"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Personally, I don't know any "proaborts".

No one's interested in how the voices in your head define things.

Cec., it has become clear after your last 20 rants that you have decided to troll me, and I am simply not interested. Find someone whose emotions you can manipulate..

Vandal, it has become clear after every post you have ever made on this message board that you consider any post which disagrees with your horseshit to be "trolling you", because you're "not interested" in ever hearing that the "logic" you proudly tell yourself you have is ridiculous. Find someone who's as stupid as you to tell your lies to.

I'm planning to continue right ahead with pointing out what a sad, ignorant little liar you are, because I care just as much about whether or not you're "interested" in it as I do with gaining your approval. Feel free to run away like the little bitch you are, if you like.
Since you did not answer my question, and it has already been demonstrated that you can not stop abortions, I assume that you are posting here because you want to make general condemnations. Ok. Now, that won't change anything, but does it make you feel belter?
I guess to you it is surprising that I don’t like murder. Why do you? Are you the grandson of Himmler?

What are you going to do about it?
Very simple Himmler’s grandson. Outlaw it. Any “doctor “ who performs one has committed murder.

So, you are going to outlaw it in states in which you do not live, if the SC overturns Roe? How?
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?
Personally, I don't know any "proaborts".

No one's interested in how the voices in your head define things.

Cec., it has become clear after your last 20 rants that you have decided to troll me, and I am simply not interested. Find someone whose emotions you can manipulate..

Vandal, it has become clear after every post you have ever made on this message board that you consider any post which disagrees with your horseshit to be "trolling you", because you're "not interested" in ever hearing that the "logic" you proudly tell yourself you have is ridiculous. Find someone who's as stupid as you to tell your lies to.

I'm planning to continue right ahead with pointing out what a sad, ignorant little liar you are, because I care just as much about whether or not you're "interested" in it as I do with gaining your approval. Feel free to run away like the little bitch you are, if you like.

As a conservative, I respect ALL life -- human and animal. Outside my kitchen window right now i watch as a mother Robin brings food to her 4 babies. When they see me walk past the window they open their mouths in the hope that I'll bring them some worms!

They were EGGS a week ago, but the mother wasnt selfish. She didnt destroy the fertilized eggs, like a tard human would do, but carefully tended to and protected the new LIFE.

They will fly away in another week, but this MOTHER has far more sense and love than a tard human.

I'm gonna miss them!

Amen. Same here. It's why I'm vegan. I have a heart for the underdog, the innocent, vulnerable and defenseless. Which happen to be the very beings that ruthless humans target, simply because they can. As Christians we are told to be a voice for the voiceless. And that's exactly what I want to do.

And old christian friends used to say, humans have the ability to CHOOSE to live as "gods" (small 'g') during our time on this earth, or like demons. We are always forced to make this choice daily. Its always the right choice to live like sons and daughters of the Creator.

That seems like a mixed message to me, since god knowingly sacrificed his own son's life.

No, He didn't. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Do not attempt to cite the Bible when what you actually know about it would fit in a gnat's ear.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son...." Jesus, Cec. I am an atheist and I know the Bible better than you.

But, what really amuses me is that you have posted 17 anti-choice posts in 2 hours, with no replies from me, and virtually every one of them is an insult to me, as if it made the slightest difference, either about abortions, or to me personally. Really, Cec. Get a life!

You are an atheist and an ego-driven moron who learned how to cherry-pick the Bible and convince himself that meant he knew something. That would amuse me, if it wasn't so fucking sad. It's like watching the drunk panhandler on the corner trying to argue physics with Neil DeGrasse Tyson and insisting that he's winning.

What DOES amuse me is that your ego extends to thinking your replies matter to anyone but you. Did you really imagine that I was posting on this message board because I wanted your attention? Because I actually thought any reply from you would be worth the fetid breath it took to utter it? I don't give a rat's ass if you NEVER man up enough to respond, dumbass. You're just one of the many witless punching bags I'm using to demonstrate how soulless and ridiculous pro-abortion positions are.
I guess to you it is surprising that I don’t like murder. Why do you? Are you the grandson of Himmler?

What are you going to do about it?
Very simple Himmler’s grandson. Outlaw it. Any “doctor “ who performs one has committed murder.

So, you are going to outlaw it in states in which you do not live, if the SC overturns Roe? How?
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?

Well, THAT was a major conversation stopper!
Amen. Same here. It's why I'm vegan. I have a heart for the underdog, the innocent, vulnerable and defenseless. Which happen to be the very beings that ruthless humans target, simply because they can. As Christians we are told to be a voice for the voiceless. And that's exactly what I want to do.

And old christian friends used to say, humans have the ability to CHOOSE to live as "gods" (small 'g') during our time on this earth, or like demons. We are always forced to make this choice daily. Its always the right choice to live like sons and daughters of the Creator.

