My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

No its not, the topic is "My daughter and her husband both now have Covid..."
Retard, yes it is. You should try to pay attention to what people are posting when you respond. If you want to discuss something else, start a thread on it.
In post 262 you wrote:
There have been half a billion jabs so far with over 200 million fully vaccinated... So where is the surge in cancer cases and deaths...?
You wrote "cancer cases and deaths", which implies death from something other than cancer.
Cancer never "surges" because it happens slowly, later.
Retard, because the topic being discussed is the vaccine causing cancer. I see no evidence of that and I was challenging the poster claiming that to demonstrate their claim.
The fact is you're an idiot. Millions would have died had we aimed for herd immunity without a vaccine. As it is, some 300K-400K died before a vaccine was available. You’re simply spewing utter, unadulterated nonsense.

Health impact. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the pandemic. This number of infections could lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have existing health conditions. The health care system could quickly become overwhelmed.

The lethality is only 1% if you are over 70.
The lethality is 400 times lower if you are under 40.
So the scientists estimate fewer than 60k deaths.
Retard, because the topic being discussed is the vaccine causing cancer. I see no evidence of that and I was challenging the poster claiming that to demonstrate their claim.
Wrong, You clearly wrote cancer cases and deaths, which implies all causes of deaths
The lethality is only 1% if you are over 70.
The lethality is 400 times lower if you are under 40.
So the scientists estimate fewer than 60k deaths.


Exactly how crazy are you???

You actually think anyone in their right mind is going to listen to a flaming idiot like you over the Mayo Clinic? You're out of your fucking mind.

Wrong, You clearly wrote cancer cases and deaths, which implies all causes of deaths
Dumbfuck, because I'm challenging the claim that it's causing cancer. Still, that's the topic being discussed. Stop trying to derail the thread.

There is something seriously wrong with you.
Nah, you're a delusional fool who is detached from reality.
You embarras yourself and probably endanger your friends and loved ones with your nauseating, childish fetishes.

You are unethical, immoral,ignorant, and selfish. A human who failed to launch.

Now the Public Health director in NY--vaccinated, boosted, obsessed with masks--has Covid.

The more names you call me, the more obviously rattled you are. We can see it FFI. Pathetic.

Me, unvaxxed, still no covid.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
And guess what?

they didnt die did they?

in my town the idiot news media breathlessly reports on the progress of the new strain 48 times a day without reporting that serious reactions and deaths are remaining steady or declining

its just a numbers game with the left and panic mongering for snowflakes
The mRNA vaccines do not at all work, and those vaccinated are infected and spread it just as much.

Smallpox epidemics always ended by herd immunity from recovery immunity, not vaccines.
Vaccines were not even invented until around 1800, and no US populations were decimated before then.

You don't understand anything.
If we had gone with herd immunity right away, instead of "flattening the curve" waiting for the vaccines, we would have saved half a million lives.
Ha ha
Many republicans did not get vaccinated. Maybe you didn’t notice. They are the majority filling the hospitals and dying. You’re confusing the issue. Herd immunity can be approach in different ways. Obviously “ natural herd immunity “ is pretty stupid. You’re not getting your information from an6 sane sources. Fix News lies. Btw, they are over 90% vacs and now with boosters, just like Trump while encouraging their supporters to die.
Now the Public Health director in NY--vaccinated, boosted, obsessed with masks--has Covid.

The more names you call me, the more obviously rattled you are. We can see it FFI. Pathetic.

Me, unvaxxed, still no covid.
That’s silly. NY like everywhere, it’s the incompletely vaxxed that are filling hospitals. Do the research.
You’re unvaxxed and no covid ? Mostly because you probably have halitosis and no one comes near you.
And guess what?

they didnt die did they?

in my town the idiot news media breathlessly reports on the progress of the new strain 48 times a day without reporting that serious reactions and deaths are remaining steady or declining

its just a numbers game with the left and panic mongering for snowflakes
No one whines and complains more the do nothing right led by Trump, the head snowflake.
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still sterilizing immunity
Good grief. Sounds better then using birth control pills. So one infection fits all ? You are guaranteed it will be mild and all those vaxxed deniers in the hospital are faking it just to get three squares and room service.
It's mild for those with the vaccine, of which you have not availed yourself. You could just very sick and die from Omicron. You just don't know.
Exactly. The odds aren’t on your side for choosing not to have a vaccine. Even if your illness doesn’t hospitalize you, your chances are much greater you’ll have some kind of a debilitating symptom that can last for months……Just in time to loose your immunity and get sick again. I have a theory that all these people who think they can avoid vaccines probably are big time lottery players.

It’s for sure most are big Rupert Murdock and Tucker Carlson fans, both of whom don’t want you to know they are vaccinated to the hilt.
I got VERY sick when I had Covid. A lot more than just the sniffles. Fever spiked, it was bad.

Then I recovered. Now I am immune.
Not according to Saint Anthony di Fauci. He says folks like you should lose their jobs if they don't take the jab. These people are EVIL.

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