My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

Pardon me, but your ignorance is showing!

My wife and I got the vaccine in May 2021. I caught COVID Delta in August 2021 and she caught it from me a few days later. I am presently suffering from a common head cold that is 10X worse than COVID was for me. My wife missed one day of work so she could get the monoclonal antibodies infusion.

So there is two more for your total!
Are you glad you got the shots before catching it?
The vaccine does not do anything to help you, C'mon Man! LOLOL Vaxxed are getting sick. Many are dying. Mostly between the ages of 30 to 39 in an oregon county that they did stats for. Many others are suffering miscarriages associated with the vaxx and it appears to cause problems with fertility. You should take it.
You’re just lying now
Luckily more of your fellow Americans have more common sense than you do… but yeah. Stay strong, stay independent. Nobody tells you want to do!!!! Child

i wouldn't exactly call that common sense. I'd call that Knee jerk. we got time dude. We'll see where this goes.
i wouldn't exactly call that common sense. I'd call that Knee jerk. we got time dude. We'll see where this goes.
Nothing knee jerk about it. Wait and see arguments mean nothing… I’m still waiting for trump to take the WH back from the election fraud and I’m still waiting for the Durham report to throw Comey and McCabe in jail
You’re just lying now

I'm not lying but your response is typical of folk who are not reading the available information from all points of view and these other opinions are just as important, and just as valid and informed and intelligent, if not moreso than your gov't source who we have learned are profitting from this virus.
May? MAY? You really don't know do you. LOLOLOL The 'shot' is not doing what they told you it would do. The Vaxxines have lost power at 6 month mark. What the hell kind of vaccine science is THAT?? You might as well have put beer in your veins for all the good it's done you. but i get it . I GET IT. YOU're invested in this now and whatever gotta go with it. Otherwise you look like a jump on the bandwagon fool.
May? MAY? You really don't know do you. LOLOLOL The 'shot' is not doing what they told you it would do. The Vaxxines have lost power at 6 month mark. What the hell kind of vaccine science is THAT?? You might as well have put beer in your veins for all the good it's done you. but i get it . I GET IT. YOU're invested in this now and whatever gotta go with it. Otherwise you look like a jump on the bandwagon fool.
I know the virus fucks up the elderly with comorbidities and the shot builds immunity to help the body fight off the virus which reduces hospitalizations and deaths. You seem so adamant to fight against that narrative even though it is proven science. Why is that?
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You KNOW no such thing.
I know that's what medical professionals have reported in over whelming numbers. I know you are focusing on cherry picked low percentage instances and spinning political narratives not objective facts.
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... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
I wish them both well but you realize you're making the case for the vaccines, right? They can't prevent someone from catching covid. They can only help them fight it off better than with no vaccine or antibodies.
I'm not lying but your response is typical of folk who are not reading the available information from all points of view and these other opinions are just as important, and just as valid and informed and intelligent, if not moreso than your gov't source who we have learned are profitting from this virus.
I talk to doctors and read the sources they suggest. I don't deep dive into internet conspiracy boards like you obviously do. Why do you trust that shit? Just because its not "Mainstream"?! give me a break will NEVER be done with boosters. What have you signed up for now bud?
I have no need for a booster unless my antibodies drop, a dangerous strain is about, or my health turns to a point where my doctor recommends I get one. Right now I'm good to go. We might also find that after a boost or two our immunity sustains and we don't need more in the future... Why are you so scared of a silly little shot?
And will forever....the more people who are vaccinated, the more people will now have "pre-existing conditions" from now on. And if and when long-term side effects become obvious , they'll pay a few 7 figure settlements with the multi-billions in profits they'll have made.

On top of everything else they've practically guaranteed that health care will be very expensive going forward.'s a great big dick...and we all gotta take a ride.'s a great big dick...and we all gotta take a ride.
We had my wife's dad here with us for 7 years...( he passed last year at 95) so I know first hand what a boondoggle medicare is. The last 2 years they paid for home health care which--that alone averaged over $6000 a month ( 2visits a week)....wheelchair, hospital bed, medicines, dietary supplements like Boost, Ensure....) whatever he needed the nurse punched it into her tablet....
I suggest you take a look at the teenaged girl suicide rate which skyrocketed.
I looked at suicide rates overall, they went down. Do you have a link to your claim, and does it show covid policies were causitive?
But we WERE! This particular virus was inert to humans.

Till fau chi and company modified it.
There is no evidence to support that but there is plenty of evidence supporting virus that have mutated jumped among species.
I looked at suicide rates overall, they went down. Do you have a link to your claim, and does it show covid policies were causitive?
Suicides aside, mentally illness (especially among teenagers) and blood pressure spiked. Clearly there are negative effects to lockdowns and distancing. We have to keep those in mind and learn our lessons from this pandemic.

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