My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

My Primary Care Doctor is the one that told me that mask are a joke. "A placebo for the stupid" were his words.

If you want to be a stupid mindless Sheeple and wear one of the silly things then be my guest. Just don't get all bent out of shape when we real Americans ridicule you for it.
Sure he/she did. As if I believe you.
You listen to Tucker. Smart people listen to science. Th right is filled with science illiterates. I suppose if you got a flat tire, you’d just keep on driving. No sense changing anything just because the world around you does.
You just plug the tire 8 times and wonder why its still leaking. Nice Science guy you are. You cant even fix a flat
You just plug the tire 8 times and wonder why its still leaking. Nice Science guy you are. You cant even fix a flat
Wow, what a retort. So, you’ll keep driving ? Sounds like a typical denier plan.
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Sure he/she did. As if I believe you.

He is one of my shooting buddies. He hated Obamacare because it made him switch from having a one doctor office to having to go with an inefficient bureaucratic Physician group.

He is not one of these stupid Libtard doctors that just parrots that idiot Fauci's convoluted bullshit.
95 mask are marginally effective but most people that wear masks have absolutely worthless cloth ones.
They are marginally effective because the general public doesn’t wear or maintain them correctly. They are very hard to breath through for those with any underlying condition which is those who are most at risk. Geesus, you can’t even wear them with much facial hair. maybe if deniers did a little research instead of listening to Fix News.
They are marginally effective because the general public doesn’t wear or maintain them correctly. They are very hard to breath through for those with any underlying condition which is those who are most at risk. Geesus, you can’t even wear them with much facial hair. maybe if deniers did a little research instead of listening to Fix News.

A typical cloth mask doesn't have a tight enough mesh weave to stop a virus. It can stop large droplets but that is just about all.

Most of the masks sold to the moron Sheeple we see walking around the streets wearing them are cloth masks.

You are right about one thing. Not only are the stupid masks not effective but when you pair that with typical unsanitary behavior it becomes a waste of time.

Potatohead's Chicom buddies releasing their bio weapon to get rid of Trump really brought out massive stupidity from our Libtard Karens, didn't it?
Lying scum, Fauci said masks weren't needed before it was declared a pandemic. After it became a pandemic.

Events changed, therefore circumstances changed. That's not Fauci lying or being wrong; it's you lying.

You are funny. So did you also watch the 60 minutes interview were Fauci clearly stated that
Ha ha
You’re so science illiterate It’s ridiculous.
First, this was before the vaccine and before the first variant. He was absolute right. For people who are unvaccinated cloth masks do little in close continuous settings. Walking around outside too, the original COVID was incapable of infecting people easily as well.

Since the varients came out and vaccines were made available well after these comments, the rules HAVE changed. You need BOTH VACCINATIONS AND masking if there is any doubt you‘re around idiots who are unvaccinated.
With the new variants, the unvaccinated are Fked, as even masking, which they won’t do between two unvaccinated doesn’t help much. NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND recommends the n95 masks for general public for simple reasons. Most people can’t or won’t wear them correctly and any figiting around like all masks, renders them useless.

Your post is an admission you deniers know NOTHING ABOUT SCIENCE as Fauci has always just repeated the advice from the CDC. You have no idea that with each new variant and conservatives who I feel are primarily responsible for spreading disease, like they have done in the past, are the reason why hospitals are filled with majority of UNVACCINATED .

I often wondered how many stupid people were on the right when they only believed in trickle down. Now, they don’t even believe in science which is a death trap for everyone. It must be easy to be an unthinking munchkin.

As Fauci said: "When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is"

Learn to read.

You are funny. So did you also watch the 60 minutes interview were Fauci clearly stated that

As Fauci said: "When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is"

Learn to read.

Outbreak ≠ Pandemic
This chick has it right:

This may be the future if the Libtard Karens don't pull their heads out of their asses

He is one of my shooting buddies. He hated Obamacare because it made him switch from having a one doctor office to having to go with an inefficient bureaucratic Physician group.

He is not one of these stupid Libtard doctors that just parrots that idiot Fauci's convoluted bullshit

Wow, a doctor that hates programs that help his patients but hurts his pocketbook. Typical BS argument.

This your chiropractor ? Oh, so he’s not a real doctor, he’s your shooting buddy.

So your primary care does not require masking during visits ? Now I know you’re lying. The ALL DO AS DO ALL HOSPITALS.
typical cloth mask doesn't have a tight enough mesh weave to stop a virus. It can stop large droplets but that is just about all.
Maybe the typical shit you don’t wear. Maybe you’ve never been to a hospital or doctors office simpleton. Kind of a silly comment when surgical CLOTH MASKS do help control droplets which virus travel on. Exposed virus die in open air very quickly. Btw, we aren’t talking about scarfs. Most cheap surgical or medical cloth masks are double to triple layered. HTF would you know ? You don’t listen to anyone but fixNews which tells you one thing but does another.
A typical cloth mask doesn't have a tight enough mesh weave to stop a virus. It can stop large droplets but that is just about all.

Most of the masks sold to the moron Sheeple we see walking around the streets wearing them are cloth masks.

You are right about one thing. Not only are the stupid masks not effective but when you pair that with typical unsanitary behavior it becomes a waste of time.

Potatohead's Chicom buddies releasing their bio weapon to get rid of Trump really brought out massive stupidity from our Libtard Karens, didn't it?
Laughable. Surgical and medical masks are CLOTH MASKS and hospitals have been using them for decades dufus.
Maybe the typical shit you don’t wear. Maybe you’ve never been to a hospital or doctors office simpleton. Kind of a silly comment when surgical CLOTH MASKS do help control droplets which virus travel on. Exposed virus die in open air very quickly. Btw, we aren’t talking about scarfs. Most cheap surgical or medical cloth masks are double to triple layered. HTF would you know ? You don’t listen to anyone but fixNews which tells you one thing but does another.
Funny, Fauci in an interview in March of 2020 said "they may stop a few droplets, but they don't slow down the spread"
In Febuary 2020 he said ""The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."
In March 2020 he said "people can wear mask if it makes them feel better"
A typical cloth mask doesn't have a tight enough mesh weave to stop a virus. It can stop large droplets but that is just about all.

Most of the masks sold to the moron Sheeple we see walking around the streets wearing them are cloth masks.

You are right about one thing. Not only are the stupid masks not effective but when you pair that with typical unsanitary behavior it becomes a waste of time.

Potatohead's Chicom buddies releasing their bio weapon to get rid of Trump really brought out massive stupidity from our Libtard Karens, didn't it?
Let’s get one thing straight, only fully vaxxed PLUS masking helps with new variants. AAMOF unvaxxed people are fucked. For one thing, show me an unvaxxed conservatives who even wear masks unlessforced to. These people to begin are super spreaders.
Oh - I forgot another one in February 2020 - Fauci - "masks are designed to help keep an infected person from infecting others, not to protect uninfected from getting infected"
In Febuary 2020 he said ""The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."
February 2030. You are science illiterate. He’s absolutely right Dufus. Where have you been for the past year. At the time there was no vaccines and no variants. CLOTH MASKS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO KERP A VIRUS FROM passing through. They are for vaxxed people and a symptomatic from HELP spreading decease through droplets indoors, in crowds with unknown unvaxxed peoples.
Oh - I forgot another one in February 2020 - Fauci - "masks are designed to help keep an infected person from infecting others, not to protect uninfected from getting infected"
That’s exactly right ! For the general public not wearing n95 masks that’s correct. A symptomatic peoples were the big spreaders then,.....

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