My advice to LGBT Americans

1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I've been encouraging gays and women to get guns and know how to use them for years.
The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.

Actually, it is said that the shooter in Orlando was specifically pushed over the edge and radicalized exactly because of the picture in your signature: gay men tonguing it up in public in front of him and his little son:


And, the connection between the shooter and Disney got me to wondering. The month of June is when gays take over Disney and walk around like in a pride parade all over the park doing PDAs like the one above. If he was unaware that Disney had turned its park into a lewd burlesque act (a park exclusively for the attraction of children and their parents), unknown to him, and he stumbled across it while just trying to have a family day out with his son at a CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT PARK, then yeah, being Islamic...what's displayed in your photo is what drove him to do what he did.
There's a Higher Authority Jake than man-made laws.

Hilarious, Jake The Totalitarian Leftist, Jake who illustrated again just a few days ago that it's HIM who's the Fascist, calling other people "Fascists" :lol:

But you called me honey, so :thup:
Yes, Jake is an intolerant leftist who masquerades as a conservative Republican. He is never attacked by leftists on the board because they know that he is a mole pretending to be conservative while he tries to discredit and attacks conservatives on every issue. There are some call out threads where others point out his modus operandi.
Yes, Jake is an intolerant leftist who masquerades as a conservative Republican.

Clone him a ton of times and organize him on Craigslist, Moveon emails and Facebook, state by state, and you have a movement that could nominate a false candidate for the republican party. Trump likes gay marriage and men in women's bathrooms too. But you know, he's a conservative. Like Jake. Fake Jake. I called him out ages ago.
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!

Yeah, vote conservative and give up your freedom.
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!

Yeah, vote conservative and give up your freedom.
Hahahaha... you don't even live in the U.S. what is your concern?
Stick with Progs and there goes the inalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness out the window.
We haven't learned our lesson. Isis is going to have to do a much better job at educating the west.
We haven't learned our lesson. Isis is going to have to do a much better job at educating the west.
That wouldn't be necessary if the majority was allowed to regulate behaviors and social norms here in the US. Organized behaviors like LGBT are by definition a cult. There is nothing intrinsic about their members other than doing the same things the others are doing. It's only function seems to be becoming more and more demanding and dominating year by year. It doesn't even seem to know its own limits. As such, majority rule is the only thing keeping it in check. But that was removed by illegal coup last Summer by 5 VERY misguided and PC-blind "Justices".

They falsely advertised to the world "America approves of this!". And we don't. 5 people duct taped our hands behind our backs, put a strip over our mouths and profess to speak for all of us.
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The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.

Actually, it is said that the shooter in Orlando was specifically pushed over the edge and radicalized exactly because of the picture in your signature: gay men tonguing it up in public in front of him and his little son:


And, the connection between the shooter and Disney got me to wondering. The month of June is when gays take over Disney and walk around like in a pride parade all over the park doing PDAs like the one above. If he was unaware that Disney had turned its park into a lewd burlesque act (a park exclusively for the attraction of children and their parents), unknown to him, and he stumbled across it while just trying to have a family day out with his son at a CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT PARK, then yeah, being Islamic...what's displayed in your photo is what drove him to do what he did.
Its a beautiful picture. An act of love. Outside of your limited understanding though.
You must be out of the picture down on your knees, huh?
The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.

Actually, it is said that the shooter in Orlando was specifically pushed over the edge and radicalized exactly because of the picture in your signature: gay men tonguing it up in public in front of him and his little son:


And, the connection between the shooter and Disney got me to wondering. The month of June is when gays take over Disney and walk around like in a pride parade all over the park doing PDAs like the one above. If he was unaware that Disney had turned its park into a lewd burlesque act (a park exclusively for the attraction of children and their parents), unknown to him, and he stumbled across it while just trying to have a family day out with his son at a CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT PARK, then yeah, being Islamic...what's displayed in your photo is what drove him to do what he did.
Its a beautiful picture. An act of love. Outside of your limited understanding though.

That's funny because I imagine in the grasp of anonymous sex in a bath house or at a club, a similar eyes-closed kiss is delivered just before the HIV virus. You know, in all those rampant, anonymous "acts of love" gay men are so famous for. You're right. I understand love to mean something other than dangerous promiscuous sex lives. Are you aware that a survey done of gay men by gay men says that there is a 100% chance in 5 years or less that one or both of those men will have cheated on each other with multiple partners?
The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.

