My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

I think it is hard because there so many factors.
I don't think it is that complicated.
The reasons are pretty much staring us in the face.
But to address it requires us to change how we think about family, and what our priorities are. As well as enormous lack of socialization...replacing real interaction with social media is doing real damage.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
sorry to hear that....hope they get thru ok with no lasting issues.
Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
That's a comment on what you know, not a comment on the vaccines.

But good luck to your family.
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Okay, the vaccine gives your body a photo of what COVID looks like. On day 1 of your body getting infected with COVID, your body recognizes COVID as a threat because of the photo the vaccine gave you.

If you didn't have the vaccine your body wouldn't have a photo of what COVID looked like. In time, days or weeks, your body would figure out COVID was the enemy, but in that time COVID can kill you or at least make you sick.

Just because your body has the photo of what COVID looks like doesn't mean your body can't be infected by COVID. It just means your body will immediately attack COVID once COVID infects you.

Yes, you can be vaccinated, carry the virus home to an unvaccinated love one and infect them with COVID, even though your body is fighting a successful war against COVID and you, personally, will be fine.

So a vaccine doesn't stop the virus, your body is the only thing that can stop a virus. The vaccine just gives your body the information it needs to fight COVID before COVID infects you.
Okay, the vaccine gives your body a photo of what COVID looks like. On day 1 of your body getting infected with COVID, your body recognizes COVID as a threat because of the photo the vaccine gave you.

If you didn't have the vaccine your body wouldn't have a photo of what COVID looked like. In time, days or weeks, your body would figure out COVID was the enemy, but in that time COVID can kill you or at least make you sick.

Just because your body has the photo of what COVID looks like doesn't mean your body can't be infected by COVID. It just means your body will immediately attack COVID once COVID infects you.
Well said. And the numbers game here is twofold:

1) the amount of the virus to which you are exposed

2) immune response, which is more robust w/boosters
I was never locked down.

I could go to stores, go for walks outside, go for a ride

pick up take out.


Many others were not as fortunate as you. Teenaged girls were particularly affected by the lockdowns and in some places their suicide rate skyrocketed.

According to you, they don't matter.
That is not how it works at all. The common cold is the same family, so by your logic once we've had a cold we should immune to covid because it is in the "same family"....but we aren't.

But we WERE! This particular virus was inert to humans.

Till fau chi and company modified it.
What massive increase in suicides? Suicide rates actually went down in 2020 during the lock downs.

What went, and has steady been rising over the years are drug overdose deaths.

I suggest you take a look at the teenaged girl suicide rate which skyrocketed.
You catch COVID

You roll the dice.

COVID has a 1 in 500 chance to kill you.

All a vaccine does is tell your body how to recognize COVID so when COVID shows up, your body starts fighting from day 1.

Without a vaccine, COVID can do whatever it wants to your body for days if not weeks because your defenses won't recognize it. Once your body realizes it's under attack, it fights back. Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses.
What an absolutely stupid thing to say.

Unless you are immune-compromised, your immune system kicks in the second an infection start. Survivability is based on how healthy and robust your immune system is and whether or not your body has other health compromises.

The COVID shot spikes proteins in your system which your body thinks is a Covid. The protein spike is dangerous to some and can kill. Hence, we have so many deaths from the vaccine.

The effectiveness of the Covid vaccine is that your immune system is fully revved up against the foreign mRNA injected into you so if you do catch Covid, your immune system is already at full sprint.

As for those who say that no vaccine is 100% and other vaccines are not 100%, I have to question your ability to think.

When reviewing the data for vaccines, you'll find that the benefits are 99.9999999%. That comes from DECADES of research and fine tuning of those vaccines.

That is what you get when you do proper, double-blind studies over time.

I am NOT antivaccine. I AM 100% anti-mandates.
I know what I trust...them MFers are making money hand over fist.
And will forever....the more people who are vaccinated, the more people will now have "pre-existing conditions" from now on. And if and when long-term side effects become obvious , they'll pay a few 7 figure settlements with the multi-billions in profits they'll have made.

On top of everything else they've practically guaranteed that health care will be very expensive going forward.
Many others were not as fortunate as you. Teenaged girls were particularly affected by the lockdowns and in some places their suicide rate skyrocketed.

According to you, they don't matter.
Suicide is a choice.
Suicide is a choice.

Driven to the depths of despair by a government that hated them. Yes, it is a choice, but for young girls, who need social interaction, it is a symptom. Funny how you don't give a shit about young girls.
You say that but you just dismiss 800 000 dead like it's no big deal

That's because it isn't. The mortality rate for the world didn't go up. Thus the pandemic is a sham. I feel sad for the people who actually DID lose their lives. But you suck cuomo's cock instead of calling for him to be incarcerated for ordering covid positive patients into old folks homes.

That's called murder, but, yet again, you don't give a flying fuck.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
You know the efficacy is around 50% and the main benefit is slowing spread and reducing the severity of symptoms, right? It’s more similar to the flu shot than it is to the smallpox vaccine. It doesn’t sound like you’ve been paying attention. Glad you’re kids are feeling ok
Several members of my family and several friends, all fully vaccinated, have had breakthrough infections. My BIL who has several comorbities has had Covid twice AFTER receiving the vaccine and booster. Amazingly he still intends to get another shot.
The shots may have saved his life.
LOLOLOL Whered you get that. The Fauci Fantastical Fake Science Pamphlet?
GOOD GRIEF MAN!! You can't be serious (but i know you are)

Some believe that there is something in that fake vaccine to make people compliant...the ones it doesn't kill or sterilize. I can't believe my fellow americans are falling for this $#!T.

Luckily more of your fellow Americans have more common sense than you do… but yeah. Stay strong, stay independent. Nobody tells you want to do!!!! Child

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