My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

Ha ha
they are still among the groups of unvaccinated. It seems conspiracy theorists still engage in sex without condoms too and still wonder why they spread diseases among each other ..

Kookoo II
It mutates thanks to idiot conservatives more then any other reason.
Why do you left wing partisans insist on making a personal decision political? You’ve been duped by the establishment again! You’re all about hate.

Read this and try thinking for once. Lies you believe…
  1. The vaccines are safe and effective. Ignore the 300,000 deaths in the VAERS system. Ignore the fact that we can show eight different ways that hundreds of thousands have been killed by the vaccine. Ignore the fact that some doctors report a 20,000 times increase in VAERS events this year. Since we’ll take away their license if they speak out, the public will be kept in the dark on this.
  2. Masks work. Ignore what the randomized trials say (which prove masks do absolutely nothing). We say it works, so it works. Get it? It’s all about belief, not science.
  3. The vaccines are the only way out. Ignore experts like Geert Vanden Bossche who says otherwise. Even though he’s predicted everything that has happened, it doesn’t mean we should listen to him. We need to keep listening to the experts who keep telling us things that are not true.
  4. Vaccine mandates are necessary. Ignore the fact that in Gibraltar, there is a 118% vaccination rate and the cases are so high, they had to cancel Christman. Look, just because 100% vaccination rate doesn’t work there, it doesn’t mean it won’t work here. Note: if the vaccines worked as claimed, mandates, which are to protect the vaccinated, would not be necessary.
  5. Do whatever the authorities (CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO) tell you to do without question. They must never be held accountable by asking them questions that they don’t want to answer; that would be way too embarrassing.
  6. Trust your doctor. If they tell you to get the shot, do what they say. They know best, even if they haven’t actually looked at any of the underlying data themselves.
  7. Early treatments using repurposed drugs don’t work. Ignore all the doctors who have thousands of patients with just a few minor hospitalization. They aren’t lying about that and we can’t explain why their results are so good, but trust us… you need to ignore that. And ignore the peer-reviewed systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Those used to be the highest level of evidence-based medicine, but we need to ignore that. Expert opinion of the NIH is the only thing that matters. They are totally on top of it like with fluvoxamine where they ignore the Phase 3 data and the opinion of key opinion leaders. Ignore the fact that they never do any risk-benefit analyses for any of these drugs. Trust them. They are the experts.
  8. Full liability protection is necessary for the drug companies. This should be obvious; we all know these vaccines are killing hundreds of thousand of people and disabling many more. If the drug companies were held accountable, they’d be out of business and this huge transfer of wealth would cease. We can’t allow that to happen.
  9. Nobody has died from the mRNA vaccines. Ignore the fact that one of the world’s top pathologists, Dr. Peter Schirmacher, did a study on just 40 patients who died after vaccination, and found the CDC is lying. Ignore the fact that Dr. Shirmacher’s results were replicated by other top pathologists. Ignore the fact that nobody can show how those studies were wrong. We need everyone to believe the vaccines are safe, otherwise the whole game falls apart.
  10. Dissenting views must be silenced. The public must only be allowed to hear one side of the story — from the authorities—otherwise the whole narrative falls apart. This is why there will never be any debates between the two sides. Get it?
  11. The Nuremberg code doesn’t apply to us. Sure, we know about over 9,000 events in VAERS that are strongly elevated after these vaccines. But since the Nuremberg code doesn’t apply to us (because we said so), we are not obligated to disclose this to the public. If we did that, they wouldn’t take the vaccine.
It mutates thanks to idiot conservatives more then any other reason.
How does it do that Einstein..........If we don't have the virus.......Or the

You have already admitted you are full of it as you let it slip that you count deaths of unvaccinated when they had 2 jabs.

No. The point is why do something that isn’t effective.

Why do you left wing partisans insist on making a personal decision political? You’ve been duped by the establishment again! You’re all about hate.

For the same reason I doubt want you blowing cigarette smoke or going barefoot in any crowded public place indoors. I don’t give a fk what you do to each Other. I don’t hate conservatives , I only hate that you’re so stupid.
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How does it do that Einstein..........If we don't have the virus.......Or the

You have already admitted you are full of it as you let it slip that you count deaths of unvaccinated when they had 2 jabs.

Why do t you call a Healthcare facility and ask your health questions instead of getting info from drop out Hannity.
For the same reason I doubt want you blowing cigarette smoke or going barefoot in any crowded public place indoors. I don’t give a fk what you do to each Other. I don’t hate conservatives , I only hate that you’re so stupid.
You’re dumb. The vaxxed get infected and transmit the virus.

Get informed before posting.
You’re dumb. The vaxxed get infected and transmit the virus.

Get informed before posting.
. Dah. No shit. You also get infected from un vaxxed people with much higher viral loads at much higher rates dufus. At some point in the distant future, you’ll wonder why most of those people in hospitals from covid are un vaxxed. Right now, you’re just making stupid statements.
. Dah. No shit. You also get infected from un vaxxed people with much higher viral loads at much higher rates dufus. At some point in the distant future, you’ll wonder why most of those people in hospitals from covid are un vaxxed. Right now, you’re just making stupid statements.
So you’re admitting you hate the unvaxxed because your stupid. OKAY!
. Dah. No shit. You also get infected from un vaxxed people with much higher viral loads at much higher rates dufus. At some point in the distant future, you’ll wonder why most of those people in hospitals from covid are un vaxxed. Right now, you’re just making stupid statements.
Which posts ago you admitted that 2 jabs are unvaccinated.

You got owned in this thread.....BY YOURSELF.

Kind of an insane remark when the facts obliterate your reponse. The vast majorities of deaths and hospitalizations are non complete vaxxed persons, mostly science illiterate clueless conservatives and the unqualified
Weatherman2020 posted this in in a different thread:

“A Navy combat ship deployed to intercept drug trafficking in the Caribbean and East Pacific is stuck in the port at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, with a coronavirus outbreak among its fully vaccinated crew.”


Sad but true.

Ha ha
they are still among the groups of unvaccinated. It seems conspiracy theorists still engage in sex without condoms too and still wonder why they spread diseases among each other ..


All indications are the jab does either little or nothing at all to protect from Omicron.

I know more people with 3 RNA sequencer shots who are hospitalized with Covid than those who refused the jabs.

The sad reality is that the misnamed "vaccines" don't work.

On the good news front, the army is developing a real vaccine. Which makes sense since this is a biological weapon. Have the military counter the offensive biological weapon China unleashed (with generous funding by Anthony Fauci and the NIH).


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