My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

No there isn’t. The prevailing likely theory is still the wet markets which has been where other new virus’ have jumped species. But, there is no smoking gun for any theory yet.
Hmmmm only lab in China that could produce such a virus is in Wuhan. Virus came from Wuhan. Leftists say it came from a wet market. China won’t allow a full team to investigate. Nothing to see here…..
All i want for christmas 2030 is my 45th booster, my 56th booster, my 67th booster.....

A group of seven Germans between the ages of 25 and 39 were infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in South Africa, even though all of them have already received their booster vaccination.

“We’re seeing a lot of breakthrough infections right now. What we did not know is that even a booster vaccination with Pfizer does not prevent this,” Preiser explained to the Tagesspiegel.

These infections are the first breakthrough infections reported with the Omicron variant.

... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.

How many vaccines are developed against coronaviruses and how many actually prevent infection? Covid and viruses like it get in us through our upper respiratory tract aka our noses and then into our lungs. There is no permanent way to protect us in those areas with a shot in the arm, which only gives us systemic protection. It is beyond the capability of medicine. The vaccines are doing what they're supposed to and that is greatly reducing death and hospitalization. No one has ever promised 100% prevention. Most if not all vaccines will fail with a high enough exposure. Your daughter and her husband were probably heavily exposed to unvaccinated idiots over and over. This is what will happen. If we had tens of millions of ppl with smallpox in this country, guess what will happen to the vaccinated eventually. Same thing.

The vaccine does not do anything to help you, C'mon Man! LOLOL Vaxxed are getting sick. Many are dying. Mostly between the ages of 30 to 39 in an oregon county that they did stats for. Many others are suffering miscarriages associated with the vaxx and it appears to cause problems with fertility. You should take it.

Keep drinking that koolaid. The rest of us independent thinkers will simply stick with the facts.
How many vaccines are developed against coronaviruses and how many actually prevent infection? Covid and viruses like it get in us through our upper respiratory tract aka our noses and then into our lungs. There is no permanent way to protect us in those areas with a shot in the arm, which only gives us systemic protection. It is beyond the capability of medicine. The vaccines are doing what they're supposed to and that is greatly reducing death and hospitalization. No one has ever promised 100% prevention. Most if not all vaccines will fail with a high enough exposure. Your daughter and her husband were probably heavily exposed to unvaccinated idiots over and over. This is what will happen. If we had tens of millions of ppl with smallpox in this country, guess what will happen to the vaccinated eventually. Same thing.

Keep drinking that koolaid. The rest of us independent thinkers will simply stick with the facts.

Take the Leaky vaccine then. All it does it makes sure this shit just mutates forever. Which is more and more looking like what Pharma is doing on purpose.

The virus doesn't care about the vaccine. It is just going around it causing new variants.

Take the Leaky vaccine then. All it does it makes sure this shit just mutates forever. Which is more and more looking like what Pharma is doing on purpose.

The virus doesn't care about the vaccine. It is just going around it causing new variants.
It’s time to quarantine the vaxxed. They’re super spreaders!!!
Hmmmm only lab in China that could produce such a virus is in Wuhan. Virus came from Wuhan. Leftists say it came from a wet market. China won’t allow a full team to investigate. Nothing to see here…..
It isn’t leftists saying it.
It isn’t leftists saying it.
How do you explain this? Doesn’t make you suspicious at all?

And yet, China’s actions raised questions. The government refused to allow international scientists into Wuhan in early 2020 when the outbreak was mushrooming, including experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who were already in the region.

Beijing stonewalled on allowing World Health Organization experts into Wuhan for more than a year, and then provided only limited access. The WHO team’s final report, written with and vetted by Chinese researchers, played down the possibility of a lab leak. Instead, it said the virus probably spread via a bat through another animal, and gave some credence to a favored Chinese theory that it could have been transferred via frozen food.
How many vaccines are developed against coronaviruses and how many actually prevent infection? Covid and viruses like it get in us through our upper respiratory tract aka our noses and then into our lungs. There is no permanent way to protect us in those areas with a shot in the arm, which only gives us systemic protection. It is beyond the capability of medicine. The vaccines are doing what they're supposed to and that is greatly reducing death and hospitalization. No one has ever promised 100% prevention. Most if not all vaccines will fail with a high enough exposure. Your daughter and her husband were probably heavily exposed to unvaccinated idiots over and over. This is what will happen. If we had tens of millions of ppl with smallpox in this country, guess what will happen to the vaccinated eventually. Same thing.

Keep drinking that koolaid. The rest of us independent thinkers will simply stick with the facts.

There is no empirical evidence that they are saving lives.
How many vaccines are developed against coronaviruses and how many actually prevent infection? Covid and viruses like it get in us through our upper respiratory tract aka our noses and then into our lungs. There is no permanent way to protect us in those areas with a shot in the arm, which only gives us systemic protection. It is beyond the capability of medicine. The vaccines are doing what they're supposed to and that is greatly reducing death and hospitalization. No one has ever promised 100% prevention. Most if not all vaccines will fail with a high enough exposure. Your daughter and her husband were probably heavily exposed to unvaccinated idiots over and over. This is what will happen. If we had tens of millions of ppl with smallpox in this country, guess what will happen to the vaccinated eventually. Same thing.

Keep drinking that koolaid. The rest of us independent thinkers will simply stick with the facts.
Facts ha ha ha they keep changing
That they had an autopsy? No, they didn't but it doesn't take a genius to make that connection. Same with all the reports on vaers. They just didn't all start stroking out and having heart attacks.

So, in other words, all you have is anecdotal evidence that can easily be explained except you have zero proof. It is like all those people who claiming the J&J shot is killing people with blood clots. That never happened and has not happened.

I fully support people who don't want to take the vaccine, but don't lie about it.
So, in other words, all you have is anecdotal evidence that can easily be explained except you have zero proof. It is like all those people who claiming the J&J shot is killing people with blood clots. That never happened and has not happened.

I fully support people who don't want to take the vaccine, but don't lie about it.

In other words, that really happened. They had heart attacks and a stroke, one, two days after taking that injection. Denying that hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been moderately to severely injured is the same as believing covid is a hoax. However, I'm all for choice. It's ultimately each person's choice, not the govt.
In other words, that really happened. They had heart attacks and a stroke, one, two days after taking that injection. Denying that hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been moderately to severely injured is the same as believing covid is a hoax. However, I'm all for choice. It's ultimately each person's choice, not the govt.
Hundreds of thousands have died? Oh, please!

Millions have been moderately to severely injured? You are ridiculous!

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