My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

But Doctors aren't. and CDC is hiding important data.
Why are you all so intent on pushing a vaccine that is not a vaccine that is ineffective against a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

These folk have turned americans against americans. NOW for this holiday they are trying to turn families against each other and they WILL succeed. Does this not bother you at all?? You've taken it. Well. That's fine. You're safe. We don't need to put it in our bodies because your vaccine is effective. What you want to say is your vaxx is not effective as long as others do not take it. Think about that for awhile. I know it is painful. It may be frightening. BUT THINK ABOUT THAT.
But Doctors aren't. and CDC is hiding important data.
Why are you all so intent on pushing a vaccine that is not a vaccine that is ineffective against a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

These folk have turned americans against americans. NOW for this holiday they are trying to turn families against each other and they WILL succeed. Does this not bother you at all?? You've taken it. Well. That's fine. You're safe. We don't need to put it in our bodies because your vaccine is effective. What you want to say is your vaxx is not effective as long as others do not take it. Think about that for awhile. I know it is painful. It may be frightening. BUT THINK ABOUT THAT.

It makes no logical sense.
Doctors are REQUIRED to report data to VAERS by the CDC, and it doesn't exist.

Speaking of VAERS, anyone notice how the faithful aren't citing numbers from there anymore? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

But Doctors aren't. and CDC is hiding important data.
Why are you all so intent on pushing a vaccine that is not a vaccine that is ineffective against a virus with a 99% recovery rate.

These folk have turned americans against americans. NOW for this holiday they are trying to turn families against each other and they WILL succeed. Does this not bother you at all?? You've taken it. Well. That's fine. You're safe. We don't need to put it in our bodies because your vaccine is effective. What you want to say is your vaxx is not effective as long as others do not take it. Think about that for awhile. I know it is painful. It may be frightening. BUT THINK ABOUT THAT.

Great! Prove it. I'll wait for you to provide all the data on every doctor lying and the CDC hiding data as well. Should be interesting.
The vaccine gave their bodies the secret to defeating the virus.

Now it's up to their bodies to defeat the virus.

Actually, the virus has never harmed anyone, and is very weak.
The only harm comes from if the immune system freaks out for some reason, and starts doing a massive destruction of all nearby cells.

If they've never had COVID before, their bodies will have no knowledge of COVID.

Yes, their immune systems will kick in eventually, but by then it might be too late. And COVID kills by using your immune system against you.

Covid is a corona virus, just like the common cold.
Covid does not kill and does not want to kill.
It is in covid's advantage if you were to feel fine and live forever.
The harm is all accidental, from your own immune system over-reacting.
Guess you've never heard of the flu vaccine.

Flu vaccines work perfectly.
When they do not appear to work, that is really because there are several hundred different viruses, we collectively call flu, and we just don't know which to prepare for, so always get it wrong.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.

Well, that doesn't mean it's not a good vaccine. The flu shot, I'd think, is the same. Many people still get it but with lowered effects.
Speaking of VAERS, anyone notice how the faithful aren't citing numbers from there anymore? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Great! Prove it. I'll wait for you to provide all the data on every doctor lying and the CDC hiding data as well. Should be interesting.

That is easy.
First they said the efficacy was 91%, then 66%, then 35%.
That makes no sense.
If you really have a vaccine, it does not lose efficacy in less than years or even decades.
They also try to claim it is variants, but that also makes no sense because all the variants have to have the same spike proteins in order to mimic our exosomes and sneak in through the ACE2 receptors.
So the vaccines for all the variants have to be identical.
Covid is a corona virus, just like the common cold.
Covid does not kill and does not want to kill.
It is in covid's advantage if you were to feel fine and live forever.
The harm is all accidental, from your own immune system over-reacting.

Like saying the knife doesn't kill you, it's the loss of blood that kills you.
Well, that doesn't mean it's not a good vaccine. The flu shot, I'd think, is the same. Many people still get it but with lowered effects.

No, the flu shot is low effectiveness because it is the wrong vaccine from a guess at which of the hundreds of different virus we collectively call flu, will actually show up. They have to prepare the flu vaccine ahead of time, and they don't actually know which one will be common in any one year.
Like saying the knife doesn't kill you, it's the loss of blood that kills you.

Not at all.
We do not have good anti-virals, but we have lots of good and successful treatments for an over active immune system.
No one should be dying.
For example, most of those dying are actually suffocating.
The immune system over reacts because it can't tell what is actually happening in air passages.
So it over reacts, to fill the lungs with fluid that is knows will kill viruses on contact.
But the immune system does not realize that will cause death by suffocation.
However, we can easily prevent death by suffocation.
By rotating the patient often, especially face down, the lungs are easily drained and suffocation prevented.
But they make more money inducing comas and intubating.
Which is essentially murder, because a ventilator can NOT force any air into liquid filled lungs at all.
No, the flu shot is low effectiveness because it is the wrong vaccine from a guess at which of the hundreds of different virus we collectively call flu, will actually show up. They have to prepare the flu vaccine ahead of time, and they don't actually know which one will be common in any one year.

The flu vaccine is a guess because they don't think it's effective to give loads of flu shots for all the different types of flu.

And they still have less deaths than the coronavirus. 61,000 was a post 1990s high under Trump's presidency. The coronavirus is way higher than this because it's new. So they need a vaccine.

But you could still get it.

"getting the flu shot does reduce both the risk of getting the flu and the severity of the disease, along with helping prevent you from transmitting it to others."
Not at all.
We do not have good anti-virals, but we have lots of good and successful treatments for an over active immune system.
No one should be dying.
For example, most of those dying are actually suffocating.
The immune system over reacts because it can't tell what is actually happening in air passages.
So it over reacts, to fill the lungs with fluid that is knows will kill viruses on contact.
But the immune system does not realize that will cause death by suffocation.
However, we can easily prevent death by suffocation.
By rotating the patient often, especially face down, the lungs are easily drained and suffocation prevented.
But they make more money inducing comas and intubating.
Which is essentially murder, because a ventilator can NOT force any air into liquid filled lungs at all.

Then why aren't you a doctor?
So every clinical trial and real world study and observation has shown us
save for our own governance , who wishes to show us nothing.....

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.

The vaccine gave their bodies the secret to defeating the virus.
Now it's up to their bodies to defeat the virus.
These people have clearly been told (by the usual suspects) that it's claimed the vaccines make you absolutely impervious to the virus. I guess it just bounces off you like you're Superman, to zero effect. It then harmlessly falls to the ground and weeps in a puddle of its own urine.

Since they will only believe what is told to them in their world, trying to explain reality to them is pointless.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.

I hope they are ok but they are better off for having it than idiots who don't because they hate Biden and conspiracy theories.

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