My advice to LGBT Americans

This was a terrorist attack, organized or not. They won't try the same thing twice in a row. It isn't just an attack on gays.

Next time it'll be something else. We all need to be armed, we all need to be ready.

Get a gun, get a carry license, train, practice, join the NRA, vote out anti-gun politicians.
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1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.
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1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.
I think such tips are good for /all/ people, unfortunately we are not in very safe times anymore... Personally I prefer body guards though - even up in Alaska with our low crime-rates I'll not visit the shopping malls without my body guard(s) :/ I've been considering martial arts training, but with my weak knee I'm not sure I should press my luck; my grandmother had to have both knees replaced by the time she was 30, I'm 15 years past that and just now starting to regularly feel the underlying arthritis. I will say it irritates me greatly that even with a body guard I oft leave my jewelry at home when I visit Anchorage "to avoid tempting anyone," how sad is that? Anchorage is far too small to have such issues, but the truth is that there are not really any "safe places" there because it's small - I feel for lower 48'ers, but at least their big cities are large enough cities to have "safe" areas... I suppose I do have the safety of my home city which satisfies the mundane needs, but we have no fashion boutiques nor malls which makes shopping with my lady friends out here nigh impossible, or at least boring heh

I do hope we can rid of the threat of ISIS soon. I've had to cancel many of my own trips because of it and I worry greatly about my parents global sauntering. I've managed to convince my folks to forego many of the more "dangerous" adventures and stick to mostly friendly countries, but their trip to Egypt actually caused me to stop watching the news until they returned safely, I do not want to imagine the pain I would feel to find out something had happened to them on the news... I thought I was going to die when we lost my cousin in 9/11; thousands of miles away watching it on the news, and knowing that she was in that building, and now she's on the ground under all that rubble, and there is absolutely nothing, nothing I can do to stop it, to prevent it... Usually, someone in my position, I can just throw money at it and that fixes everything, but here... there was nothing I could do /at all/ - I couldn't even throw money at someone to get her out faster than everyone else, or even find her body faster after because the fucking police and FBI wouldn't allow them in. I absolutely cannot stand that feeling of... utter helplessness to protect my family. I despise those people, ISIS's continued existence, and their bullshit, is a hunting echo of my helplessness to protect my fellow citizens... It doesn't matter how much money I might throw at the problem it won't prevent any attacks that will come, it cannot protect my family and friends, nor those friends I've not met yet. I hate it...
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.
numbers did not help those that were shot in the club

You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
You're one of those stand there and die people aren't you? From what I understand that butcher was in there shooting for a while. And NOBODY did anything to try to stop him! One guy was hiding in the bathroom sending text messages instead of trying to figure a way to survive. Texting is not only dangerous when driving but also when towel heads are trying to kill you! I just hope he was in the correct bathroom.

sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
Its bullshit and you know no. Just as you don't care about lying.
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
I agree with all of that, especially the fact that there's strength in "mumbers".

numbers did not help those that were shot in the club
Because they weren't allowed to defend themselves.
sorry, i've been in the line of fire too many times. I'm a go down shooting, but in a club with alcohol, guns should have no place. Now security might have been armed.
just having number was not a deterrent to a terrorist. One person or a hundred, he still expects to die and get his virgins and wine. Terrorist are more intent on suicide by cop. omar was looking for a big news story. He was texting his wife during the whole thing asking about the news coverage.

At my age, I'd rather go down trying to save lives than expect other to die for me.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
Its bullshit and you know no. Just as you don't care about lying.

you might view a life as bullshit, you might view your life as bullshit, but my life was not. Unconventional, eventful, but not bullshit
1. Carry a gun

2. Be aware of your surroundings.

3. Don't go to bars.

4. There is strength in mumbers. Don't go out alone.

5. Carry a cell phone.

6. Have you car keys ready before yu get to your car.

7. Vote conservative.

8. Look View attachment 78409 while doing it!
To me such advice should be for everyone. All lives matter.

God bless you always!!!

God bless you too Mrs. Holly Otto.
You've never been in the line of fire...give it a rest.

you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
Its bullshit and you know no. Just as you don't care about lying.

you might view a life as bullshit, you might view your life as bullshit, but my life was not. Unconventional, eventful, but not bullshit
It was a waste if you lived it on the left
you are still ignorant of so much.
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
Its bullshit and you know no. Just as you don't care about lying.

you might view a life as bullshit, you might view your life as bullshit, but my life was not. Unconventional, eventful, but not bullshit
It was a waste if you lived it on the left

left, right, middle, forward, back, up, down............... seen the world and enjoyed life. I've also seen the worst.
vey full diverse life is hardly bullshit

Why would one have to live their life just on the right or left? how boring, how narrow minded to not see and learn from everyone and everything
No....I don't buy your bullshit story.

and I should care???
Its bullshit and you know no. Just as you don't care about lying.

you might view a life as bullshit, you might view your life as bullshit, but my life was not. Unconventional, eventful, but not bullshit
It was a waste if you lived it on the left

left, right, middle, forward, back, up, down............... seen the world and enjoyed life. I've also seen the worst.
vey full diverse life is hardly bullshit

Why would one have to live their life just on the right or left? how boring, how narrow minded to not see and learn from everyone and everything
Right or left is not just a political designation. We think differently, and generally are not compatible in close quarters or in a political system that pits us against one another, making us enemies. I'd prefer to see some respect for freedom of association return. I'm tired of this bullshit about " unity ".
The only issues we should be united on is national security and adherence to the constitution. As written, disregarding the dumb shit Hillary does like attend seances where she believes she talks to dead president's wives who guide her. Donald's crazy? Gtfo

Book says Hillary talks to dead
First lady acknowledged
'imaginary' chats.

June 22, 1996
Web posted at: 11:55 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton held imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi as a therapeutic release, according to a new book written by Bob Woodward, says a report in Sunday's edition of The Chicago Sun-Times.

The first lady declined a personal adviser's suggestion that she address Jesus Christ, however, because it would be "too personal," according to Woodward's book, "The Choice."

The book, which is still to be published, takes a behind-the-scenes look at the Clintons, as well as Bob and Elizabeth Dole.

Woodward says the adviser was Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research, which he describes as a group that studies the psychic experience and altered and expanded consciousness.

The book portrays Houston as an influential adviser who urged Mrs. Clinton to write her book, "It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us," and in the process "virtually moved into the White House" for days at a time to help with revisions, the Sun-Times reported.

Woodward suggests the White House hoped to keep Mrs. Clinton's relationship with Houston and her talks with the dead a secret.

"Most people in the White House did not know about Hillary's sessions with Houston. ... To some of the few who did, the meetings could trigger politically damaging comparisons to Nancy Reagan's use of astrology," Woodward wrote.

Mrs. Clinton's spokeswoman, Lisa Caputo, is quoted in the Sun-Times as saying the first lady's interest in Houston is no secret.

Woodward says anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson, daughter of famed anthropologist Margaret Mead, joined her in sessions of imaginary conversations.

Woodward is an assistant managing editor at The Washington Post. As a reporter, he helped break the Watergate scandal with Carl Bernstein.

Mrs. Clinton herself wrote about her imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt in her June 10 column. She said she talked to Roosevelt about the role of a first lady.

"She usually responds by telling me to buck up, or at least to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros," Mrs. Clinton wrote."
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