"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

20+ pages since last night and all I've seen is the same leftist posters refusing to acknowledge science and precedent while regurgitating their debunked talking points as NotYourBody cheer-leads with her juvenile "LA LA LA LA I'LL DO AS I PLEASE LA LA LA LA NO NO NO NO LA LA LA LA TTTHTHHHHBBBBPPPPPPTTTTT!!!!" antics.

It's like watching a fucking kindergarten classroom.

But to be fair, only the worst of the Kinders....the bullies and the whiners.

Most kinders are much better than this. Much.
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions

i suppose the white 'christian' male alabama legislature that voted for such a draconian 'law' who said that frozen IVF 'babies' aren't really ' babies ' , & therefore aren't as worthy
( even though they are EXACTLY the same in every manner at that gestational stage) because as he put it: they aren't 'inside a woman' is a murderer too..... right?
The Pro-Lifers have to support banning all abortions, or they're being hypocrites. Either life is sacred, or it is not.

So, if they're honest, they support the Alabama law.

And Trump is a murderer: https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...to-distance-himself-from-alabama-abortion-law

Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday night, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions--Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother--the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

So you agree if you condone any abortion you're just as gulity as the murderer doing it?

I'm interested, what's your stance on abortion because if you agree with any part of it you just called yourself a murderer.

This may very well be an epic gotcha moment...unless of course you oppose all abortions
As I point out in the link at the end of the second line of my sig, I'm pro choice. I'd also be open to bans on late term abortion, and I don't like the way most pro choicers approach this topic.

So, again, for clarity, I'm pro choice.

Then according to your post you're a murderer. You called Trump one. Fair is fair but thanks for the honesty

Be careful what you post.
Okay, I'm a murderer. So is Trump.

Call the cops.

God will sort it out. Bank that one

well then, what about those that don't believe in the same 'god' as you.... or not at all. this is a nation built on laws & there is no litmus test, therefore your 'special' brand of religion doesn't trump any other. pun intended. AND if 'god' will sort it out - why legislate it based on your doctrine then?
the worst thing so called 'pro lifers' say - i say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad.... is when they use the term 'baby' when referring to a zygote or embryo or a few 'weeks' old gestational fetus is the same as a post born person with a history.

when a clump of cells & tissue has more value than babies whose cord is cut...& they & their mamas are on their own as far as food, medical care, housing & education or GOD forbid, they are brown & are in cages ready to be sent back to their 3rd word 'shit holes' , something is seriously & defectively wrong with their brains.

1. A zygote, embryo and fetus are just terms to use for human development, like newborn, toddler, preschooler, pre-teen, teenager. They don't confer designation of worth on a person.

2. The 70s called, they want their busted "clump of cells" talking point back.

3. No one is saying the baby has MORE value than the mother. But, you do not KILL someone because another finds the life inconvenient or unwanted. This goes without saying in all other facets of life.

4. You deflect to ranting because you have no other case to make. See above.

A) rant? LOL!!!!!!!!!! silly you. you're the one ranting or you wouldn't have started this thread.

B) a clump of cells is still a clump of cells no matter what you try to change it into. you wanna legislate so that personhood starts at conception.

C) i see you didn't address the issue of what to do with all those forced to term pregnancies once the cord is cut.

D) now tell me how you want your taxes raised to accommodate all that new precious life & their welfare mamas.

E) did your god decipher the difference in 'personhood' in the OT? start with exodus & then numbers.
So your stance is that the world in which the left has created is now unstoppable, and it's highly unaffordable, so it best to stop the added pressures to that world while they are still in the womb ?

Otherwise to keep balance or to try and keep balance in leftist world, these things must continue to take place because there is no way out of leftist world now right ?? Trump caused a 7.9 quake to strike in leftist world, and the left went slam crazy afterwards.

speak english please.
the worst thing so called 'pro lifers' say - i say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad.... is when they use the term 'baby' when referring to a zygote or embryo or a few 'weeks' old gestational fetus is the same as a post born person with a history.

when a clump of cells & tissue has more value than babies whose cord is cut...& they & their mamas are on their own as far as food, medical care, housing & education or GOD forbid, they are brown & are in cages ready to be sent back to their 3rd word 'shit holes' , something is seriously & defectively wrong with their brains.

1. A zygote, embryo and fetus are just terms to use for human development, like newborn, toddler, preschooler, pre-teen, teenager. They don't confer designation of worth on a person.

