My cousin being forced to purchase health insurance, advice?

He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.

Do a gofundme fundraiser for 1,033
Post it to all the Tea Party and conservative groups.
Shoot and post a video or cell phone clip online
and send a link to the President and all members of Congress who signed this bill.

Demand that they pay this insurance, since he didn't consent to this burden.
(start a petition on demanding that whichever Congressional rep voted for this
help pay this bill)

Maybe if you can hit the Memories Pizza crowd, who is sick of liberal politics charged to other people, you could get 4 X your goal.

Get Hannity to mention it. He's good at getting crazy right wingers to throw their money at anything.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

Damn near all of them if Hannity tells them to.

And here is Bulldog, trolling for some baggin'. Luddly, help him out!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Still the best you can do. How sad for you.
Do a gofundme fundraiser for 1,033
Post it to all the Tea Party and conservative groups.
Shoot and post a video or cell phone clip online
and send a link to the President and all members of Congress who signed this bill.

Demand that they pay this insurance, since he didn't consent to this burden.
(start a petition on demanding that whichever Congressional rep voted for this
help pay this bill)

Maybe if you can hit the Memories Pizza crowd, who is sick of liberal politics charged to other people, you could get 4 X your goal.

Get Hannity to mention it. He's good at getting crazy right wingers to throw their money at anything.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

Damn near all of them if Hannity tells them to.

And here is Bulldog, trolling for some baggin'. Luddly, help him out!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Still the best you can do. How sad for you.

I'm just performing a public service. The sooner you get some baggin', the better off the board will be without you acting out your frustration all over the place.
He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.

Do a gofundme fundraiser for 1,033
Post it to all the Tea Party and conservative groups.
Shoot and post a video or cell phone clip online
and send a link to the President and all members of Congress who signed this bill.

Demand that they pay this insurance, since he didn't consent to this burden.
(start a petition on demanding that whichever Congressional rep voted for this
help pay this bill)

Maybe if you can hit the Memories Pizza crowd, who is sick of liberal politics charged to other people, you could get 4 X your goal.
His Congress did consent, and that's how a republican government works, Emily, and has since 1789.

It's not going to change.

Not on religious issues, where Congress cannot make laws. Sorry Jake;
but the First Fourteenth and Tenth Amendments, as well as the Civil Rights Act,
all apply as laws, and govt is not supposed to bypass those either!

I'm willing and preparing to go on a hunger strike to protest this issue.

Would you be willing to put your life on the line for either side?
Which do you believe to be so right that you would hypothetically go on strike to defend that point?

That Congress has the right to impose a law dictating how to pay for insurance as the only choice of health care?

Or that people have the right of consent and dissent, and no taxation without representation,
and no laws that discriminate on the basis of creed by fining people willing to pay for health care OTHER WAYS consistent with their beliefs and without forcing anyone to buy insurance.

How can buying insurance be such a compelling need that it SUPERCEDES any other choice
or liberty in investing one's salary, labor, and business or charitable work into MORE SUSTAINABLE
means of providing health care to MORE PEOPLE.

Sorry JakeStarkey but it is the attitude of you and rightwinger and C_Clayton_Jones
that most makes me want to declare a hunger strike to protest as politically oppressive and discriminatory.

Your beliefs are your right to exercise on your own or through your own affiliations,
but not even God gives you the right to impose it through political party or Congress.
That goes against Human Nature which God designed to seek freedom from coercion and to seek consent
as the basis of laws and social relations.

The First Amendment clearly states that Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof -- by imposing a mandate on my free exercise of religion,
you have already endorsed a law that prohibits this freedom. It now has a tax based condition as well as other federal regulations attached to the freedom to invest in, exercise and provide health care. It is no longer free!

Please see the Unitarian Universalists beliefs against COERCION
and in support of Consensus and consent-based relations for equal justice and inclusion:

So JakeStarkey that is fine for anyone to subscribe to the federal mandates by free will, by free choice according to social beliefs. Not forced by govt against their beliefs and creed which is unconstitutional.

