My advice to Trump: Spend more time and money in Georgia


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Georgia has to go to Trump as it is a reliably Red state.
With Trump's virus out of control and news that he pays almost no taxes, even this state could be in play.
Go to Georgia, host rallies, etc.
It's a must -win
I can't imagine GA voting for Biden.
There are closer races to focus on .
I guarantee you didn't expect Democrats to take the House in 2018 either.
Of course, you can show me comments you made before that election to prove it.
I'm waiting.
Georgia has to go to Trump as it is a reliably Red state.
With Trump's virus out of control and news that he pays almost no taxes, even this state could be in play.
Go to Georgia, host rallies, etc.
It's a must -win
a USMB poster's advice to Mr Trump--the POTUS = HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Georgia has to go to Trump as it is a reliably Red state.
With Trump's virus out of control and news that he pays almost no taxes, even this state could be in play.
Go to Georgia, host rallies, etc.
It's a must -win
Why not just buy votes at $100 a wacl. It would be cheaper.
Georgia has to go to Trump as it is a reliably Red state.
With Trump's virus out of control and news that he pays almost no taxes, even this state could be in play.
Go to Georgia, host rallies, etc.
It's a must -win
He isn't losing here. The poll oversampled democrats and undersampled republicans and independents here.
With Trump's virus out of control
Trump obviously doesn't have the virus dumbass.

He took hydroxychloroquine, remember?

Trump died from his heart exploding into a bazillion hydroxychloroquized pieces months ago according to your moonbat logic.

Georgia has to go to Trump as it is a reliably Red state.
With Trump's virus out of control and news that he pays almost no taxes, even this state could be in play.
Go to Georgia, host rallies, etc.
It's a must -win

And exactly where is Rump going to get that money from? Like everything else, he's bankrupted the campaign funds and he doesn't have two nickels to rub together himself. Are you going to cut him a check? He would do it himself but it would bounce to the moon and back.
Biden is polling well ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin – he’s averaging 5 points or more in each of those states per RCP; Biden has commanding leads in all the Clinton states from 2016, giving Biden 279 ECVs.

Spending time and money in Georgia isn’t going to help Trump.
I can't imagine GA voting for Biden.
There are closer races to focus on .

I was just looking at the Polling at RealClearPolitics for Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona, Georgia, many of these polls the sample polled is small in most all UNDER 1000 LV in some just over 500 LV, a few over 600 LV and in some the sample is in the 200s LV and the Margin of Error in most of them because of this is 4.5.

But also if you read some of the actual polls, the weighting is very very off. Here's an example and I am deliberately using the Fox News Poll because actually I think Fox News under James Murdoch is more Anti-Trump than Pro-Trump and the below is an example.


^^^^ Look at the sample they used in their poll that I am highlighting, it's the poll from 20-23 Sep and you have they polled 50% Democrats and only 42% Republicans, yes that's a big difference of polling an EXTRA 8% Democrats and with that extra 8% of Democrats they get the below result:

FOX News 20-23 Sep Sample 856 LV MoE 3.0 and on polling 50% Democrats and only 42% Republicans they get a result of Biden 51% and Trump 44% you can do this is 99.9% of polls if you look WITHIN the poll and look at the samples they are always polling MORE Democrats than Republicans and so with this logic dictates they are getting Biden in the lead in these polls.


With Trump's virus out of control
Trump obviously doesn't have the virus dumbass.

He took hydroxychloroquine, remember?

Trump died from his heart exploding into a bazillion hydroxychloroquized pieces months ago according to your moonbat logic.


That's a lie. Rump didn't die. He has no heart to explode.
So in your delusional TDS afflicted mind, Trump is an immortal supernatural being? A God?
FOX News 20-23 Sep Sample 856 LV MoE 3.0 and on polling 50% Democrats and only 42% Republicans they get a result of Biden 51% and Trump 44% you can do this is 99.9% of polls if you look WITHIN the poll and look at the samples they are always polling MORE Democrats than Republicans and so with this logic dictates they are getting Biden in the lead in these polls.

That's because there are more registered Democrats in PA than Republicans. So one would assume there'd be more Democrats polled than Republicans.

Since the 2016 primary election, Republicans have added about 165,000 net voters, while Democrats added only about 30,000. Democrats still maintain an 800,000-voter edge over Republicans. But that’s down from 936,000 in 2016, when Trump still won the state by less than 1%.​


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