My 8 year old is more logical than half of America

So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.

You always wanted a girl, and that's how you're raising "her".

See the doctor immediately, ask for puberty blockers for your kid and hormone therapy for you.
so because my kid is a boy, he should go around and beat people up? STFU you idiot
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
sometimes the weaker kids need others to stand up for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your entire premise is in error. Your son did something another kid will find helpful in life. That is what we're all about in the US. That is why we went to germany. It's why there is war abroad. To help those who cannot help themselves. Sorry dude, you're wrong.
My 8 year old is more logical than half of America

You guys keep proving OP right.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
I was taught to stand up for myself and help others in need.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
You are teaching him to be a pussy.

Violence is only a problem when you exceed the level directed against you with malicious intent, or you are the instigator.
Re-read the OP. Then apologize :thup:
You told your kid that violence doesn't solve bullying when it is literally the ONLY thing that stops bullying.

I was bullied constantly when I was a kid, and the only time it ever stopped was when I literally overpowered the bullies in physical might. When I "matured" in middle school I was mercilessly bullied by half my class to the point that I thought about suicide numerous times.

Dumbass kids raised by dumbass liberal parents only know violence, so your kid has to be able to speak their language if he wants to survive at all in this world.

Tell the truth: you quoted that from Gandhi, didn't you?

I am sorry that you were bullied, and I.mean that sincerely.

I taught my own children that violence was a last resort, not a first reaction. At school, I have to tell the kids that there is NO REASON to put their hands on another child. I tell them that they have to tell the teacher. Luckily, I teach an age group in which tattling is common and not that frowned upon.
I know you didn't! Thanks man.

won't lie, it was 1st "knee jerk reaction" thought... But I am familiar enough with your post history that I just couldn't bring myself to say that, besides, your kid jumped in to help another kid...

it's funny, because I had a conversation with my 3rd grade son last night similar to this one.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
I was taught to stand up for myself and help others in need.
Me too.
Um - you're kidding I hope

Standing up for yourself against a bully is often the only way to make it stop, that your son stood up for another kid is amazingly admirable

You cannot let a bully pick on you. I straight up told my son that if he ever got bullied that he should punch the kid in the nose & don't quit swinging until the teachers pull you apart. Also told him that he would not EVER get in trouble for standing up for himself

I understand that fighting in school is to be discouraged, but if it is because you are getting harassed, sometimes it is necessary

I am surprised to hear this from you, I really am

Do you ever think there is a situation where it is appropriate for your kid to hit another kid?
I am glad you brought that up. Because he did as well.
I told my son if he doesn't defend himself, he will get in trouble with me. I don't give a DAMN what happens to him at school. You MUST defend yourself.
But that kid wasn't messing with him. Wasn't even hitting the kid. He could have handled THAT situation better. Im not trying to raise a pussy, but I am not trying to raise an ignorant redneck either.
you just contradicted most of your OP.

No, he didn't. Read carefully.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
sometime the weaker kids need others to stand up for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your entire premise is in error. Your son did something another kid will find helpful in life. That is what we're all about in the US. That is why we went to germany. It's why there is war abroad. To help those who cannot help themselves. Sorry dude, you're wrong.
One of my coworkers' sons is going to juvenile court next week for assault because he smacked a classmate in the head for repeatedly calling him a faggot. Kid warned him but the other kid wouldn't stop. So my coworker's son hit him. Kid wasn't hurt--no blood or bruises. His parents pressed charges and the D.A. decided to "make an example of him" because they were getting sick of the fights at the high school. So this kid, who is really not a bad kid and definitely not a bully, is going to have a juvenile record. The most ironic part is, this past week while they were on break, the two boys were back to hanging out together. No issues. If only his parents could let the storm clouds pass like that.
Um - you're kidding I hope

Standing up for yourself against a bully is often the only way to make it stop, that your son stood up for another kid is amazingly admirable

You cannot let a bully pick on you. I straight up told my son that if he ever got bullied that he should punch the kid in the nose & don't quit swinging until the teachers pull you apart. Also told him that he would not EVER get in trouble for standing up for himself

I understand that fighting in school is to be discouraged, but if it is because you are getting harassed, sometimes it is necessary

I am surprised to hear this from you, I really am

Do you ever think there is a situation where it is appropriate for your kid to hit another kid?
I am glad you brought that up. Because he did as well.
I told my son if he doesn't defend himself, he will get in trouble with me. I don't give a DAMN what happens to him at school. You MUST defend yourself.
But that kid wasn't messing with him. Wasn't even hitting the kid. He could have handled THAT situation better. Im not trying to raise a pussy, but I am not trying to raise an ignorant redneck either.
you just contradicted most of your OP.

No, he didn't. Read carefully.
I did. he contradicted himself.
Um - you're kidding I hope

Standing up for yourself against a bully is often the only way to make it stop, that your son stood up for another kid is amazingly admirable

You cannot let a bully pick on you. I straight up told my son that if he ever got bullied that he should punch the kid in the nose & don't quit swinging until the teachers pull you apart. Also told him that he would not EVER get in trouble for standing up for himself

I understand that fighting in school is to be discouraged, but if it is because you are getting harassed, sometimes it is necessary

I am surprised to hear this from you, I really am

Do you ever think there is a situation where it is appropriate for your kid to hit another kid?
I am glad you brought that up. Because he did as well.
I told my son if he doesn't defend himself, he will get in trouble with me. I don't give a DAMN what happens to him at school. You MUST defend yourself.
But that kid wasn't messing with him. Wasn't even hitting the kid. He could have handled THAT situation better. Im not trying to raise a pussy, but I am not trying to raise an ignorant redneck either.
you just contradicted most of your OP.