I believe in freedom to provide health care for ALL people, not just ones covered by insurance, and reserve the right to fund campus programs and development that will serve more people FREELY instead of by federal force of law through the ACA mandates that I do NOT believe in and which are NOT chosen freely by all citizens forced to be under those mandated insurance and tax policies. This violates my beliefs as a Constitutionalist and a Universalist who believes in equal inclusion and equal protection of the law for all people regardless of CREED. Congress, the federal govt, the President and Judges who approved this legislation were WRONG and discriminated against me, people who believe in free market and states rights, and people who believe in singlepayer instead of paying Corporate insurance companies as a middleman.
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Emily. Read carefully. No, they don't. Your feelings mean nothing in terms of the Constitution and case law.
He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.

Do a gofundme fundraiser for 1,033
Post it to all the Tea Party and conservative groups.
Shoot and post a video or cell phone clip online
and send a link to the President and all members of Congress who signed this bill.

Demand that they pay this insurance, since he didn't consent to this burden.
(start a petition on demanding that whichever Congressional rep voted for this
help pay this bill)

Maybe if you can hit the Memories Pizza crowd, who is sick of liberal politics charged to other people, you could get 4 X your goal.

Get Hannity to mention it. He's good at getting crazy right wingers to throw their money at anything.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

Damn near all of them if Hannity tells them to.

And here is Bulldog, trolling for some baggin'. Luddly, help him out!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
BULLDOG likely gets tea bagged more often than he'd admit.
Everyone needs health insurance?!?

This is AMERIKA. We get to die deeply in medical debt if we want to. Go peddle your commie "insurance for everyone" ideas in Canada (or anywhere else in the first world). We don't need it here in the land of the ignorant.

Also keep your stinking gobmint hands off my social security!
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

a PROLIFE person who considers all life precious.
And would rather people ask for help than abort pregnancies to cut costs?
Only you could bring up the abortion issue in a troll thread on insurance.

But, at least you kept it brief.
Emily. Read carefully. No, they don't. Your feelings mean nothing in terms of the Constitution and case law.

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof -- Amendment 1, U.S. Constitution
2. Deprivation of liberty without due process of law to convict persons of any crime warranting loss of freedom:
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." -- Fourteenth Amendment
3. Code of Ethics for Govt Service:
"Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion."

4. Discrimination by Creed
Example of language from civil rights and EEOC:

Sources and Authority
Government Code section 12940(l) provides that it is an unlawful employment practice "[f]or an employer . . . to refuse to hire or employ a person, . . . or to discharge a person from employment, . . . or to discriminate against a person in compensation or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of a conflict between the person's religious belief or observance and any employment requirement, unless the employer . . . demonstrates that it has explored any available reasonable alternative means of accommodating the religious belief or observance . . . but is unable to reasonably accommodate the religious belief or observance without undue hardship on the conduct of the business of the employer . . . . Religious belief or observance . . . includes, but is not limited to, observance of a Sabbath or other religious holy day or days, and reasonable time necessary for travel prior and subsequent to a religious observance."

Government Code section 12926(o) provides: " 'Religious creed,' 'religion,' 'religious observance,' 'religious belief,' and 'creed' include all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice."

The Fair Employment and Housing Commission's regulations provide: " 'Religious creed' includes any traditionally recognized religion as well as beliefs, observances, or practices which an individual sincerely holds and which occupy in his or her life a place of importance parallel to that of traditionally recognized religions. Religious creed discrimination may be established by showing: . . . [t]he employer or other covered entity has failed to reasonably accommodate the applicant's or employee's religious creed despite being informed by the applicant or employee or otherwise having become aware of the need for reasonable accommodation." (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 7293.1(b).)

Now JakeStarkey, you and Dante and C_Clayton_Jones can get all LITERAL and interpret this ONLY by the letter of the law where "religion" (in your mind) doesn't apply to Constitutional beliefs "until this is proven in Court"

but I still argue this is discrimination by creed.

Because the people like you who aren't adversely affected aren't forced to prove YOUR beliefs before the bill is enforced. It is still enforced in the meantime.

This is like justifying rape until the person proves they didn't consent,
and saying they are allowed to go ahead and have sex in the meantime! Because it wasn't legally proven yet!

Bullshit JakeStarkey

Look at how the leadership of Indiana and Arkansas "didn't wait to get sued in Court"
before answering and accommodating objections, and agreeing to REVISE the bill WITHOUT
waiting to go to Court and for a Judge to ORDER them to change it!

So those people are NOT being emotionally biased.