That seems like a mixed message to me, since god knowingly sacrificed his own son's life.

No, He didn't. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Do not attempt to cite the Bible when what you actually know about it would fit in a gnat's ear.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son...." Jesus, Cec. I am an atheist and I know the Bible better than you.

But, what really amuses me is that you have posted 17 anti-choice posts in 2 hours, with no replies from me, and virtually every one of them is an insult to me, as if it made the slightest difference, either about abortions, or to me personally. Really, Cec. Get a life!

She was correct. Jesus gave His own life willingly.

14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, so that there will be one flock and one shepherd. 17 This is why the Father loves me—because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from my Father.”

John 10:14-18

13 as we wait for the happy fulfillment of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 14 He gave himself for us to set us free from every kind of lawlessness and to purify for himself a people who are truly his, who are eager to do good.

Titus 2:13-14

6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, revealing God’s purpose at his appointed time.

1 Timothy 2:6

For some odd reason, leftists seem to think they can learn to quote one Bible verse, and that means they "know the Bible". It really never occurs to them to question that assumption about a book which contains something like 31,000 verses, not counting the Apocrypha.
And old christian friends used to say, humans have the ability to CHOOSE to live as "gods" (small 'g') during our time on this earth, or like demons. We are always forced to make this choice daily. Its always the right choice to live like sons and daughters of the Creator.

That seems like a mixed message to me, since god knowingly sacrificed his own son's life.

No, He didn't. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Do not attempt to cite the Bible when what you actually know about it would fit in a gnat's ear.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son...." Jesus, Cec. I am an atheist and I know the Bible better than you.

But, what really amuses me is that you have posted 17 anti-choice posts in 2 hours, with no replies from me, and virtually every one of them is an insult to me, as if it made the slightest difference, either about abortions, or to me personally. Really, Cec. Get a life!

She was correct. Jesus gave His own life willingly.

14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, so that there will be one flock and one shepherd. 17 This is why the Father loves me—because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from my Father.”

John 10:14-18

Demand a refund for your Bible. They obviously left out John 3.16 in the printing.

Slap whoever told you that you "knew the Bible" based on one verse.
No, He didn't. Jesus sacrificed Himself. Do not attempt to cite the Bible when what you actually know about it would fit in a gnat's ear.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son...." Jesus, Cec. I am an atheist and I know the Bible better than you.

But, what really amuses me is that you have posted 17 anti-choice posts in 2 hours, with no replies from me, and virtually every one of them is an insult to me, as if it made the slightest difference, either about abortions, or to me personally. Really, Cec. Get a life!

She was correct. Jesus gave His own life willingly.

14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that do not come from this sheepfold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, so that there will be one flock and one shepherd. 17 This is why the Father loves me—because I lay down my life, so that I may take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it back again. This commandment I received from my Father.”

John 10:14-18

Demand a refund for your Bible. They obviously left out John 3.16 in the printing.

They are not mutually exclusive. Jesus and the Father are ONE. This is basic stuff, I can't believe you're even arguing that Jesus did not give His life willingly. I could post lots more verses for you, if you want.

People cherry picking the Bible is one of many reasons that I am an atheist, so don't bother.

I just heard, "I'm an atheist because I can't stand it when other people act like me!"
Yeah really. You thought a glob of cells couldn’t possibly look human, but then I enlightened. Thank you very much.

so you are saying that i said it couldn't possibly look 'human'? oooOOooo you little liar you. i said that it's not accurate in its portrayal.
I am very good at reading between the lines.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!right - just like you thought i was a male all this time.
Are you sure you are female?

Leftists change day to day

'Tis true. There are a lot of them who are "sure they're female" about whom no one else is sure of that.
I guess to you it is surprising that I don’t like murder. Why do you? Are you the grandson of Himmler?

What are you going to do about it?
Very simple Himmler’s grandson. Outlaw it. Any “doctor “ who performs one has committed murder.

So, you are going to outlaw it in states in which you do not live, if the SC overturns Roe? How?
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?
Apparently you don’t know how the nation’s court system works.
Pro abortionists don't seem to realize that they are fervently making the argument that a child isn't a child inside or outside of the womb.

I call that arguing yourself into a corner. Or being an idiot... or intentionally obtuse.
What are you going to do about it?
Very simple Himmler’s grandson. Outlaw it. Any “doctor “ who performs one has committed murder.

So, you are going to outlaw it in states in which you do not live, if the SC overturns Roe? How?
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?
Apparently you don’t know how the nation’s court system works.

