My advice to LGBT Americans

Five elections in a row at the end voted for LGBT marriage, Sil. You are now the minority as you well know from the polls of the last three years.

53 of 55 court decisions ruled against your Cult of Sil.

People who think it's okay to take it up the rectum from another man, people who think it's okay to suck another man's dick and get Pearl Necklaces in the face, people who think that there is NO male or female are people who have NO moral's whatsoever nor do they have any right to criticise other people for anything they might say.

Also The Bible is clear, Jesus Christ doesn't advocate a man getting on down with a man, like a man gets on down with a woman.

Who cares what a group of POLITICAL APPOINTEES on the Courts think, they're probably Athiests anyhow, therefore they are of Anti-Christ.
Lucy is now defending the trolling.

I have always reported violations of attacks on family. You want to go further with that, Lucy? I have a good memory on who has and has not been on the good side in the fight.

The attack on a certain persons mother earlier was unspeakably repulsive and I'm not about to repeat what was commented.

I'm not defending the Trolling, I have never Trolled myself and I don't agree with Trolling, my point was you slapping someone for some sort of personal attack and referring to them as a Troll.
(1) Women do all those things for men. It ain't exclusive to gays, Lucy.

(2) The Constitution is the law, not the Bible.

(3) Your poor comprehension of just what is Christianity amazes and startles reasonable thinking men and women.

(4) I have always reported attacks on the family by anyone on anyone. You better do the same.

Take your little fascist ideas and self on down the road, honey.
The Haters? don't you mean the Muslim jihadists?
Haters include the haters of the far right like OOM, you, and others as well as the jihadists, also on the far right. You remind me of them.
If you're pushing for universal healthcare, everyone should hate AIDS vectors like yourself. You're pond scum.

You are. You're pond scum. Smile now, cry later AIDS vector.
Not hardly. You are simply nothing but part of the Cult of Sil.

What's the Cult of Sil?
(1) Women do all those things for men. It ain't exclusive to gays, Lucy.

(2) The Constitution is the law, not the Bible.

(3) Your poor comprehension of just what is Christianity amazes and startles reasonable thinking men and women.

(4) I have always reported attacks on the family by anyone on anyone. You better do the same.

Take your little fascist ideas and self on down the road, honey.

There's a Higher Authority Jake than man-made laws.

Hilarious, Jake The Totalitarian Leftist, Jake who illustrated again just a few days ago that it's HIM who's the Fascist, calling other people "Fascists" :lol:

But you called me honey, so :thup:
Let's see if the haters are stupid enough to go mess with the gay parade in Miami.

They won't look fabulous when they are done
The Haters? don't you mean the Muslim jihadists?
Haters include the haters of the far right like OOM, you, and others as well as the jihadists, also on the far right. You remind me of them.


These are 100% sick perverts with psychological issues.

Edited for stuff.
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You are not a high priestess, but you are a fascist totalitarian in belief that you can deny civil liberties to others.

I am a centrist slightly to the right, which makes me look like a crazy commie to a crazy like you.

You speak for neither God nor the laws nor morality.

The Leftists are the New Fascists, get with the programme already.

It's not people like me who are attempting to prevent Free Speech with all the Political Correctness horsecrap, that's the Leftists the New Fascists.

I might be some sort of High Priestess though Jake sweetie :smoke:
(1) Women do all those things for men. It ain't exclusive to gays, Lucy.

(2) The Constitution is the law, not the Bible.

(3) Your poor comprehension of just what is Christianity amazes and startles reasonable thinking men and women.

(4) I have always reported attacks on the family by anyone on anyone. You better do the same.

Take your little fascist ideas and self on down the road, honey.

Here's one of the Leftist Fascist Memo's in action....oh dear, poor thin-skinned little bedwetters DEMANDING a crackdown on Freedom of Speech in case it hurts other poor thin-skinned little bedwetters feelings.


Apparently, you did not get it the first time so I will post it again below.

But, first: what you think about sex between adults is not your business. Period. You have no power.

Forgive me then: you are high priestess ofthe cult of sil.

You probaably are not a high priestess, but you are a fascist totalitarian in belief that you can deny civil liberties to others.

I am a centrist slightly to the right, which makes me look like a crazy commie to a crazy like you.

You speak for neither God nor the laws nor morality.

If you don't want to engage such sex with men or women, then don't.
Apparently, you did not get it the first time so I will post it again below.

But, first: what you think about sex between adults is not your business. Period. You have no power.

Forgive me then: you are high priestess ofthe cult of sil.

You are not a high priestess, but you are a fascist totalitarian in belief that you can deny civil liberties to others.

I am a centrist slightly to the right, which makes me look like a crazy commie to a crazy like you.

You speak for neither God nor the laws nor morality.

Whatever :rolleyes-41:

I still don't know what The Cult of Sil is.
That's a majority of the last 5. OH, it was all five. California now is almost 60% in favor of LGBT marriage, the country is in favor, and the Cult of Sil has no power. HRC is in favor, Trump is not opposed. And your opinion cannot override federal court decisions.

You are unhappy. Who cares?
It seems that you also have no complaint when people shrug and move on when 50 degenerates get killed. By a member of the religion of peace no less.
You are unhappy. Who cares?
That's a majority of the last 5. OH, it was all five. California now is almost 60% in favor of LGBT marriage, the country is in favor, and the Cult of Sil has no power. HRC is in favor, Trump is not opposed. And your opinion cannot override federal court decisions.

