming "LIBERAL MEDIA! LIBERAL MEDIA!"

That's not what muzzling is.

It's becoming more and more difficult to think of you as a confused old man who genuinely finds himself abandoned by a Dem party gone radical.

I may revoke the free pass I'd given you previously.

I'll review this decision over the next several hours or days.
That's not what muzzling is.

It's becoming more and more difficult to think of you as a confused old man who genuinely finds himself abandoned by a Dem party gone radical.

I may revoke the free pass I'd given you previously.

I'll review this decision over the next several hours or days.
Judging by all the deflections, non sequiturs and plain old attacks from the progressive PC muzzlers tossed about in this thread, it is pretty apparent that they know this.

Well, at least there's one funny thing about PC:

Some of them defend it, while some of them deny its very existence!



It’s amusing that there are those who believe 'PC' exists, which it clearly does not.

The proof that it doesn’t exist can be found on this very forum, on Fox ‘news,’ Breitbart, The Blaze, and Beck – and on countless rightwing websites and blogs advocating for partisan ignorance, hate, and stupidity – all engaging in free expression absent punitive sanctions by the state.

Political Correctness is most clearly practiced by Liberal media which uses it to assure themselves the largest viewership and readership by not offending or alienating any who might help increase their ratings.

Politicians practice it to assure themselves of the most number of votes by not offending or alienating any of those possible voters.
Do you have that in English?

Do you have any examples of PC from the conservative side?

Didn't think so.
PC is about language people, not shutting off debate. That's just partisans attacking. PC is when you call them low-information black voters instead of what you really mean which is stupid *******.

And I see you guys in PC mode all the time. Every time I post something about that useless quitter **** Palin and her little moron the Drooler, whom she should have aborted, you freak. That's PC.

PC is not about shutting off debate. PC is about saying homosexuality is incompatible with your faith when what you really mean is God hates faggots and so do I.

Don't be PC, just lay it out there for all to see.

If it isn't about shutting off debate why are you totally misrepresenting the position of people that disagree with you?

When Limbaugh said that Fluke was trying to get other people to pay for birth control so she could sleep around the PC crowd raised holy hell because he called her a slut and screamed about the war on women. When you call Palin a **** you don't get hounded into oblivion, even if some people defend her.

By the way, thanks for confirming that you don't actually have an example, all you have is a complaint that people are mean to you.
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There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a myth contrived by the right in an effort to justify the ignorance and hate often exhibited by social conservatives.

Only government has the power to place restrictions on free speech, using arrest, detention, and punitive sanctions – not private individuals, organizations, or private society in general; and of course government is prohibited from restricting free speech if such restrictions are offensive to the Constitution.

Consequently, the conservative notion that ‘opposing voices’ are being ‘muzzled’ is ignorant partisan nonsense. Conservatives remain at liberty to express their ignorance and hate, just as private individuals, organizations, or private society in general are at liberty to express their opposition to the ignorance and hate advocated by conservatives – and these admonishments by private society in no way constitute ‘political correctness’ or ‘muzzling opposing voices.’

In the free marketplace of ideas, therefore, it’s simply a matter of private society not buying the garbage the right has to sell.

If it doesn't exist why the fuck do universities have speech codes?

Are speech codes limited to liberal universities?

Does government money only go to liberal universities?
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

And when it grows more desperate it results in government censorship.

Is this an example of it here at USMB???
That is not PC. God you guys believe such crap.

You are correct in saying it isn't PC.

What i said requires a clarification.

When the Government's practice of Political Correctness, which is a self imposed censorship, is practiced routinely enough and the government becomes desperate, it will think nothing of censoring those who disagree with the government's policies.

And Government, like Corporations, (not to mention Soylent Green!) are nothing more and nothing less than people.
PC is all about "shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas."

Exactly, and character assassination of the living and of the dead.
You mean like "callous conservatives"? :rolleyes:

I never have and never will censor callous conservatives, nor have I engaged in calumny; every thing I post demeaning callous conservatives is based on the evidence they have supplied in their posts. In fact most callous conservatives are proud of their ideology, "I got mine, screw the rest of you".
Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to language, ideas, or policies that address perceived or actual discrimination against or alienation of politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups.