2. The 70s called, they want their busted "clump of cells" talking point back.

3. No one is saying the baby has MORE value than the mother. But, you do not KILL someone because another finds the life inconvenient or unwanted. This goes without saying in all other facets of life.

4. You deflect to ranting because you have no other case to make. See above.
Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so, such as the right to privacy.

That some might subjectively believe that the reason or reasons why a woman elects to terminate her pregnancy are ‘wrong’ or ‘invalid’ is legally irrelevant, in no manner ‘justification’ to deny a woman that choice guaranteed to her by the Constitution.

that big bad intrusive gov'ment, so called 'conservatives' want to stay out of americans' lives only apply to their religion, the 2nd amendment, & private business practices. but when in comes to the bedroom or the uterus - then that's different.
If you had a dog and you got it an abortion would you consider that the same thing as what michael Vick was doing to living dogs?

No, you realize the difference
Yes. That would be pretty evil. Did you torture animals as a kid? Do you today?

Why do tards have so little respect for life
Do you really believe a dog abortion is the same as a living dog dying in a dog fight?

Then you’re a tard.

But you get one vote and so does everyone else. I’ll go with what the majority of women think
Life isn’t that precious.
That literally sickens me. That mentality is one of reasons this world is so messed up. It leads to senseless violence, atrocities, genocide, etc. History has shown that.
Nonsense. I/we believe living humans lives are precious. Your side doesn’t. You would starve a poor persons baby or deny it healthcare because it can’t afford it.

Your way is leading us to atrocities.

Our way lowers the population and allows women who shouldn’t be parents to not be burdens on our society
And the man doesn't right? What a pussy and a coward to put it all off on the woman.
What cowards republicans are for not putting this on their 2020 platform. Or how stupid democrats are for not rallying women. Republicans war on women and freedom
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

Only in your ignorant, stubborn little mind. Science already established LONG ago when human life begins. You just don't want to hear it, because it goes against your strange obsession with promoting abortion.

When does the life of a chicken begin? Yet you know the difference between cutting a chickens head off and scrambling an egg
Stop me then. Come for me big boy. You scared bro?
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.

Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

No it's not, actually. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that states lawmakers cannot vote on laws based on their religious convictions so long as they do not break the tenets of the Constitution. There IS no "separation of Church and State" in the Constitution and so, as you well know, lawmakers are ABSOLUTELY allowed to oppose ANYTHING or endorse ANYTHING based on religious belief. The people ELECT them. If the people don't like it, kick them out of office and they won't make laws. That's how it works.
If you vote on it, you are attempting to break that wall between church and state;

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."[1]

You want to practice anti-abortion? Knock yourself out. But the Constitution clearly states there will be "no law respecting an establishment of religion." And since there are no known scientific conclusions, just theories about when life begins, the radical Right is pushing their religious belief into law by using make believe conclusions not established as fact.

The Constitution never signed us up to exercise your religious beliefs through law. That would be akin to religious bondage.
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Life isn’t that precious.
That literally sickens me. That mentality is one of reasons this world is so messed up. It leads to senseless violence, atrocities, genocide, etc. History has shown that.
Nonsense. I/we believe living humans lives are precious. Your side doesn’t. You would starve a poor persons baby or deny it healthcare because it can’t afford it.

Your way is leading us to atrocities.

Our way lowers the population and allows women who shouldn’t be parents to not be burdens on our society

Stupid shit if you think if you think life is precious you wouldn't kill them.

You morons are all over the map with your nonsensical BS
Until POTUS unscrewed things, I thought SCOTUS ruled during ACA that a woman DOES NOT have control over her body

And the man doesn't right? What a pussy and a coward to put it all off on the woman.
What cowards republicans are for not putting this on their 2020 platform. Or how stupid democrats are for not rallying women. Republicans war on women and freedom
Leftarded war on babies : "kill the little womb blobs."
I don't know it's life. You might but I don't. I know it's cells and none of yours or my business.

Stop trying to dehumanize the preborn with your dismissive, disrespectful misleading words. By the time most surgical abortions occur, you have a beating heart, brain waves, a little face and body, organs, etc.


Watch this video, this is at a time when most abortions occur:

I keep my nose in my own life. That's because I actually have a life. You don't. Which is why you stick your nose in total strangers business where it doesn't belong.

Your problem is the law just isn't on your side and you can't do anything about it.

Tough for you.


And yet, no one can tell us when life begins. Oh wait a minute, you can. Lol!

