My case against global warming doesn't know enough...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Went to the Doctor today, and they pushed the Green Keto diet.....

And the case against the man made global warming cult was cemented in my mind.....

Just think...please....left wingers and members of the global warming cult......

We have had access to the human body since the beginning of....the human body....we have modern science and access to all of the various types of food that the human body can consume.....we've had this access for a long, long time....

and yet.....

Back in the 1990s...


Red Meat



So, with complete access to the human body and all food....scientists still can't tell you exactly what you should or shouldn't eat or explain why, with certainty you should or shouldn't eat it.......

Then you have the man made global warming entire planet...where we can't even easily access large parts of it, and we don't even have all of the tools we need to measure what we would need to measure to understand, completely the complex nature of local, let alone global weather....and yes...climate...

So please, members of the man made global warming cult......think about that.....long and hard...
The globe warms and cools and climate changes with the seasons. That's a fact. The problem comes when they blame me and my gas guzzling V-8 truck. The modern theory of man-made global warming was created by a failed politician with no background in science. After the global conflagration of WW2 and the ongoing radiation threat of Fukashima and Chernobl not to mention a half dozen lost H-Bombs it seems to me that CO2 gas is the least of our worries.

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