Ok, Gipper, that puts you in column c. There is absolutely nothing you can do about abortion, but bitch and moan, but it makes you feel better. You have no other answer or solution. And, yes, I know exactly how the court system works. In fact, I know the difference between the legal definitions of "murder" and "abortion", which you obviously do not. I know that there is not even a federal crime against murder. I know that the only way that you could possibly make even a small dent in abortion in the USA, you would have to get a constitutional amendment approved outlawing it as a federal crime, OR, convince 50 states to separately change their legal definition of "murder" in include "abortion".

Don't give up your day job to practice law, pal.
This is a group of cells...at ten weeks.

Oh Hell kill it for convenience sake...it’s just a group of cells after all. Who gives a fuck?
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except, your pic is dramatically enlarged & is not accurate... it's about the size of a strawberry & completely not viable on its own.

You added ‘on its own’ that is not a criteria for being viable maybe except for pro-aborts who twist the language.
I don't consider myself to hold any sort of label you decide to fling at me. The best that can be claimed is "Pro-Self-Ownership". As in, every agent owns themselves, and their rights do not override the rights of another, each and every right being those we can demonstrate without initiating force against another. Abortion is an initiation of force, as is collecting someone's property against their will. People are, therefor, free to decide whether or not they would like to take care of someone who isn't murdered. I think we call voluntarily taking care of a non-murdered child "Adoption". This must be a foreign concept to you, since you apparently prefer murder.

Or, since my last two arguments went over your head, TL;DR, your argument here is nonsensical appeals to emotion.

<pffffft> such drivel. don't talk about forcing anything until you acknowledge that you want to force women into bondage. will you at least go out & buy some handcuffs or leg chains to make sure all those preggers are anchored to their birthing rooms?
Oh really? Go ahead and quote any single one of my posts which state that I want anything of the kind. I'll patiently wait for you to come back empty-handed, since I don't advocate that the Government do anything whatsoever to anyone.

My argument is, was, and always has been, that the act is completely unethical. If the best you can come up with is that strawman, then you must be acknowledging that it is, indeed, completely unethical.

poor poor you. do you want to force females to carry full term & give birth once they become pregnant regardless of what THEY want?

that's a simple yes or no. i'll wait for YOUR answer... go ahead.
Wanting something doesn't make it ethical. I'm sure plenty of people want numerous unethical things, however initiating force is always wrong, therefor regardless of whether an individual wants to carry a child to term or not, terminating the child would be the active position, while being born is a passive one. This means that the initiation of force is on the side of the mother, therefor putting the burden of proof on her.

Because she must then prove her action to be ethical, this means she must prove that the child does not own itself, that her rights override those of the child, or that the child has initiated force in some way. The first two are special pleading, while the third is impossible.

The act is therefor unethical.

What you're doing is trying to construct a strawman, because regardless of what I do or do not want, this does not change Ethics. You're, of course, attempting to change the subject because I've already proven that your position is unethical.

you seem to think ethics are written in stone. if a mother steals food to feed her starving post born child, is that unethical?


It’s ‘unethical’ to have a child and not to be able to feed that child because you didn’t plan for it instead you want to take food from other people’s children.
Very simple Himmler’s grandson. Outlaw it. Any “doctor “ who performs one has committed murder.

So, you are going to outlaw it in states in which you do not live, if the SC overturns Roe? How?
Oh brother. Murder is illegal in every state last I checked.

I invite you to read this, and try another answer:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973

What will you do about abortion?
Apparently you don’t know how the nation’s court system works.

Ok, Gipper, that puts you in column c. There is absolutely nothing you can do about abortion, but bitch and moan, but it makes you feel better. You have no other answer or solution.

They can make it illegal. They can turn doctors and pregnant women into criminals. They can get government involved in regulating our bodily processes. Then can spend billions trying to force women to bear children, and, when the public has had enough of their clusterfuck, they'll roll back the big brother horseshit and we'll try to recover.
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But, what really amuses me is that you have posted 17 anti-choice posts in 2 hours, with no replies from me, and virtually every one of them is an insult to me, as if it made the slightest difference, either about abortions, or to me personally. Really, Cec. Get a life!

My mama always said...A kicked dog will holler.
Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Abortion isn't safe, you can die from it. Also have complications that can affect a woman for life.
You can die or have complications from childbirth too.

That's like saying, "Smoking isn't bad, because you can get lung cancer and die just from living in a big city."
It has been found that there is less morbidity associated with legally induced abortion than there is with childbirth by a factor of 14. If abortion is equivalent to smoking to you, then childbirth is like wrapping your lips around an exhaust pipe.

The comparative safety of legal induced abortion and childbirth in the United States. - PubMed - NCBI
Question for the proaborts.

When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Lacy Peterson, did he kill one or two people?


What is a "pro-abort"? - oh, is this the thing where you do like the liberals do and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with your big government solution as having twisted motives???

Yeah, it is. You guys!... I tell ya.

. . . Says the guy standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those same leftists right now.

I can't help it if you guys keep changing sides.

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