CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


This shooter was identified to the FBI....this shooter had 39 previous contacts with local police over domestic issues relating to mental tell do you actually get law enforcement to do their job?

They obviously thought he was harmless.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

And local cops had been to his home 39 times......on domestic disturbances with mental health issues........
39 visits SHOULD have put him on the no buy list! Who failed to follow the existing law and do that?

Why? Just because I call the cops on you doesn't mean you are crazy! It might be me!

He was never adjudicated as having a mental health issue to my knowledge. You would have no right to deny his 2nd Amendment rights.

Obviously, that is where the problem occured.
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

My child has a constitutional right to get to school safely, therefore, all drivers must be alcohol and drug free or we will confiscate all automobiles.
I am curious as to where you find constitutional justification for that, given that government schooling didn't even exist when the constitutional was written.

Not entirely true; some states gave their established churches the power to levy taxes for the purpose of funding schools and other social purposes. One of the reasons the Fed was limited and prevented from doing so is because they never would have agreed on which church would be the national church. Not many were opposed to the states doing so in 1787.

Pardon me for pointing out your lack of education on education, but the first schools were almost entirely private and charged tuition. Public education did not really exist until well after the Constitution had been ratified. Did you ever notice that it is never mentioned in the Constitution at all?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


This shooter was identified to the FBI....this shooter had 39 previous contacts with local police over domestic issues relating to mental tell do you actually get law enforcement to do their job?
C'mon - you know how the law works. You actually have to COMMIT a crime in order to be arrested/restricted.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

You're absolutely right --- they had all this information.

The question is, though - what do you do about it? They can't arrest a person until AFTER he commits a crime. Thinking about doing it isn't illegal. We can't force him to mental health care - we can't put him in a facility. (The ACLU took care of that - remember sanitariums?)

Everybody knew it - everybody reported to the authorities? But, what tools have we given authorities to respond?
But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

Who investigated that crime, charged him with that crime, tried him on that crime, and meted out justice for that crime?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


You are blowing against the wind, Jake. Gun nuts will not relinquish their toys, and the messages they get through their tin foil hats warns them that they must be prepared for the black helicopters and New World Order when they come in the night.

they don't need to relinquish their toys... they have to get out of the way so people who shouldn't have guns, don't get them.

Been a lot of people, judged by the SSA as mentally incompetent because they can't do their own finances, going on mass shooting sprees?

if you need a guardian to handle your finances, the default position should be that you probably shouldn't have a gun.

are there a lot of people with guardians who want guns? how many? what are the problems which resulted in a guardianship proceeding and the grant of the guardianship order?

It is not guardianship! No court is involved.
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We can thank the NRA for teaching this kid to shoot so well:

Shooting suspect was on school rifle team that got NRA grant

The NRA did not teach him. The ROTC taught him. Are you afraid of ROTC graduates?

The NRA does this for all the programs, just like the one my daughter was enrolled in while she was in high school. Her instructor was an Army retired E-9 whose last assignment was as the top enlisted soldier in the 101st Airborne. When I was in high school 40 years ago, we used 22 caliber rifles, with gunpowder. My instructor was a retired Marine Corps E-7 sniper who won the Marine Corps marksmanship competition and went to the Olympics.

I moved on to Standard and Harpoon missiles, ASROCs, RTDCs, and torpedoes as well as a 5"/54 gun, M14 rifle, and M1911 pistol and 12 gauge shotgun.. I guess my daughter is someone of which you REALLY should be afraid. She now shoots a M19 automatic grenade launcher, M2 machine gun, M240B machine gun, M4 rifle and M17 pistol.
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We can thank the NRA for teaching this kid to shoot so well:

Shooting suspect was on school rifle team that got NRA grant

That's weak. The NRA promotes gun safety

I'm sure that they did a good job. As far as i know, the kid they taught didn't miss a single target he was aiming at.

Grow up already, tool

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the kid had been taught so well that he was able to bring down small moving animals, which he bragged about.

You have no experience with guns, do you?
Schools are basically saying to any potential nutcase "Come and get us! No one will try to stop you!" That is a total failure to PROTECT. Making automatic weapons illegal PROTECTS NO ONE. Do you understand?

Give your 8th grader an M-15 when he is ready for Middle School! It is for his own safety! Have him stand his watch during lunch at the guard tower...

What is an M-15? You even screwed that up!
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

My child has a constitutional right to get to school safely, therefore, all drivers must be alcohol and drug free or we will confiscate all automobiles.
I am curious as to where you find constitutional justification for that, given that government schooling didn't even exist when the constitutional was written.

Not entirely true; some states gave their established churches the power to levy taxes for the purpose of funding schools and other social purposes. One of the reasons the Fed was limited and prevented from doing so is because they never would have agreed on which church would be the national church. Not many were opposed to the states doing so in 1787.

Pardon me for pointing out your lack of education on education, but the first schools were almost entirely private and charged tuition. Public education did not really exist until well after the Constitution had been ratified. Did you ever notice that it is never mentioned in the Constitution at all?

