My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

I hope your daugher and her husband have put themselves on some type of regimen using D, Super C, quercetin, zinc, and MELATONIN. Melatonic can be very helpful to undo some of the damage caused by the clot shot. I hope it is not too late. Even those little emergency clinics were advising these things. Seven days and then stop except for melatonin.

The left has got everyone 'all sexed up' as some former turd of a democrat president used to say. This is all BullShip. These folk need a Detective Columbo. Barney Fife could figure this out. The BS treatments in hospital are killing people. THey won't get the proper life saving meds. Almost like the gov't wants to kill you. If they can't kill you then they'll sterilize you without your knowledge.

Good thing your daughter and husband are home. Is the health department calling them every couple days aggravating hell out of them?
That's a lot of bullshit to suffer through!
Covid has a 99.97% survival rate, and that was before vaccines. Your own immune system is better than a vaccine because it can adjust to the new variants, which a vaccine can't do.

You catch COVID

You roll the dice.

COVID has a 1 in 500 chance to kill you.

All a vaccine does is tell your body how to recognize COVID so when COVID shows up, your body starts fighting from day 1.

Without a vaccine, COVID can do whatever it wants to your body for days if not weeks because your defenses won't recognize it. Once your body realizes it's under attack, it fights back. Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses.
The vaccine does not do anything to help you, C'mon Man! LOLOL Vaxxed are getting sick. Many are dying. Mostly between the ages of 30 to 39 in an oregon county that they did stats for. Many others are suffering miscarriages associated with the vaxx and it appears to cause problems with fertility. You should take it.
You catch COVID

You roll the dice.

COVID has a 1 in 500 chance to kill you.

All a vaccine does is tell your body how to recognize COVID so when COVID shows up, your body starts fighting from day 1.

Without a vaccine, COVID can do whatever it wants to your body for days if not weeks because your defenses won't recognize it. Once your body realizes it's under attack, it fights back. Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses.

Thats completely false and misinfo. 150 million americans were infected and fought off the virus without a vaccine.
You catch COVID

You roll the dice.

COVID has a 1 in 500 chance to kill you.

All a vaccine does is tell your body how to recognize COVID so when COVID shows up, your body starts fighting from day 1.

Without a vaccine, COVID can do whatever it wants to your body for days if not weeks because your defenses won't recognize it. Once your body realizes it's under attack, it fights back. Sometimes COVID loses, sometimes your body loses.

There are a lot of things people can do to change those odds.

Funny how the left denies those therapeutics to people.
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
better than getting very ill isn't it?

And no vaccine is ever 100% effective

How many times do you have to be told this scientific fact?
PURE bullshit the lies you folk are telling to convince people to take this fake shot. Now it protects you from the worst. YOU ARE NUTS. It does not protect you. A vaccine protects you from the disease and YOU DON"T GET IT. You don't have to keep wearing a mask. You don't have to continue to social distance, or keep your kids masked up and social distanced. THIS IS CRAZY and i can't believe you are falling for this. well....yes i can. You know better at this point but you've screwed the pooch. You have taken this clot shot and now the only thing you can do is to get others to do it to even the field. Isn't it. YOU KNOW BETTER. YOU SEE that people are still going to hospital, still dying Who have HAD THE SHOT. How can you MISS THAT?? you can't. you don't miss it.
Look buddy. They recall lettuce when 3 people get sick from it. How many thousands have developed pericarditis, myocarditis, heart attacks and have DIED from the clot shot.

and you tell us it is to be expected.'s okay if my sons die from this because it is expected and that's the chances we take. Well. I guess it's WHOSE CHILD DIES from it, right. To you maybe it isn't much. But to the person who has lost a daughter or son, it is a world of Regret and wishing they could go back and do differently.
Anybody know someone who has natural immunity from a covid infection that didn't get vaccinated and has had a re-infection?
Two friends in their 40s, healthy, took the injection and had heart attacks. Yeah, that's completely normal.
You didn't answer the question.

My cardiologist explained why I had never had any chest pains, weakness, or shortness of breath despite my needing 5 stents placed in my coronary arteries. She ran half-marathons and crossed the finish line and was walking to cool down. A man behind her in the race came across the finish line, stumbled and fell to the ground, as dead as a doornail. They managed to do CPR and shock him back to life. He had no family history of heart disease until they found he was adopted. Both his parents died in their 40s of massive heart attacks. He had major blockages throughout his heart, despite never feeling any symptoms, just like me. My cardiologist told me it was a miracle that I reached age 60 because she said I could have dropped dead any minute. Where my blockages were located, there would have been no way that I could have been resuscitated.

I'll bet your friends had the same problems. The vaccine had nothing to do with it.

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