You are unhappy. Who cares?
It seems that you also have no complaint when people shrug and move on when 50 degenerates get killed. By a member of the religion of peace no less. you are unhappy. Who cares?
You have no idea of the horror I felt for them or for Jo Collins. The far right, like you and the jihadists, are the emotional and moral shit holes of humanity in America.
That's a majority of the last 5. OH, it was all five. California now is almost 60% in favor of LGBT marriage, the country is in favor, and the Cult of Sil has no power. HRC is in favor, Trump is not opposed. And your opinion cannot override federal court decisions.

You are unhappy. Who cares?
It seems that you also have no complaint when people shrug and move on when 50 degenerates get killed. By a member of the religion of peace no less.
You are unhappy. Who cares?

I don't want any of the LGBT Crowd killed, I might not agree with their lifestyle and I do think that they're degenerates, but UNLIKE Muslims I wish them no harm, it's not us who are saying they need to be shot or thrown off rooftops.

I just want them to stop parading their degeneracy about and also to start understanding that people do have a right to disagree with their lifestyle and say that we think it's wrong.

As a Christian I cannot support how they act or what they do, but if they keep it indoors, then I've got no problem with whatever they wish to do or not to do.
That's a majority of the last 5. OH, it was all five. California now is almost 60% in favor of LGBT marriage, the country is in favor, and the Cult of Sil has no power. HRC is in favor, Trump is not opposed. And your opinion cannot override federal court decisions.

You are unhappy. Who cares?
It seems that you also have no complaint when people shrug and move on when 50 degenerates get killed. By a member of the religion of peace no less. you are unhappy. Who cares?
You have no idea of the horror I felt for them or for Jo Collins. The far right, like you and the jihadists, are the emotional and moral shit holes of humanity in America.
I don't care if you felt horror. If you think that the people who oppose the normalization of degeneracy have no complaint then you have no complaint because not everyone feels "horror".

Just keep hanging onto muslim ass. They are peaceful. Wouldn't hurt a soul. You love them. No bigotry, right?

As far as I'm concerned its no different than any two gangs slugging it out. Gays and jihadists, you deserve each other.
I don't care what you think or want, Tipsy, because you are immoral and unAmerican. You will follow the law, or pay the price. I can only hope you far right gangsters go out and do something severe enough you get caught. American gays are as much citizens as you will all perks and privileges and responsibilities. And if you don't like it, no one cares.
The type of vicious rhetoric we see on this thread has lead directly to Orlando. The right wing/fascist nutters need to join the civilised world and just accept people for what they are.
(1) Women do all those things for men. It ain't exclusive to gays, Lucy.

(2) The Constitution is the law, not the Bible.

(3) Your poor comprehension of just what is Christianity amazes and startles reasonable thinking men and women.

(4) I have always reported attacks on the family by anyone on anyone. You better do the same.

Take your little fascist ideas and self on down the road, honey.

I already told you and other people have told you, the Leftists ARE the Fascists.

There's nothing civilised or decent about men sucking dick or a man letting another man ram his dick up his ass or a woman licking another woman's crotch or a man chopping his dick off to become a dickless "woman" and dressing in drag and calling himself Belinda or whatever.

That the Leftists insist the above IS civilised and decent and call people names who disagree says, yes, that Leftists ARE the Fascists.

They're now talking about arresting people who don't "tolerate" the incredibly intolerant LGBT Agenda....hello, what happened to Free Speech and Freedom of Thought?

Educate yourself, buy this book, and it's not just the American Left it's the Left worldwide that are the Fascists.


We see it perfectly in the Bake The Cake For The Gays OR ELSE.



Apparently, you did not get it the first time so I will post it again below.

But, first: what you think about sex between adults is not your business. Period. You have no power.

Forgive me then: you are high priestess ofthe cult of sil.

You probaably are not a high priestess, but you are a fascist totalitarian in belief that you can deny civil liberties to others.

I am a centrist slightly to the right, which makes me look like a crazy commie to a crazy like you.

You speak for neither God nor the laws nor morality.

If you don't want to engage such sex with men or women, then don't.

"Apparently, you did not get it the first time"

No I got it the first time, it's the Leftist's who didn't get it the first time that THEY are the Fascists, so I've repeated it.

Now I'm not repeating it again.
(1) Women do all those things for men. It ain't exclusive to gays, Lucy.

(2) The Constitution is the law, not the Bible.

(3) Your poor comprehension of just what is Christianity amazes and startles reasonable thinking men and women.

(4) I have always reported attacks on the family by anyone on anyone. You better do the same.

Take your little fascist ideas and self on down the road, honey.

I already told you and other people have told you, the Leftists ARE the Fascists.

There's nothing civilised or decent about men sucking dick or a man letting another man ram his dick up his ass or a woman licking another woman's crotch or a man chopping his dick off to become a dickless "woman" and dressing in drag and calling himself Belinda or whatever.

That the Leftists insist the above IS civilised and decent and call people names who disagree says, yes, that Leftists ARE the Fascists.

They're now talking about arresting people who don't "tolerate" the incredibly intolerant LGBT Agenda....hello, what happened to Free Speech and Freedom of Thought?

Educate yourself, buy this book, and it's not just the American Left it's the Left worldwide that are the Fascists.


We see it perfectly in the Bake The Cake For The Gays OR ELSE.



Your political views render your opinion worthless.

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