Why pardon ignorance in some alleged 'educator' over fake history? Did you ever notice you're just ignorant? You seriously don't know some states allowed churches to levy taxes to pay for schools and social programs?
While we're on the topic, the purpose of the establishment clause in the Federal constitution is meant to restrict Congress's ability to levy certain types of taxes on the states.
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

My child has a constitutional right to get to school safely, therefore, all drivers must be alcohol and drug free or we will confiscate all automobiles.
Quote) NO, but you must have a drivers lic & pass a written & driving test.
Owning a firearm in Maryland.

You must be licensed and certified.
Explain how it's failure, better yet show examples.
Cariad,if you cant see it then it is beyond me to explain it.

You're cornered...I see that. Run along now gun grabber wannabe
I went to school and never saw a gun. My Dad did as well and so did his parents. My 3 kids have been through school without hearing a gun shot.
Why is the US so fucked up that you need guns to get your learn on ?
Failed society saddled with a constitution framed by slave owning rapists.

I asked you to explain your premise, either do that or pipe down. I don't give two shits what you saw or didn't see
You need a gun to carry out the most basic functions. Your society has failed.
You are definitely clueless about firearms owners.

To us they are tools, and as a hammer or wrench is an inanimate object that has a purpose.

The majority of the time it is stored away and rarely thought about until it is taken to the range or in the event of an emergency.

We don't sit at the table fondling them and dreaming of the day we will use it to shoot up the school or kill the neighbor, who may happen to be an asshole.

It appears that those like you fixate on our ownership of this tool and spend an inordinate amount of time talking about them more than we do. This is your fear, not ours.

Honestly. If I were to go after my asshole neighbor, I would do it with a sledgehammer or chainsaw.
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My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


This shooter was identified to the FBI....this shooter had 39 previous contacts with local police over domestic issues relating to mental tell do you actually get law enforcement to do their job?
C'mon - you know how the law works. You actually have to COMMIT a crime in order to be arrested/restricted.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

You're absolutely right --- they had all this information.

The question is, though - what do you do about it? They can't arrest a person until AFTER he commits a crime. Thinking about doing it isn't illegal. We can't force him to mental health care - we can't put him in a facility. (The ACLU took care of that - remember sanitariums?)

Everybody knew it - everybody reported to the authorities? But, what tools have we given authorities to respond?
But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

These kids at the school had so many that failed them.. very sad..

The first step in identifying a problem.

The other students know and knew of his problems.

His family more than likely knew.

The teachers and Administrators knew.

The students and teachers spoke up.

The authorities were notified, and have spoken to him on numerous occasions.

It appears that on all of these occasions many knew and many have brought it to the attention of the authorities.

Nothing is done to address the threats that they make and post.

When they do finally commit the crime firearms are blamed and demands are made to disarm the rest of us and the cycle continues.

Blaming the NRA and law abiding gun owners is not going to solve the problem.

Rather than blaming us and insulting us and attempting to disarm us, this would be a time to address the real cause of these shootings.

I live in Maryland. I am required to register and license my firearms.

I am required to show proficiency in the use of my firearms.

The criminals and illegal firearms are north and south of me in Baltimore and Washington D.C.

How many of those using these illegal firearms are registering them and proving proficiency in their possession of them?

We have a problem and it is not us.

Tommy Tainant

Your adult conversation you said we need to have.
I think we should have a fifty dollar a month stipend for Republicans to home school their children.

Get all the GOP children into home schooling and many of the problems will be solved.

We can then teach such subversive subjects as science and math and history and stories about people of color without interference.

Republicans can teach their children bible stories as fact.

Everyone would come out ahead.

Everyone would be happy.
These teenaged shooters are Republicans?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is


You are blowing against the wind, Jake. Gun nuts will not relinquish their toys, and the messages they get through their tin foil hats warns them that they must be prepared for the black helicopters and New World Order when they come in the night.

they don't need to relinquish their toys... they have to get out of the way so people who shouldn't have guns, don't get them.

Been a lot of people, judged by the SSA as mentally incompetent because they can't do their own finances, going on mass shooting sprees?

if you need a guardian to handle your finances, the default position should be that you probably shouldn't have a gun.

are there a lot of people with guardians who want guns? how many? what are the problems which resulted in a guardianship proceeding and the grant of the guardianship order?

It is not guardianship! No court is involved.

only if it is voluntary

If it is not voluntary, SSA has to hold a hearing before someone can be adjudicated incompetent.

then if the person deemed incompetent doesn't like it, they have to exhaust administrative appeals to seek a different result. if they don't like the administrative result after exhausting their remedies, they can go to court. (In NY, they can file an Article 78 proceeding). Then they have that court and appellate courts above trial level to seek a different result.

SSA does not have the authority to say "poof you're incompetent".
Then the constitution must be amended, and the millennials will just the ones to force that through in the next decade.
Good luck with that. Millennials have the attention span of a goldfish and can't tear their gaze from their smart phones for 5 minutes
Thus, we need to have a national figures out how to keep guns away from crazies without affecting the right of others to have them.
Well Jake we regulate movies so you have to mature into them! What if we raised the age to own a semi auto to 25? Now this would not have stopped Paddock, but the other shootings? MAY have helped. It does NOT remove the right only says you have to mature into it. Fury
Perhaps so.

How about having to pass a mental examination to own a gun and every three years after that.
How about having to pass a test to vote and every 3 years after that?
how about having to pass a test before having kids?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

You are so worried about your childs safety that you left out the evil constitution in your theory

Great point!

The Constitution hurts Progressive Jake

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