You are, but in reverse. If you were truly objective about people's beliefs, on both sides, you would seek consensus as I do to protect and include both sides' beliefs EQUALLY as required by the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection clause. {this does not require language specifying creed, but I added that from the Civil Rights act to explain how creed is like religion.}

You are allowing people's religious freedom to be abridged "until and unless" the Court rules it is infringing. You are saying the govt has the right to infringe in the meantime, while I contest this, especially I can't afford to pay for the damages caused. That's just being conscientious!

So my question JakeStarkey: are you, rightwinger, C_Clayton_Jones
Congresswoman Pelosi, President Obama and Justice Roberts




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He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.
He should go to and get inexpensive insurance, like millions of Americans.

Thank you, President Obama!
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

a PROLIFE person who considers all life precious.
And would rather people ask for help than abort pregnancies to cut costs?
Only you could bring up the abortion issue in a troll thread on insurance.

But, at least you kept it brief.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

a PROLIFE person who considers all life precious.
And would rather people ask for help than abort pregnancies to cut costs?
Only you could bring up the abortion issue in a troll thread on insurance.

But, at least you kept it brief.

Hi Roadrunner
The issue of federally mandated insurance DIRECTLY ties in with prochoice.
I even posted a thread about these related conflicts:

Pulling my hair out federalizing health insurance then complaining about prochoice issues US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

1. First of all, once you put health care under federal regulations, of course, abortion and prochoice end up in the mix
2. Also, the whole concept of mandating health care regulations through the federal govt is ANTI-CHOICE

We no longer have freedom to buy insurance voluntarily.
Now we are fined if we don't use insurance as the only way to pay for health care.
The other means of providing health care (charity, medical schools, free services by volunteers or interns etc),
are now penalized and are no longer free choices.

The liberals I know would never let prolife legislation be imposed "in order to save more lives and sacrifice choice"

But here, prohealth legislation is being imposed "in order to save more lives and sacrifice choice"

So this constitutes political discrimination: defending prochoice when it comes to abortion, but penalizing free choice when it comes to paying for and providing health care in other ways which is not a crime!
He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.
He should go to and get inexpensive insurance, like millions of Americans.

Thank you, President Obama!
As long as the people who agree to pay the costs don't impose them on people who didn't agree to this.

You could make Christianity mandatory for the nation, and the spiritual healing that is free could cut the costs of disease, additions, crime from mental illness, sex abuse, etc. etc.

And that would still be UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the First Amendment
even if it saves money, lives and resources in order to provide health care to broader populations.

Why can't such a system be run by voluntary funding and participation?
Why not keep it legal by keeping it voluntary to opt in, so that it respects liberty, free choice, and religious freedom?
As long as the people who agree to pay the costs don't impose them on people who didn't agree to this.
I never agreed to the Iraq War, or massive tax cuts for billionaires. But the Congress authorized both so I had to live with it.

Congress authorized ACA and you have to live with it.

Nope, I'm ALSO asking citizens and members across different parties
to organize teams and petitions to demand reimbursement of up to
30 trillion in unauthorized or contested war spending owed to taxpayers,
if through credits in accounts under the Federal Reserve, that can be spent on Veteran and health care expansion, as well as rebuilding infrastructure in both Iraq and the US
with the same funds abused to destroy health care.

And charge the wrongdoers responsible for paying back what they profited illicitly from any war contracts abused, or allow investors to buy out the debts in exchange for being paid interest and/or owning shares in medical campuses and teaching hospitals, such as developing facilities along the border.

Why not go after all the crooks that abused taxpayer money?

Why justify one crook getting away with it because others did in the past.

Would you agree to such a policy on a credit card that you are responsible for paying?
That just because one crook got away with charging fraud on your card,
you are going to say that everyone has to pay for fraudulent charges because you had to?

Hell, no. We'd refuse to pay any charges we didn't agree to.
And hold the wrongdoers for the costs of their abusive transactions,
and not wait for that to get paid back
before our available credit is refunded back to us immediately.

If private investors banded together to write the Federal Reserve laws, where investors lend
money to govt AND ISSUE NOTES AGAINST DEBTS, why can't citizens write laws to set up accounts
that represent debts that are owed back to us.
Last edited:
Everyone needs health insurance?!?

This is AMERIKA. We get to die deeply in medical debt if we want to. Go peddle your commie "insurance for everyone" ideas in Canada (or anywhere else in the first world). We don't need it here in the land of the ignorant.

