My dad

There comes a point in the father son relationship that the son has to get one over on the dad. That's when the son can begin to affirm his own manhood.But dude. I fought my dad when I was about 16 and won. You sound like you had issues with your dad because that was a whole lot of anger coming out.

11 out of the 16 years that I was alive, being constantly abused by the outside world IN Philadelphia, and NO attempt to leave Philly, and his attitude all the time too.
A very weak excuse, very. Obviously you had issues, serious issues. But, for something so minor as a punch in the back by a dad, certainly didn't merit brutality, animalistic and barbaric conduct on your part. It is my hope that you have matured, become mentally stable, and realize that what you did to your dad was shameful and disgusting. Something like that just may haunt you the rest of your life. Surely no one can forget something so profound, nor can they keep it from being an influence throughout life. Lets hope that the influence is one that encourages civil and humane treatment of others.

and what about the 11 out of 16 years of abuse by "the system" in philly, and no attempt to leave or get me out of there, and his ill representation and protection of his son ?
I understand, honestly I do. I know that many go through horrors growing up, and that situations and circumstances can push people over the edge. I've heard many stories of molestation, rape, and almost every abuse one can imagine. But, I have also heard of the toughness, the mental strength, the will to not only survive, but to earnestly prove self-worth and value in a society quick to judge. Many have overcome childhood mistreatment and horrific abuses. And, in cases such as you've described, some have released anger and frustrations that go beyond humane and civil behavior.

We all make mistakes, and GOD knows that I've made my share and then some. But, no one has to lose control to the extent you did, especially when it's a parent or loved one that's at the end of your anger. Your young age can account for some of it, but usually at age 15 most of us know something about right and wrong. I'm sure that you knew that it was your father that you were beating, and that it wasn't just some punk neighbor that had bullied you for years. You had to know what you were doing, and who you were doing it to. Parents can be cruel, and some are extremely cruel. But, at 15 years of age, we can't play judge, jury, and executioner. Your dad may have had serious issues himself. He may have wanted to be punished for what he had done in the past. But, as his son, your responsibility was to help him, not be his punisher.

Obviously, by posting this life experience, you still have hurt, questions, maybe even a certain amount of guilt. You may still feel anger, confusion about the things that took place in your childhood, and just maybe, you're looking for some kind of understand or sympathy from others. I honestly don't believe that you're bragging or proud of what happened. I hope that with time, you heal emotionally, and learn to forgive yourself. You're carrying a heavy burden, that much is obvious by you feeling the need to post about it. By facing it instead of suppressing it, you're taking steps that'll lead to healing. Do not bury it in your subconscious, rather bring it to the surface until you deal with it, to the point that it no longer haunts you.
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

There comes a point in the father son relationship that the son has to get one over on the dad. That's when the son can begin to affirm his own manhood.But dude. I fought my dad when I was about 16 and won. You sound like you had issues with your dad because that was a whole lot of anger coming out.

Actually, it sounds like he is at least a borderline psychotic and should probably be locked up in the highest-security wing of a maximum-security mental ward for the rest of his life.
Of course you weren't, tough guy! Because you made this garbage up.

They didn't charge you for forcibly raping your own father? For fist degree assault and/or attempted murder?

You're a bad liar.

I was in a psych ward for 6 months dipshit, also the laws against "rape" were different then even as recent as it was.

You should never have been let out. You should be in a straitjacket, in a padded cell (with the door welded closed), in the highest-security wing of a maximum-security mental ward.
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

Your father should never have done that to you. You were working on your bike and he blindsides you with a very vicious attack and abusive language. I hope he apologised to you profusely for that, Bluejay. You know. The bible says that we are to raise up our children with nurturing and admonition in the LORD. We are NOT to provoke our children to anger. Your father provoked you to anger and I am guessing this was not the first time he spoke to you in such a way. It is heartbreaking to me to hear you tell the story because it obviously caused you a great deal of pain and sorrow to be let down by the one person who should have been head and shoulders above the rest. I am truly sorry for his failure to be that for you and hope he is a changed man today - for his sake as well as yours. I wish you the best and want you to know - your real Father - God - desires a relationship with you and won't ever treat you that way. I hope you will consider how much the Lord loves you and that because he gave all men free will he was not going to be able to FORCE your father to be what he commanded him in the bible to be.
Sick son with sick fantasies that did not happen except in his mind.
They would have never put him in an institution for only 6 months. Maybe four years, min.