Only in your ignorant, stubborn little mind. Science already established LONG ago when human life begins. You just don't want to hear it, because it goes against your strange obsession with promoting abortion.

When does the life of a chicken begin? Yet you know the difference between cutting a chickens head off and scrambling an egg

They can't answer. I already asked it before. Was the egg a chicken before it was scrambled? Lol! Did it scream kaka doodle do inside the egg? You know, like a fetus starts talking baby talk immediately after conception.
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Life isn’t that precious.
That literally sickens me. That mentality is one of reasons this world is so messed up. It leads to senseless violence, atrocities, genocide, etc. History has shown that.
Nonsense. I/we believe living humans lives are precious. Your side doesn’t. You would starve a poor persons baby or deny it healthcare because it can’t afford it.

Your way is leading us to atrocities.

Our way lowers the population and allows women who shouldn’t be parents to not be burdens on our society

Stupid shit if you think if you think life is precious you wouldn't kill them.

You morons are all over the map with your nonsensical BS
When did the life start again? 2073 posts and that question was never answered.
20+ pages since last night and all I've seen is the same leftist posters refusing to acknowledge science and precedent while regurgitating their debunked talking points as NotYourBody cheer-leads with her juvenile "LA LA LA LA I'LL DO AS I PLEASE LA LA LA LA NO NO NO NO LA LA LA LA TTTHTHHHHBBBBPPPPPPTTTTT!!!!" antics.

It's like watching a fucking kindergarten classroom.
The science has already been addressed. There are only theories in science that address when life begins, as bad as you want to believe otherwise.

Why Science Can't Say When a Baby's Life Begins

Biology and evolution of life science
NotYourBody. Not your body either because one day the Grim Reaper is going to come to collect yours. And the Book of Life has all the good deeds and all the bad deeds and you will be judged accordingly. LMAO

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!

If one condones the sin they are just as guilty as the one committing the sin.

James 4:17

So what?

Guess what?

Not everyone is a christian and not all christians are the same christian faith as you.

You have a constitutional right to live your life that way. You don't have any constitutional or legal right to force your religion on anyone in this nation.

It's extremely unconstitutional to create laws based on a religion. It's violating the separation of religion and state, it's the government putting one religion above others and it's establishing a government religion.

All of which are extremely unconstitutional.

Live your life as you want. No one is stopping you.

Stop taking that same right from everyone else.

No it's not, actually. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that states lawmakers cannot vote on laws based on their religious convictions so long as they do not break the tenets of the Constitution. There IS no "separation of Church and State" in the Constitution and so, as you well know, lawmakers are ABSOLUTELY allowed to oppose ANYTHING or endorse ANYTHING based on religious belief. The people ELECT them. If the people don't like it, kick them out of office and they won't make laws. That's how it works.
If you vote on it, you are attempting to break that wall between church and state;

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."[1]

You want to practice anti-abortion? Knock yourself out. But the Constitution clearly states there will be "no law respecting an establishment of religion." And since there are no known scientific conclusions, just theories about when life begins, the radical Right is pushing their religious belief into law by using make believe conclusions not established as fact.

The Constitution never signed us up to exercise your religious beliefs through law. That would be akin to religious bondage.
I’ve been trying to get them to admit it. This whole life is precious thing is their religion. Keep your religion out of my uterus.

Human life is not that precious you can’t abort it at 12 weeks. Republicans want to make it zero weeks so don’t give in to this 8 week cut off. Most women don’t even know they have a seed in them until after 8 weeks.
Life isn’t that precious.
That literally sickens me. That mentality is one of reasons this world is so messed up. It leads to senseless violence, atrocities, genocide, etc. History has shown that.
Nonsense. I/we believe living humans lives are precious. Your side doesn’t. You would starve a poor persons baby or deny it healthcare because it can’t afford it.

Your way is leading us to atrocities.

Our way lowers the population and allows women who shouldn’t be parents to not be burdens on our society

Stupid shit if you think if you think life is precious you wouldn't kill them.

You morons are all over the map with your nonsensical BS
When did the life start again? 2073 posts and that question was never answered.
As soon as that sperm penetrates the egg a woman is a murderer if she takes the morning after pill. Murder.
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Here's my review of this thread - NotYourBody Challenged folks in this thread to outline your plans for assuming control of my uterus and the contents inside.
So far....no takers. So much Winning!
You and your anti-life comrades have been challenged to justify the murder of babes-in-wombs.

So far … no takers … and we all know why.

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