My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

I hope your daugher and her husband have put themselves on some type of regimen using D, Super C, quercetin, zinc, and MELATONIN. Melatonic can be very helpful to undo some of the damage caused by the clot shot. I hope it is not too late. Even those little emergency clinics were advising these things. Seven days and then stop except for melatonin.

The left has got everyone 'all sexed up' as some former turd of a democrat president used to say. This is all BullShip. These folk need a Detective Columbo. Barney Fife could figure this out. The BS treatments in hospital are killing people. THey won't get the proper life saving meds. Almost like the gov't wants to kill you. If they can't kill you then they'll sterilize you without your knowledge.

Good thing your daughter and husband are home. Is the health department calling them every couple days aggravating hell out of them?
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If they've never had COVID before, their bodies will have no knowledge of COVID.

Yes, their immune systems will kick in eventually, but by then it might be too late. And COVID kills by using your immune system against you.
Covid has a 99.97% survival rate, and that was before vaccines. Your own immune system is better than a vaccine because it can adjust to the new variants, which a vaccine can't do.
Covid has a 99.97% survival rate, and that was before vaccines. Your own immune system is better than a vaccine because it can adjust to the new variants, which a vaccine can't do.

Right.. That's why we had 550,000 deaths in the US in 2020.. How many died worldwide?
Evidently Tucker and/or Hannity and/or Breitbart are telling these poor, misguided people that if vaccines are not 100% effective, and absolutely stop all symptoms for anyone who is vaccinated, then they are of no value and really super commie Hitler conspiracies to kill us all.
Thinking for oneself doesn't require the assistance of news figures.

But you wouldn't be aware of this would you ?
Evidently Tucker and/or Hannity and/or Breitbart are telling these poor, misguided people that if vaccines are not 100% effective, and absolutely stop all symptoms for anyone who is vaccinated, then they are of no value and really super commie Hitler conspiracies to kill us all.

Good gawd.

Ohhh look, Nazi Mac is lying to defame his betters again. Must be a day ending in "Y"
... making them the 5th person I know who has been fully "vaccinated" and still got Covid.
Both are fine, stuffy nose...little run down feeling but both are already getting better (age 30 and 32)

Only Vaccine I have ever heard of where so MANY who are fully inoculated - still get what the shot is supposed to protect them from.
Pardon me, but your ignorance is showing!

My wife and I got the vaccine in May 2021. I caught COVID Delta in August 2021 and she caught it from me a few days later. I am presently suffering from a common head cold that is 10X worse than COVID was for me. My wife missed one day of work so she could get the monoclonal antibodies infusion.

So there is two more for your total!
Evidently Tucker and/or Hannity and/or Breitbart are telling these poor, misguided people that if vaccines are not 100% effective, and absolutely stop all symptoms for anyone who is vaccinated, then they are of no value and really super commie Hitler conspiracies to kill us all.

Good gawd.
I watch Tucker and Hannity all the time. Why are you making up shit again?
Pardon me, but your ignorance is showing!

My wife and I got the vaccine in May 2021. I caught COVID Delta in August 2021 and she caught it from me a few days later. I am presently suffering from a common head cold that is 10X worse than COVID was for me. My wife missed one day of work so she could get the monoclonal antibodies infusion.

So there is two more for your total!

Why do you think covid likes you so much?
The Pfizer CEO was on NBC News yesterday saying it "will probably require three vaccines" for "full immunity". What's not to trust ?

And even that was dependent on the quarterly profit statements....

Interesting that the same people who are pushing the RNA sequencer are those who developed and unleashed the Wuhan Designer Virus® in the first place.

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