The OP is an idiot.

No, he isn't. He shared something very important with us and he has gotten past it. Very disturbing that any father would treat his own son that way! Disgusting! ! !
Of course you weren't, tough guy! Because you made this garbage up.

They didn't charge you for forcibly raping your own father? For fist degree assault and/or attempted murder?

You're a bad liar.

I was in a psych ward for 6 months dipshit, also the laws against "rape" were different then even as recent as it was.


Soooo....USMB is part of your court ordered therapy?

That means I can get paid by the state for replying to your posts...right?


When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

Great bullshit but well done....smack yourself in the face for me.
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

Is that it?
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

I find that you are one remarkable young man. Your willingness to forgive your father and give him a second chance is nothing short of amazing! I admire your courage, your willingness to forgive him - it is a sign of your strength, your desire to be a compassionate person and I am sure that the LORD is watching over you and has a very great plan for your life. What a testimony you have, Bluejay! I am very impressed by your honesty and your willingness to be open with others. I'm sure there are other people here who had fathers who were similar but they lack the courage to do what you did and instead chose a life of bitterness and living for the devil. Do not expect them to applaud your willingness to be so honest and open. It would reveal their own weakness and they are not about to give that up. The highway to hell is full of such people. You obviously chose the higher road and God has great things in store for you because of your decision. Good for you!!!!!
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

I find that you are one remarkable young man. Your willingness to forgive your father and give him a second chance is nothing short of amazing! I admire your courage, your willingness to forgive him - it is a sign of your strength, your desire to be a compassionate person and I am sure that the LORD is watching over you and has a very great plan for your life. What a testimony you have, Bluejay! I am very impressed by your honesty and your willingness to be open with others. I'm sure there are other people here who had fathers who were similar but they lack the courage to do what you did and instead chose a life of bitterness and living for the devil. You obviously chose the higher road. Good for you!!!!!

My father was a prideful dick, but God hubled his ass really quick.
When I was 15 years old, I lifted weights and took boxing, for the past 8 or so years a response to my heightened need for physical strength, that the environment that I told you about would obviously create.

The last time my dad ever hit me or ever laid a finger on me, I was 15 years old.

He got the idea that he would punch me in the back while I was bent over at the waist, trying to work on my bike.

He then said... "come on muscle man, show me what you got little bitch"...

So I said... sure thing faggot...

I broke his eye socket, his jaw, knocked all of his teeth out, some of them went his throat.. broke 4 of his ribs, broke his legs, and I snapped his arms backwards and busted his skull open, and then I pulled his pants down, and stuffed wrenches up his ass.

As I was stuffing wrenches up his ass, I was calling him a faggot and asking him how it feels.

It took him the next 3 whole years for him to really recover physically from what I did to him.

Once he was coherent again, I asked him if he's out of his fucking mind... and I told him that muscle is your ability to move... the bigger and stronger your muscles, the stronger your movement and resistance.. are you out of your fucking mind bitch ?

6 months later after his physical recovery when I was 18.. 6 months after I turned 18, that's when my relationship with my dad began to improve, and things actually got better, and we both finally got what we need in life, and we left philly, and I began the process of fixing my problems.

I find that you are one remarkable young man. Your willingness to forgive your father and give him a second chance is nothing short of amazing! I admire your courage, your willingness to forgive him - it is a sign of your strength, your desire to be a compassionate person and I am sure that the LORD is watching over you and has a very great plan for your life. What a testimony you have, Bluejay! I am very impressed by your honesty and your willingness to be open with others. I'm sure there are other people here who had fathers who were similar but they lack the courage to do what you did and instead chose a life of bitterness and living for the devil. You obviously chose the higher road. Good for you!!!!!

My father was a prideful dick, but God hubled his ass really quick.

I'm not surprised to hear of it, JR. Highly successful people usually have a background of overcoming such obstacles in life. My beginning was not so great either. I'm stronger for it. Because I was willing to forgive and get past it - I find a greater depth of compassion and understanding for others who have been through such misery. Nothing is more of a disappointment in life than to have the people who should have been your protector, your nurturer, to be the very one to do their level best to destroy you. Satan never gives up but the power of Jesus Christ and His Name, His Blood, His finished work at the cross..... is more than enough to destroy his every effort! To God be the Glory!

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