No, he didn't. Read carefully.
He actually did.
NO REASON to put their hands on another child.

you would be wrong

sometimes, telling the teacher makes things worse

kid needs to learn discernment - I agree that violence is a last resort, but, if a kid were hitting a girl and I found out my son didn't step in, he'd get in trouble for that

my son would also be in trouble with me if another kid hit him & he ran away to go cry to the teacher; a trip to the priciple's office is FAR BETTER than having the other kids think you are weak & easy prey...

that's 2 situations where violence is warranted and the most appropriate reaction
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
sometime the weaker kids need others to stand up for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your entire premise is in error. Your son did something another kid will find helpful in life. That is what we're all about in the US. That is why we went to germany. It's why there is war abroad. To help those who cannot help themselves. Sorry dude, you're wrong.
One of my coworkers' sons is going to juvenile court next week for assault because he smacked a classmate in the head for repeatedly calling him a faggot. Kid warned him but the other kid wouldn't stop. So my coworker's son hit him. Kid wasn't hurt--no blood or bruises. His parents pressed charges and the D.A. decided to "make an example of him" because they were getting sick of the fights at the high school. So this kid, who is really not a bad kid and definitely not a bully, is going to have a juvenile record. The most ironic part is, this past week while they were on break, the two boys were back to hanging out together. No issues. If only his parents could let the storm clouds pass like that.

Yeah here's the thing..

You don't get to HIT people because you don't like what they SAY. No matter how annoying.

Kid is a snowflake and probably mentally ill. Juvy is a good place for him.
Words are not a reason to get violent, guys. Don't you guys say that all the time about protestors and muslims and shit? And look at you right now!
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
sometime the weaker kids need others to stand up for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your entire premise is in error. Your son did something another kid will find helpful in life. That is what we're all about in the US. That is why we went to germany. It's why there is war abroad. To help those who cannot help themselves. Sorry dude, you're wrong.
One of my coworkers' sons is going to juvenile court next week for assault because he smacked a classmate in the head for repeatedly calling him a faggot. Kid warned him but the other kid wouldn't stop. So my coworker's son hit him. Kid wasn't hurt--no blood or bruises. His parents pressed charges and the D.A. decided to "make an example of him" because they were getting sick of the fights at the high school. So this kid, who is really not a bad kid and definitely not a bully, is going to have a juvenile record. The most ironic part is, this past week while they were on break, the two boys were back to hanging out together. No issues. If only his parents could let the storm clouds pass like that.
I have a grandson going through the same thing. He ended up punching that kid for constantly calling him a fking retard. My grandson has Cerebral Palsey. The kid was pushing him and taunting him in class. At times, it is necessary to make a point. Even if the point is a punch. It is to gain leverage back that you lose to the taunt.

The bully kid hasn't gone after him again.

There had to be more to your coworkers story.
NO REASON to put their hands on another child.

you would be wrong

sometimes, telling the teacher makes things worse

kid needs to learn discernment - I agree that violence is a last resort, but, if a kid were hitting a girl and I found out my son didn't step in, he'd get in trouble for that

my son would also be in trouble with me if another kid hit him & he ran away to go cry to the teacher; a trip to the priciple's office is FAR BETTER than having the other kids think you are weak & easy prey...

that's 2 situations where violence is warranted and the most appropriate reaction

I teach young children, who literally have no time where there isn't an adult nearby. They don't have the capacity to decide when "enough is enough" at that age. Like I said, telling the teacher isn't frowned upon at this age.
So he told me one of his friends at school was getting picked on by a bigger kid. He sat idle for a while but got tired of it and hit him in the face.
I sat him down and explained that he should never use violence to protest violence or bullying. It only leads to more violence. I appreciate the loyalty, bravery and friendship, but he handled the situation wrong.
He told me I was right. Here is some exact words "you are right daddy. It doesn't make much sense to fight meanness with more meanness." I told him its put him on the same level that he is fighting against.
In fact, he has no problem admitting when he is wrong. Ever. And I think that is fucking GREAT.
I thought to myself, this boy is intellectually honest and logical. He is fucking smarter than half the country.
Im talking to YOU you fascist nut jobs! My second grader is smarter than you. How does that make you feel?
Hypocrisy solves NOTHING. Grow up America.
sometime the weaker kids need others to stand up for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Your entire premise is in error. Your son did something another kid will find helpful in life. That is what we're all about in the US. That is why we went to germany. It's why there is war abroad. To help those who cannot help themselves. Sorry dude, you're wrong.
One of my coworkers' sons is going to juvenile court next week for assault because he smacked a classmate in the head for repeatedly calling him a faggot. Kid warned him but the other kid wouldn't stop. So my coworker's son hit him. Kid wasn't hurt--no blood or bruises. His parents pressed charges and the D.A. decided to "make an example of him" because they were getting sick of the fights at the high school. So this kid, who is really not a bad kid and definitely not a bully, is going to have a juvenile record. The most ironic part is, this past week while they were on break, the two boys were back to hanging out together. No issues. If only his parents could let the storm clouds pass like that.
I have a grandson going through the same thing. He ended up punching that kid for constantly calling him a fking retard. My grandson has Cerebral Palsey. The kid was pushing him and taunting him in class. At times, it is necessary to make a point. Even if the point is a punch. It is to gain leverage back that you lose to the taunt.

The bully kid hasn't gone after him again.

There had to be more to your coworkers story.

See, the difference..your grandson had hands laid upon him.

You get to defend yourself.

You don't get to punch people in the face for calling names. Sorry.
Words are not a reason to get violent, guys. Don't you guys say that all the time about protestors and muslims and shit? And look at you right now!
I'll disagree with you. some words drive kids to suicide. so that is just flat out wrong.

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