Actually, it is said that the shooter in Orlando was specifically pushed over the edge and radicalized exactly because of the picture in your signature: gay men tonguing it up in public in front of him and his little son:


And, the connection between the shooter and Disney got me to wondering. The month of June is when gays take over Disney and walk around like in a pride parade all over the park doing PDAs like the one above. If he was unaware that Disney had turned its park into a lewd burlesque act (a park exclusively for the attraction of children and their parents), unknown to him, and he stumbled across it while just trying to have a family day out with his son at a CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT PARK, then yeah, being Islamic...what's displayed in your photo is what drove him to do what he did.
Its a beautiful picture. An act of love. Outside of your limited understanding though.

That's funny because I imagine in the grasp of anonymous sex in a bath house or at a club, a similar eyes-closed kiss is delivered just before the HIV virus. You know, in all those rampant, anonymous "acts of love" gay men are so famous for. You're right. I understand love to mean something other than dangerous promiscuous sex lives. Are you aware that a survey done of gay men by gay men says that there is a 100% chance in 5 years or less that one or both of those men will have cheated on each other with multiple partners?
Yeah, it's nothing like tonguing it up with a heterosexual and getting herpes...
The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.

Actually, it is said that the shooter in Orlando was specifically pushed over the edge and radicalized exactly because of the picture in your signature: gay men tonguing it up in public in front of him and his little son:


And, the connection between the shooter and Disney got me to wondering. The month of June is when gays take over Disney and walk around like in a pride parade all over the park doing PDAs like the one above. If he was unaware that Disney had turned its park into a lewd burlesque act (a park exclusively for the attraction of children and their parents), unknown to him, and he stumbled across it while just trying to have a family day out with his son at a CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT PARK, then yeah, being Islamic...what's displayed in your photo is what drove him to do what he did.
Its a beautiful picture. An act of love. Outside of your limited understanding though.

That's funny because I imagine in the grasp of anonymous sex in a bath house or at a club, a similar eyes-closed kiss is delivered just before the HIV virus. You know, in all those rampant, anonymous "acts of love" gay men are so famous for. You're right. I understand love to mean something other than dangerous promiscuous sex lives. Are you aware that a survey done of gay men by gay men says that there is a 100% chance in 5 years or less that one or both of those men will have cheated on each other with multiple partners?
When I want advice on the LGBT experience I will ask a human being not some twisted old bag.
That's funny because I imagine in the grasp of anonymous sex in a bath house or at a club, a similar eyes-closed kiss is delivered just before the HIV virus. You know, in all those rampant, anonymous "acts of love" gay men are so famous for. You're right. I understand love to mean something other than dangerous promiscuous sex lives. Are you aware that a survey done of gay men by gay men says that there is a 100% chance in 5 years or less that one or both of those men will have cheated on each other with multiple partners?

I'll never forget this from Mad Scientist.
AIDS 5:14 "And the GayLord said: Go forth and sucketh the penises with fecal matter upon them and ye shall reap the rewards".
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club
Because they weren't allowed to defend themselves.
Who said they weren't allowed?
Let's see if the haters are stupid enough to go mess with the gay parade in Miami.

They won't look fabulous when they are done.

The haters will be the ones participating in the parade.
They should just change the name of "LGBT Pride" parades to "Christian Haters Parade". Or "Decency Haters".
They should just stop parading because they have nothing to be proud of. Fags be like " Yay! I'm a filthy bug chaser! I'm probably going to leave this scene, sleep with 10 strangers and catch 10 different strains of HIV! Maybe even drink some piss and eat some shit! I'm so proud of myself!"....

And they really are proud of it. We live in the Twilight Zone.
Let's see if the haters are stupid enough to go mess with the gay parade in Miami.

They won't look fabulous when they are done.

The haters will be the ones participating in the parade.
They should just change the name of "LGBT Pride" parades to "Christian Haters Parade". Or "Decency Haters".
They should just stop parading because they have nothing to be proud of. Fags be like " Yay! I'm a filthy bug chaser! I'm probably going to leave this scene, sleep with 10 strangers and catch 10 different strains of HIV! Maybe even drink some piss and eat some shit! I'm so proud of myself!"....

And they really are proud of it. We live in the Twilight Zone.

A faggot or gender confused freak has nothing to be proud of.

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