Also keep your stinking gobmint hands off my social security!

Donald Polish
Don't leave out liberals who CLAIM to fight to keep govt out of women's wombs,
but hand over every cell of their bodies to federal govt to regulate through insurance mandates.
As long as the people who agree to pay the costs don't impose them on people who didn't agree to this.
I never agreed to the Iraq War, or massive tax cuts for billionaires. But the Congress authorized both so I had to live with it.

Congress authorized ACA and you have to live with it.

And if someone rapes you by holding a gun to your head and overpowering you, that's acceptable?
You just have to take it? Just because other people have been raped before and never got restitution,
you have no right to demand compensation for your damages and losses the assault and trauma costs you?
He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.
He's just now finding this out.

He wasn't aware of this prior to starting school.

It seems your 'cousin' is more contrivance than student.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

a PROLIFE person who considers all life precious.
And would rather people ask for help than abort pregnancies to cut costs?
Only you could bring up the abortion issue in a troll thread on insurance.

But, at least you kept it brief.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

a PROLIFE person who considers all life precious.
And would rather people ask for help than abort pregnancies to cut costs?
Only you could bring up the abortion issue in a troll thread on insurance.

But, at least you kept it brief.

Hi Roadrunner
The issue of federally mandated insurance DIRECTLY ties in with prochoice.
I even posted a thread about these related conflicts:

Pulling my hair out federalizing health insurance then complaining about prochoice issues US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

1. First of all, once you put health care under federal regulations, of course, abortion and prochoice end up in the mix
2. Also, the whole concept of mandating health care regulations through the federal govt is ANTI-CHOICE

We no longer have freedom to buy insurance voluntarily.
Now we are fined if we don't use insurance as the only way to pay for health care.
The other means of providing health care (charity, medical schools, free services by volunteers or interns etc),
are now penalized and are no longer free choices.

The liberals I know would never let prolife legislation be imposed "in order to save more lives and sacrifice choice"

But here, prohealth legislation is being imposed "in order to save more lives and sacrifice choice"

So this constitutes political discrimination: defending prochoice when it comes to abortion, but penalizing free choice when it comes to paying for and providing health care in other ways which is not a crime!
To a liberal, there is no right to life until convicted of a heinous crime.

I am with Rand Paul on taking back our country, I just don't want to take it back for HIM.

Going to be interesting, America had a chance to realize its mistake in 2008.

Hopefully we get a second chance.

I'm 66, I can ride out anything, but, I feel for my kids.
"WHERE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY FOR THE COSTS OF THAT DELIBERATE DISCRIMINATION?" There is no deliberate discrimination. Yes, you put together a completely incompetent argument, in terms of constitutional law to justify your feelings. You are unhappy that the finding in law disagrees with you.
He is a very poor graduate student. His university requires that all students have health insurance, and if he cannot prove to them that he has insurance they will put him on their school insurance (at a cost to the family of $1,033).

Is it possible to get insurance at a lower cost than this? He really can't afford it since Iheonly earn $7,000 annually. How would I go about "shopping" for health insurance? Any piece of advice.
He's just now finding this out.

He wasn't aware of this prior to starting school.

It seems your 'cousin' is more contrivance than student.
Troll thread.

Nobody in their right mind would complain about insurance for a family at less than $100 a month.

We are talking approximately 1/7 of income for insurance.

Lots of hard working people not fortunate enough to even go to college, much less grad school, pay that much or more.
Do a gofundme fundraiser for 1,033
Post it to all the Tea Party and conservative groups.
Shoot and post a video or cell phone clip online
and send a link to the President and all members of Congress who signed this bill.

Demand that they pay this insurance, since he didn't consent to this burden.
(start a petition on demanding that whichever Congressional rep voted for this
help pay this bill)

Maybe if you can hit the Memories Pizza crowd, who is sick of liberal politics charged to other people, you could get 4 X your goal.

Get Hannity to mention it. He's good at getting crazy right wingers to throw their money at anything.
What rightwinger would throw money at a guy with a college education that can't make but $7,000 a year, and has the fuckin' gall to have a family?

Damn near all of them if Hannity tells them to.

And here is Bulldog, trolling for some baggin'. Luddly, help him out!

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
BULLDOG likely gets tea bagged more often than he'd admit.

It's his favorite activity - he celebrates it in his siggie!

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