My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

I'd like to know who is getting cancer from the vaccines. Watch Sue stay quiet and not reply :auiqs.jpg:

I'd like to know who is getting cancer from the vaccines. Watch Sue stay quiet and not reply :auiqs.jpg:

But don't worry, Politifact has already said it's not true so I'm sure getting these boosters that destroy your immune system will be fine

Poltifact would never lie
You're not anti big pharma? Yet, you're telling me they have a long history of wrong doing and lying. Wouldn't it make absolutely zero sense to oppose the vaccine but not something else created by "big pharma?" If they are lying about everything, then every drug must be fake, just like the vaccines. Why take them when we have superior immune systems that never fail us? You've convinced me, i'm with you now!
You just inadvertently admitted once again you’re terribly uninformed. You don’t even know of the billions in fines and penalties levied against big pharma companies.

We can’t continue if you refuse to learn.
Do you realize the inordinate propaganda machine protecting these pharma companies?

If the product is so wonderful, why immunity?

If the product is so wonderful, why are vaxxed AND BOOSTED people coming down with the virus MORE than unvaccinated?
The answer is very simple. They are not.

For every stat that you use to support your position, I could easily prove it is simply made up to fit an agenda.
The answer is very simple. They are not.

For every stat that you use to support your position, I could easily prove it is simply made up to fit an agenda.

You won't even find honest data here in the US. Look to the UK and Denmark, where they have been honest for some time about the fact that the vaccinated are coming down with MORE FREQUENT cases per 100K than the unvaxxed.

Listen, I'm an educated, rational person. I watched these vaccines. If at any point they seemed like a good bet I would have taken them. I have no problem with vaccines on principle. But these are bad vaccines. Really bad, actually. The propaganda being pushed about them is unbelievable.

Nice links. I can see you didn't bother reading it. The reports concerns mainly one cancer occurring in a person with numerous other health issues and 66 years-old in BELGIUM.

The others in the study had swollen lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes in my abdomen from liver failure. They were there before the vaccine.

The second link gets a 404.
You won't even find honest data here in the US. Look to the UK and Denmark, where they have been honest for some time about the fact that the vaccinated are coming down with MORE FREQUENT cases per 100K than the unvaxxed.

Listen, I'm an educated, rational person. I watched these vaccines. If at any point they seemed like a good bet I would have taken them. I have no problem with vaccines on principle. But these are bad vaccines. Really bad, actually. The propaganda being pushed about them is unbelievable.
They also took a completely different type of vaccine if that were true, which it is not. You may be educated but you are far from rational on this topic. The vaccines are not bad. That was simply created by anti-vaxxers who simply do not understand the process and hype small incidents to be typical. Anti-vaxxers also suck at statistics. To use your words, the propaganda being pushed about them is unbelievable.
They also took a completely different type of vaccine if that were true, which it is not. You may be educated but you are far from rational on this topic. The vaccines are not bad. That was simply created by anti-vaxxers who simply do not understand the process. To use your words, the propaganda being pushed about them is unbelievable.

Here is where you and I differ:

You think they are great for everyone, regardless of age or risk factor.

I think they are great for YOU, but really bad for some.

See if you can puzzle out the difference.
Nice links. I can see you didn't bother reading it. The reports concerns mainly one cancer occurring in a person with numerous other health issues and 66 years-old in BELGIUM.

The others in the study had swollen lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes in my abdomen from liver failure. They were there before the vaccine.

The second link gets a 404.

We have to rely on reports from other nations because the Pharma companies have a lock on all the Med organizations here.

If I'm wrong about that, I look like a buffoon in a year or so.

If I'm right, it's a huge scandal. And even that does not go far enough in description.

So far, everything points to me being right. We have double vaccinated AND BOOSTED people getting the virus left and right. You realize, more often than the unvaccinated. There is a term for this. Fauci knows about it and described it. It is called OAS--Original Antigenic Sin. It is why there wasn't a vaccine for SARS, the original.
Nice links. I can see you didn't bother reading it. The reports concerns mainly one cancer occurring in a person with numerous other health issues and 66 years-old in BELGIUM.

The others in the study had swollen lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes in my abdomen from liver failure. They were there before the vaccine.

The second link gets a 404.

This is what Fauci was talking about when he discussed the RSV vaccine and OAS. They know about this. It looks like it could be happening

Here is where you and I differ:

You think they are great for everyone, regardless of age or risk factor.

I think they are great for YOU, but really bad for some.

See if you can puzzle out the difference.

Wrong answer! I don't think they are great for everyone. There is a tiny percentage of people who take the vaccine and have other health issues that exacerbate those problems.

I despise those of you who use propaganda to justify why no one should take the vaccine, which is exactly what you do.

