My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

/----/ "Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it. "

So, yeah, it's just a coincidence you supported the guy who promoted racist birther series... you guys haven't totally lost your shit over Obama. He's been gone for two years and your shit is still lost.
/----/ "they might be able to put it off until 2021. But more likely, 2020"
Or maybe 2024 or 2032 or 2848 - just like all your Goreball Warming predictions that never pan out.

Again, just because you don't understand science or economics doesn't mean they aren't a thing.

Will the US fall into a recession by the end of 2020? Half of business economists think so.
1.) The link clearly states "roughly" half which means it's less than half - meaning more than half don't think it will happen.
2.) No link to the demographics of how many business economists were polled or what the questions were.
3.) Fake polls are all you have.
/----/ "Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it. "

So, yeah, it's just a coincidence you supported the guy who promoted racist birther series... you guys haven't totally lost your shit over Obama. He's been gone for two years and your shit is still lost.
/----/ "supported the guy who promoted racist birther series"
I never supported the original birtha Hildabeast.
3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.

Okay, let's look at that.

Obama- Got a JD from Harvard and was president of the Harvard Law Review.

Palin- Cobbled together enough credits for a BA in Communications from six colleges.

Obama- Successful Lawyer, State Legistlator and Senator.

Palin- Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska (Pop 6000), was governor for a little over a year, quit after two years to take a job at Fox.

Then again, the job at Fox was perfect for her. She had lots of experience talking to a retarded 5 year old.

If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..

Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it.

Great example was the ACA. When Mitt Romney ran in 2008, he got more shit for being a Mormon than he did for proposing the combination of government and private expansion to provide universal health coverage in MA. He said this should be the model for the whole country, the Heritage Foundation agreed...

And then the black guy did it. The ironic thing is that when you guys get your wet dream of getting the courts to throw out the ACA, the people who will be most negatively effected will be all the dumb white trash in Flyover Country.
/----/ The difference is - you moron - is that Massachusetts is a state that voted for socialized medicine. But Obozocare was federally mandated to all states regardless of what people wanted.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".
MAGA is about foundation. And strength. Most if not all wrongs have been corrected. The problem is the best of the best of the best are not coming forward as others are emasculated and turned into eunuchs. All of the advertising over the decades was supposed to replace white males with others of pure diversity and get better. But it is not there. We have to compete in a world that shows no mercy. Forgive me. Where are all of the technology advancements from the minorities that was supposed to happen as an example from the money we were taxed? Where are the inventers and industrialists and visionaries that create tens of millions of jobs? We were sold on this. Remember.."A mind is a terrible thing to waste"? It seems it hit a certain point and plateaued. And plateaued higher then me. There was a time women could not get loans even though they ran businesses. That was corrected. We hit a point of plateau also. So tell me different. Please relieve my reservations of trepidition that everything is going to be all right. We peaked around 1970 or so. Now we live off the past. With all its warts.

3)Obama himself inadvertantly admitted he was not qualified or experienced enough for the Job when his campaign rant questioned Palin's qualifications which were slightly better then his.
By bringing up a false statement of race on maters of qualifications is once again racist on your part.

Okay, let's look at that.

Obama- Got a JD from Harvard and was president of the Harvard Law Review.

Palin- Cobbled together enough credits for a BA in Communications from six colleges.

Obama- Successful Lawyer, State Legistlator and Senator.

Palin- Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska (Pop 6000), was governor for a little over a year, quit after two years to take a job at Fox.

Then again, the job at Fox was perfect for her. She had lots of experience talking to a retarded 5 year old.

If a person happens to be part Black or of Russian ancestry those are irrelevant to the crux of the matter and by bringing up Race or nationality is a Racist or Xenophobic problem you and your party has, so don't deflect that way of thinking in your arguments because you are arguing in your mirror reflection of yourselves..

Uh, guy, your side completely lost their shit because he was a black man. to the point where you even rejected your own ideas because the black man did it.

Great example was the ACA. When Mitt Romney ran in 2008, he got more shit for being a Mormon than he did for proposing the combination of government and private expansion to provide universal health coverage in MA. He said this should be the model for the whole country, the Heritage Foundation agreed...

And then the black guy did it. The ironic thing is that when you guys get your wet dream of getting the courts to throw out the ACA, the people who will be most negatively effected will be all the dumb white trash in Flyover Country.
Palin was in Politics a little longer and your post proves he's not qualified, so much so that you refuse to list how long he was Senator and can not refute that he himself stated that was not enough experience. :)
You either have to agree he was less qualified or admit Liberal ideology is bat guano crazy.
/----/ "supported the guy who promoted racist birther series"
I never supported the original birtha Hildabeast.

Good thing Hillary never said anything about Birtherism...
/---/ Her campaign did you idiot. You libs say Trump is responsible for everything and everyone in his campaign - well so is Hildabeast.

