My city charter is patterned after Mad Magazine.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Back in the 1970's I loved Mad Magazine and the crazy satire it used to expose a lot of crap that was going on in society. But I never thought the city I grew up in would pattern its masterplan after the magazine. The city has become very liberal and woke and it is an Agenda 21 operative. Agenda 21 is a global initiative to remove national control of all people who live in Agenda 21 countries. Countries like the United States are too powerful to be invaded from the outside but they can be destroyed from the inside out by planned infestations of clueless replacement citizens. Gobal governments can conspire to take away all the freedoms and liberties of free people everywhere without firing a shot.

This has to happen right before the eyes of the people so those people must be made too stupid to understand what they are seeing. How would you make the people so stupid that they can't figure out what is going on? Well, one way would be to use chemicals and drugs to change the brains of the people. My home city has always had a soft spot for alcohol which as many of you know does wonders for the thinking brain. Now the dumbing down effect can be enhanced by mixing ethanol (drinking alcohol) with methemphetamines, dopamine, benzodiapimines, and of course opiods blended with a slew of other overprescibed neurotoxins that affect reasoning.

Some Mentally alert citizens noticed that the city medical center played fast and loose with its stores dangerous opiods. People die on the streets of the city from this toxin but few understand just how widespread the danger is because the local DEI media doesn't report it. The center in recent years abandoned the Hippocratic Oath for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The hospital was under the leadership of not one but two operating CEO's and neither was charged with a crime while the president of the US has been politically charged with all kinds of crimes reminscent of the former Soviet Union and East Germany. The people of the Agenda 21, DEI city think this is normal.

Both of the CEO's of the city's medical center were allowed to ride off into the sunset as respected members of the community and celebrated for a job well done. The casual ineptitude of those two DEI executives contributed to the deaths of let's say, unimportant people. The former President of the US killed no one. The people in the city can't figure this out. Many locals are dropping pills and washing them down with booze and are perfectly happy with the cockeyed DEI world they are living in. This is classic Mad Magazine.

But of course, it doesn't stop there. The city has been identified as a bombed out war zone of alcohol/drug Dementia. The combination of alcohol and powerful mind-altering drugs has turned the city into a liberal, stewed, opium den of DEI liberal politics. In a city like this you don't need to understand history. You just have to keep chugging and swallowing pills while the country goes down. Of course you die early, stupidly happy and that's the way a lot like it.

It doesn't stop there either. The leadership of the city apparently created a think tank and had a brainstorming session. Their conclusion? We need a bigger liquor store! If this isn't right out of Mad Magazine I don't know what is. You can't make this stuff up. A massive new state liquor outlet is under construction just yards from the city line as we speak! Dementia will always have a home in this city and the bizarre postmodern effect of DEI mind control will continue to influence citizens in spite of any evidence that it is just simple government-issued mental illness.

I'm going to vote for the guy they are trying to jail because I think the country can still be saved.
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