My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

It has been a struggle for most groups in this nation. Most of the wrongs have been righted. We are taxed to extremes to keep it. Like Bill Maher said...A nice stock market collapse will tell us all where we are at. He wants the Progs in control. I bet you people will not be nice to each other if the worse happens.

Here's the funny thing about it. When the REpublicans are in charge, we have Stock Market Collapses. Never fucking fails. It isn't a bug, it's a design feature. Nice market collapse,t he rich are fine, the rest of us lose our shirts and end up being happy with less.

Then we turn around, vote in the Democrats who fix things, like Obama and Clinton and FDR did. But after a few years of getting better, we have a brain fart and forget and the GOP tells us that black homo wants the same stuff we have, and we get all angry about it and vote them back in again.

Wash, rinse repeat.

Boy, I'm glad that's not going on. That would be stupid.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

its not really the hat its you , me, and anyone else who will never "fall into line"
Rather than a symbol of defiance and individuality like you think it is that hat says you have fallen in line behind a wannabe autocrat and that you totally believe everything Trump says.

wot :auiqs.jpg:
pfft if you say so dumbass
This is odd. I'm a minority and I'm doing much better under Trump's economy than I did under Obama's economy. If this is what you Liberals mean by "bigotry" and "white supremacy", then I'll take more of that please.

If you are really so dumb that you think Trump is responsible for the good economy he inherited from Obama, then you might be proving their point.
None of our recent growth came from Obama's policies, quite the opposite, most came from reversal of his policies and opposite ideas on taxation. When you cut taxes people have more spending power and investment money, the increased spending and investment income draws more tax revenue to make up for the lower tax revenue from the cuts and usually surpasses income. This stimulation draws more income from the jobs being created through increased demand and spending and the security in the economy boosts investment into businesses and markets boosting even further tax revenue.
Your party taxing people to death chokes this type of stimulation and does the opposite, so while your social welfare cares for those out of the loop it also creates more people out of the loop and your higher taxes brings in less tax revenue(opposite it's intent)....and thus you control more people like you guys like to while conservatives love more freedom and prosperity. The difference was proven by the election of a true capitalist=
you lose and are once again proven to lie about it.
/——/ you just contradicted yourself with a double negative but I promise I won’t tell a soul.

Okay, guy, whatever... YOu do get my point, that the MAGA guys look at America not being great because a black guy became president, right?
You have major issues with your race baiting argument;
1)he is also white, therefore your selective recognition of his half race over the other is in itself a racist thing to do. And
2)Deceitful in using that as your argument.
3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.
If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..
/——/ you just contradicted yourself with a double negative but I promise I won’t tell a soul.

Okay, guy, whatever... YOu do get my point, that the MAGA guys look at America not being great because a black guy became president, right?
You have major issues with your race baiting argument;
1)he is also white, therefore your selective recognition of his half race over the other is in itself a racist thing to do. And
2)Deceitful in using that as your argument.
3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.
If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..
1. You know that Obama was gleamed as the "First Black President."
2. Hogwash
3. Inadvertantly meant he didn't mean to but it sli;pped out as the truth usuall.
4. Race would not have been brought up if Obsama wasn't so racist in his actions. Such as the Africa American Education office, (white children don't have needs?); The Gates matter where Gates acted the fool, resorting to black talk, screaming "Yo MAMA!" and then blaming the police officers when they were responding to a black man breaking into a house
5. Then there's Michell saying, "For the first time I am proud of this country...only when her husband was running for president. Never before did she even like this country although they had great successes in this horrible country.
2008-2016 were not great years. When the president goes around the world apologizing for us, it's a clear indication we, as an electorate had made a mistake pushing us into dark days.

No, they weren't great years because after 30 years of a Right Wing War on the Working Class, the whole thing fell apart. But give Obama his props for fixing the economic problems. Oh, no, you won't, because black guy.

Why shouldn't we apologize for our bad behavior? We killed nearly a million Iraqis for nothing when the rest of the world told us it was a terrible idea. We propped up dozens of awful dictators.. My opinion, Obama didn't go far enough. We say we love Democracy, just not for other people.

/----/ You mean devised by democRAT slave rapists

There weren't Democrats or Republicans when the EC was devised.

One could argue the two political parties are a result of the EC, which is one of the best arguments against it.
None of our recent growth came from Obama's policies, quite the opposite, most came from reversal of his policies and opposite ideas on taxation. When you cut taxes people have more spending power and investment money, the increased spending and investment income draws more tax revenue to make up for the lower tax revenue from the cuts and usually surpasses income.

Oh, please, we've heard the Supply Side Snake Oil for 30 years now, I'm shocked anyone is even still buying it.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates. The money was more fairly distributed and people had good jobs working on infrastructure.

Now we have crumbling infrastructure, a busted middle class, but don't worry, the Rich have plenty of Dressage Horses.
Boy, I'm glad that's not going on. That would be stupid.