"See if you can puzzle out the difference" - I take back what I said about your education if you think that is a proper sentence. I thought you were a teacher?
They also took a completely different type of vaccine if that were true, which it is not. You may be educated but you are far from rational on this topic. The vaccines are not bad. That was simply created by anti-vaxxers who simply do not understand the process and hype small incidents to be typical. Anti-vaxxers also suck at statistics. To use your words, the propaganda being pushed about them is unbelievable.

Here is Fauci in March 2020 talking about the RSV vaccine and how sometimes, vaccines look good on initial trials but lead to worse outcomes. Yeah. This looks to be happening.

Wrong answer! I don't think they are great for everyone. There is a tiny percentage of people who take the vaccine and have other health issues that exacerbate those problems.

I despise those of you who use propaganda to justify why no one should take the vaccine, which is exactly what you do.

"See if you can puzzle out the difference" - I take back what I said about your education if you think that is a proper sentence. I thought you were a teacher?

I have told you I don't know how many times that I'm glad my parents are vaccinated and boosted. How many times can you forget that?

OTOH, you only think a "tiny percentage" of people should not take them. Really? You think elementary aged children need these vaccines? Teenagers? Young adults? WHY? They are DRIVING the spread. Vaccinating everyone is DRIVING the spread.

Read my links and you will see.
This is what Fauci was talking about when he discussed the RSV vaccine and OAS. They know about this. It looks like it could be happening

That has NOTHING to do with what is presently happening with your hoax. It is almost 60 years in the past. You don't think things have changed?

I don't listen to (Fauxci) Fauci about anything. The guy has been wrong more times than the guy who set the lowest score ever on Jeopardy!
I have told you I don't know how many times that I'm glad my parents are vaccinated and boosted. How many times can you forget that?

OTOH, you only think a "tiny percentage" of people should not take them. Really? You think elementary aged children need these vaccines? Teenagers? Young adults? WHY? They are DRIVING the spread. Vaccinating everyone is DRIVING the spread.

Read my links and you will see.
stupidest thing I have heard all day.jpg
Here is Fauci in March 2020 talking about the RSV vaccine and how sometimes, vaccines look good on initial trials but lead to worse outcomes. Yeah. This looks to be happening.

It’s happening alright, but notice how the msm in the US refuses to to acknowledge any harm caused by the vaccines or their failure to stop the pandemic.

More information on vaccine failure coming from Denmark.

Stunning Covid data from Denmark​

But not for the reason you've been told; the story is vaccine failure, not Omicron​

The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations - not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants.

And, in news that will surprise precisely no one who has been alive the last two years, they paint a picture entirely different than what the media claims.

Omicron - which continues to appear significantly less dangerous though more transmissible than earlier variants of Covid - has been used as a cover for vaccine failure.

Most new Covid cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted - and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
Stunning Covid data from Denmark
It’s happening alright, but notice how the msm in the US refuses to to acknowledge any harm caused by the vaccines or their failure to stop the pandemic.

More information on vaccine failure coming from Denmark.

Stunning Covid data from Denmark​

But not for the reason you've been told; the story is vaccine failure, not Omicron​

The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations - not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants.

And, in news that will surprise precisely no one who has been alive the last two years, they paint a picture entirely different than what the media claims.

Omicron - which continues to appear significantly less dangerous though more transmissible than earlier variants of Covid - has been used as a cover for vaccine failure.

Most new Covid cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted - and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
Stunning Covid data from Denmark

From your link:
"Perhaps the most stunning fact about Omicron and Denmark is that its rise actually parallels a marked slowdown in the growth of Danish hospitalizations and intensive care patients."

So the vaccines do work, despite your inability to read for comprehension.
That has NOTHING to do with what is presently happening with your hoax. It is almost 60 years in the past. You don't think things have changed?

I don't listen to (Fauxci) Fauci about anything. The guy has been wrong more times than the guy who set the lowest score ever on Jeopardy!

Okay. We shall see. Meanwhile, keep being amazed that triple vaxxed people are getting sick. And that you keep having to get boosters at increasingly small intervals
From your link:
"Perhaps the most stunning fact about Omicron and Denmark is that its rise actually parallels a marked slowdown in the growth of Danish hospitalizations and intensive care patients."

So the vaccines do work, despite your inability to read for comprehension.

Omicron was mild from the start. The difference is, I might weather the mild virus without three shots of God only knows what in my system.
Okay. We shall see. Meanwhile, keep being amazed that triple vaxxed people are getting sick. And that you keep having to get boosters at increasingly small intervals
First, there is no such thing as "triple vaxed", so your point is meaningless.

Second, the jury is still out on the boosters for normal healthy individuals.

Why do you insist on making shit up to justify your actions or inactions as this case entails?

Just say you do not want the vaccine. You don't have to lie to justify that decisions. No one gives a shit if you refuse to get vaccinated and die alone in some ICU on a respirator.

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