The term usually implies that these social considerations are excessive or of a purely "political" nature. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.

Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Communist "party line", which provided for "correct" positions on many matters of politics. The term was adopted in the later 20th century by the New Left, applied with a certain humour to condemn sexist or racist conduct as "not politically correct".

By the early 1990s, the term was adopted by US conservatives as a pejorative term for all manner of attempts to promote multiculturalism and identity politics, particularly, attempts to introduce new terms that sought to leave behind discriminatory baggage attached to older ones, and conversely, to try to make older ones taboo. This phenomenon was driven by a combination of the linguistic turn in academia and the rise of identity politics both inside and outside it.

These led to attempts to change social reality by changing language, with attempts at making language more culturally inclusive and gender-neutral. These attempts (associated with the political left) led to a backlash from the right, partly against the attempts to change language, and partly against the underlying identity politics itself.

In modern usage, the terms PC, politically correct, and political correctness are pejorative descriptors, whereas the term politically incorrect is used by opponents of PC as an implicitly positive self-description, as in the cases of the conservative, topical book-series The Politically Incorrect Guide, and the liberal, television talk-show program Politically Incorrect.

Political correctness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For those who either don't or won't understand what PC is, here are just a few examples:

  1. Screaming "racist" at every opportunity (or any other "-ist", for that matter)
  2. Participation ribbons (to avoid "hurt feelings")
  3. Hyphenated Americans
  4. Changing words because someone claims to be "offended" (too many examples to list, but we all know what they are)
  5. Trying to ban words so that no one claims to be "offended"
  6. Lowering standards so that "feelings" aren't "hurt"

Now, the PC Police can pretend that the above doesn't happen, or they can have another name for it (of course), but that's what we're talking about. And for the PC Police who pretend to need "proof", there is probably no "proof" that you would admit is good enough, since you know quite well there's plenty of "proof".

Okay, back to the amusing denials. Deny, deny, deny.

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For those who either don't or won't understand what PC is, here are just a few examples:

  1. Screaming "racist" at every opportunity (or any other "-ist", for that matter)
  2. Participation ribbons (to avoid "hurt feelings")
  3. Hyphenated Americans
  4. Changing words because someone claims to be "offended" (too many examples to list, but we all know what they are)
  5. Trying to ban words so that no one claims to be "offended"
  6. Lowering standards so that "feelings" aren't "hurt"

Now, the PC Police can pretend that the above doesn't happen, or they can have another name for it (of course), but that's what we're talking about. And for the PC Police who pretend to need "proof", there is probably no "proof" that you would admit is good enough, since you know quite well there's plenty of "proof".

Okay, back to the amusing denials. Deny, deny, deny.


You forgot getting someone fired because he supported the wrong side of a ballot issue.
Time and again, this essential truth about comes up: Liberalism is about closing down debate, shutting up opposing voices, slandering any with opposing ideas.

It's euphemistically known as "political correctness."

Political correctness is only a guideline and nothing more. To raise it to the height of the deafening silence heard nowadays is far too much of a "benefit of the doubt."
i always find it amusing when people who cry every time someone disagrees with them and think anyone who disagrees with them should lose their voice, their representation, their votes, their government....

suddenly whines about their "voices" being shut down.

all we hear is the rightwing din.

maybe if y'all stopped shrieking, you'd hear it too

You really didn't comprehend the OP, did you.

Even intelligent Lefties are incensed.

Just not you.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Exactly what I have come to expect from you.
Those aren't lies. Nearly all of the PC I see is your side, but then again I don't spend much time with my side. Anyway, bring your ideas forward and we'll beat the hell out of them but you are welcome to do so. The best way to win is to let your "the past was better" worldview die in the sunlight. Anyone who says you can't do that I will tell to shut up. They are hurting not helping.

Bring forth, so I may shred your sacred cows like a wood chipper.

Lol. How are we PC again? You guys are the ones fashioning new phrases for war like "man caused disasters" and "overseas contingency operations." Moreover a black man must be vote Democrat to justify his blackness, that or he's an Uncle Tom. A woman must vote Democrat to be a real woman, that or she hates women-- and you think all the "PC" is on our side? Even more so is how it's wrong to criticize a woman or a black man, or you're racist or misogynistic. Are you serious? You've always had a PC problem.
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