Gee, I'm sorry you are in denial. Don't worry, when the Trump Recession comes next year, you'll find a way to blame it on Obama and then scream when the next Democrat doesn't fix it fast enough.
/---/ And when the Trump Recession doesn't happen - you'll pretend you never made this prediction.
4. Race would not have been brought up if Obsama wasn't so racist in his actions. Such as the Africa American Education office, (white children don't have needs?); The Gates matter where Gates acted the fool, resorting to black talk, screaming "Yo MAMA!" and then blaming the police officers when they were responding to a black man breaking into a house

Okay, let's look at that. The police got call about a black man breaking into the house, but they IMMEDIATELY established he was the homeowner. They should have gotten back into their cars and went home.

Instead, they decided to bust this distinguished professor for "Contempt of Cop". That was really, really acting stupidly, and the President said so. He then tried to use it as teaching moment, but some of you people are uneducatable.
None of our recent growth came from Obama's policies, quite the opposite, most came from reversal of his policies and opposite ideas on taxation. When you cut taxes people have more spending power and investment money, the increased spending and investment income draws more tax revenue to make up for the lower tax revenue from the cuts and usually surpasses income.

Oh, please, we've heard the Supply Side Snake Oil for 30 years now, I'm shocked anyone is even still buying it.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates. The money was more fairly distributed and people had good jobs working on infrastructure.

Now we have crumbling infrastructure, a busted middle class, but don't worry, the Rich have plenty of Dressage Horses.
/-----/ And yet Supply Side Snake Oil built the greatest country in the history of mankind.
/---/ And when the Trump Recession doesn't happen - you'll pretend you never made this prediction.

OH, I have no doubt it's coming. It's just when. They might be able to put it off until 2021. But more likely, 2020. Hopefully just in time to shove Trump out of office.
/----/ "they might be able to put it off until 2021. But more likely, 2020"
Or maybe 2024 or 2032 or 2848 - just like all your Goreball Warming predictions that never pan out.
3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.

Okay, let's look at that.

Obama- Got a JD from Harvard and was president of the Harvard Law Review.

Palin- Cobbled together enough credits for a BA in Communications from six colleges.

Obama- Successful Lawyer, State Legistlator and Senator.

Palin- Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska (Pop 6000), was governor for a little over a year, quit after two years to take a job at Fox.

Then again, the job at Fox was perfect for her. She had lots of experience talking to a retarded 5 year old.

If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..

Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it.

Great example was the ACA. When Mitt Romney ran in 2008, he got more shit for being a Mormon than he did for proposing the combination of government and private expansion to provide universal health coverage in MA. He said this should be the model for the whole country, the Heritage Foundation agreed...

And then the black guy did it. The ironic thing is that when you guys get your wet dream of getting the courts to throw out the ACA, the people who will be most negatively effected will be all the dumb white trash in Flyover Country.
3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.

Okay, let's look at that.

Obama- Got a JD from Harvard and was president of the Harvard Law Review.

Palin- Cobbled together enough credits for a BA in Communications from six colleges.

Obama- Successful Lawyer, State Legistlator and Senator.

Palin- Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska (Pop 6000), was governor for a little over a year, quit after two years to take a job at Fox.

Then again, the job at Fox was perfect for her. She had lots of experience talking to a retarded 5 year old.

If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..

Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it.

Great example was the ACA. When Mitt Romney ran in 2008, he got more shit for being a Mormon than he did for proposing the combination of government and private expansion to provide universal health coverage in MA. He said this should be the model for the whole country, the Heritage Foundation agreed...

And then the black guy did it. The ironic thing is that when you guys get your wet dream of getting the courts to throw out the ACA, the people who will be most negatively effected will be all the dumb white trash in Flyover Country.
/----/ "Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it. "
/-----/ And yet Supply Side Snake Oil built the greatest country in the history of mankind.

No, it didn't. We became the greatest country in the world after the Progressive Era and the New Deal created THE MIDDLE CLASS. The Supply Side Snake oil has been slowly killing the Middle Class for the last 40 years...

The problem is, instead of putting the blame where it belongs, the shift of the wealth from the middle class to the One Percent, you dumb White Trash fucks blame minorities, because Trump told you to.
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious
I view the Dems as cold-hearted sharks that calculate every move they make based on how they're going to get more power and trick people they consider stupid.

They're statistic-watchers, false scenario creators, false witnesses, and fake news experts--all used to fool people into voting in their agenda, which basically is opposite of whatever Republicans decide to do. They're heartless people who know how to manipulate information. Somehow, they've convinced actors and actresses to get on board with them. Why that is I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with manipulating people's feelings around by pretense, which is how thespians make their money--getting people's minds off what's going on with a good story that has a happy ending. Unfortunately, I do not think of someone taking away 70% of my money is a happy ending to a life of hard work.

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