Not so.
/----/ The Washington Post confirms it.
Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement | Breitbart
Most liberals nowadays don't believe America was ever "great." They see our founding as tainted. They view our history as shameful.

As I've said, I can only wonder what American liberals would say about the founding and history of France and England if they bothered to read objective histories of those nations. "Great" does not mean perfect.

Israel is one of the few countries with a virtually stainless founding and history, but now many American liberals have turned on Israel and have become pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian, because they ignore the fact that Israel's sins pale in comparison to Hamas's and the Palestinians' sins.
/---/ Her campaign did you idiot. You libs say Trump is responsible for everything and everyone in his campaign - well so is Hildabeast.

Her campaign didn't either.... Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, it damages what can laughingly be called your brain.

Breitbart- Not a reliable source.
Palin was in Politics a little longer and your post proves he's not qualified, so much so that you refuse to list how long he was Senator and can not refute that he himself stated that was not enough experience.

except he said no such thing... and yeah, being a Senator for 3 years is a lot bigger deal than being the mayor of Trailer Parks in Wasilla.


Um, no. Liberals don't think that and the next Democratic nominee is probably going to be a white dude, either Biden or Sanders.
Most liberals nowadays don't believe America was ever "great." They see our founding as tainted. They view our history as shameful.

Genocide, slavery, apartheid... um, yeah, there's a lot in our history to be ashamed of.

As I've said, I can only wonder what American liberals would say about the founding and history of France and England if they bothered to read objective histories of those nations. "Great" does not mean perfect.

I would say the same thing. There's a lot in their histories to be ashamed of, too.

Israel is one of the few countries with a virtually stainless founding and history,

Slaughtering people and stealing their land is not stainless.
/---/ Her campaign did you idiot. You libs say Trump is responsible for everything and everyone in his campaign - well so is Hildabeast.

Her campaign didn't either.... Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, it damages what can laughingly be called your brain.

Breitbart- Not a reliable source.
Palin was in Politics a little longer and your post proves he's not qualified, so much so that you refuse to list how long he was Senator and can not refute that he himself stated that was not enough experience.

except he said no such thing... and yeah, being a Senator for 3 years is a lot bigger deal than being the mayor of Trailer Parks in Wasilla.


Um, no. Liberals don't think that and the next Democratic nominee is probably going to be a white dude, either Biden or Sanders.
/----/ "Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, "
The only Hate Radio I ever listened to was Air America. But I only listened for about 20 minutes.
The birtha movement started in 2008 when Hildabeast was running against Obozo. Trump didn't get involved for another 6 years or so.
Birtherism: Where it all began
Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.
/----/ "Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, "
The only Hate Radio I ever listened to was Air America. But I only listened for about 20 minutes.
The birtha movement started in 2008 when Hildabeast was running against Obozo. Trump didn't get involved for another 6 years or so.
Birtherism: Where it all began
Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.


First it was Hillary
Then it was her campaign
then it was "Supporters circulating an anonymous email".

I'm sure you claim someone wrote it on a bathroom wall once.

Point is, Trump elevated it from "Cranks sending emails" to something said on national TV, and claims of proof. He kept claiming this after it was demonstrated to him again and again it wasn't true.

Because Racist Ratfucks like you ate that shit up.
/----/ "Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, "
The only Hate Radio I ever listened to was Air America. But I only listened for about 20 minutes.
The birtha movement started in 2008 when Hildabeast was running against Obozo. Trump didn't get involved for another 6 years or so.
Birtherism: Where it all began
Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.


First it was Hillary
Then it was her campaign
then it was "Supporters circulating an anonymous email".

I'm sure you claim someone wrote it on a bathroom wall once.

Point is, Trump elevated it from "Cranks sending emails" to something said on national TV, and claims of proof. He kept claiming this after it was demonstrated to him again and again it wasn't true.

Because Racist Ratfucks like you ate that shit up.
/----/ It was all of them. The fish rots from the head down.
/----/ "Stop believing the crap you hear on Hate radio, "
The only Hate Radio I ever listened to was Air America. But I only listened for about 20 minutes.
The birtha movement started in 2008 when Hildabeast was running against Obozo. Trump didn't get involved for another 6 years or so.
Birtherism: Where it all began
Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.


First it was Hillary
Then it was her campaign
then it was "Supporters circulating an anonymous email".

I'm sure you claim someone wrote it on a bathroom wall once.

Point is, Trump elevated it from "Cranks sending emails" to something said on national TV, and claims of proof. He kept claiming this after it was demonstrated to him again and again it wasn't true.

Because Racist Ratfucks like you ate that shit up.

It was nationalized long before Trump, Trump started in on the birther BS in 2011. It made national news in 2008.
And the fact is, we still don't know where that traitor was born, or his grades in college, or why he married a linebacker. You dicktards would do better if you just shut the fuck up.

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