My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

Thats completely false and misinfo. 150 million americans were infected and fought off the virus without a vaccine.

Sometimes I forget I'm the least retarded person on USMB

I don't think you read what I wrote, the part about "Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses."
You didn't answer the question.

My cardiologist explained why I had never had any chest pains, weakness, or shortness of breath despite my needing 5 stents placed in my coronary arteries. She ran half-marathons and crossed the finish line and was walking to cool down. A man behind her in the race came across the finish line, stumbled and fell to the ground, as dead as a doornail. They managed to do CPR and shock him back to life. He had no family history of heart disease until they found he was adopted. Both his parents died in their 40s of massive heart attacks. He had major blockages throughout his heart, despite never feeling any symptoms, just like me. My cardiologist told me it was a miracle that I reached age 60 because she said I could have dropped dead any minute. Where my blockages were located, there would have been no way that I could have been resuscitated.

I'll bet your friends had the same problems. The vaccine had nothing to do with it.

I did. It was caused by the injection.
Anybody know someone who has natural immunity from a covid infection that didn't get vaccinated and has had a re-infection?

Nope. I know three who have taken the injection and have died from heart attacks, all healthy. I know several who have taken the injection and then tested positive later for covid. I don't know anyone who has natural immunity from it that has got it again.
Anybody know someone who has natural immunity from a covid infection that didn't get vaccinated and has had a re-infection?
Probably 80% to 90% who have died from Covid 19 are smokers and/or people with respiratory diseases, circulatory diseases, sepsis, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, obesity or Alzheimer’s disease. ( basically they forget how to breathe)

But they will never tell you that. This is a very mild bioweapon....probably a test run for the real nasties in store.
You catch COVID

You roll the dice.

COVID has a 1 in 500 chance to kill you.

All a vaccine does is tell your body how to recognize COVID so when COVID shows up, your body starts fighting from day 1.

Without a vaccine, COVID can do whatever it wants to your body for days if not weeks because your defenses won't recognize it. Once your body realizes it's under attack, it fights back. Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses.
Are you making this up as you go along? Covid has a 99.97% survival rate. Grow a pair.
They died WITH covid, as no autopsies were done. And it was almost exclusively the old and dying.

Not neccessarily. Lots of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s died as well and not all of them had underlying heaalth issues.
Not neccessarily. Lots of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s died as well and not all of them had underlying heaalth issues.

Right, and a lot of athletes who got JABBED are dropping dead on the playing field...
Not neccessarily. Lots of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s died as well and not all of them had underlying heaalth issues.
I think it was 3 people total who died without a comorbidity. One fell down the stairs, one was hit by a car and one died of gunshots.
The communists conveniently forget to tell the prisoners what they know about roosting bats. Omicron may not be an entirely natural response to the virus, but assisted by vaccination. Most of Omicron seems to have come through natural immunity, though.
ADmiral Rockwell said:
Your post is a collection of lies. How do you justify that?

you wouldn't know the truth if someone presented it to you on a silver platter.
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The jibbyjab kills by destroying your immune system.

Yes, their immune systems will kick in eventually, but by then it might be too late. And COVID kills by using your immune system against you.

If they've never had COVID before, their bodies will have no knowledge of COVID.

Yes, their immune systems will kick in eventually, but by then it might be too late. And COVID kills by using your immune system against you.

If you have had the common cold you have been exposed to covid.


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