My daughter and her husband both now have Covid...

Suicides aside, mentally illness (especially among teenagers) and blood pressure spiked. Clearly there are negative effects to lockdowns and distancing. We have to keep those in mind and learn our lessons from this pandemic.
Just curious, how would we do it differently next time?
I looked at suicide rates overall, they went down. Do you have a link to your claim, and does it show covid policies were causitive?

That is totally untrue. Suicide went up for almost all demographics.
There is no evidence to support that but there is plenty of evidence supporting virus that have mutated jumped among species.

Of course ther is. That's the whole purpose of gain of function.
Of course ther is. That's the whole purpose of gain of function.
No there isn’t. The prevailing likely theory is still the wet markets which has been where other new virus’ have jumped species. But, there is no smoking gun for any theory yet.
The communists conveniently forget to tell the prisoners what they know about roosting bats. Omicron may not be an entirely natural response to the virus, but assisted by vaccination. Most of Omicron seems to have come through natural immunity, though.
Leaky vaccines causing the variants. Yup. Fits the definition. And now they will push Omicron and cause the variants again.

NEVER ENDING NONSENSE. Omicron so far is a GIFT. And they are going to fuck it up.
No there isn’t. The prevailing likely theory is still the wet markets which has been where other new virus’ have jumped species. But, there is no smoking gun for any theory yet.
Yeah and it HAPPENS in a place that was doing gain of function tests with U.S. funding. Where is your concern for that?
Just curious, how would we do it differently next time?
Well, my brain farts, or things I have read about?

Per experts that I have seen: quicker universal testing and tracing programs, faster Vax rollout, more equipment stores

My thoughts: better e-learning, better messaging of the human toll

It's never gonna stop...and you will not know for years what they're putting in your body.
This may explain why are vaxxed brothers and sisters are so acquiescent.

It gets worse. A German neurologist, Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, MD, PhD (in pharmacology), who specializes in neurotoxicology and environmental medicine, warns that oxygen deprivation from prolonged Covid-mask wearing can cause permanent neurological damage.

She states in her research, “The re-breathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.”

The reason so many mask wearers have NO CLUE this chronic damage is happening to them is because once a person has chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because the person gets accustomed to the deprived state; however, their efficiency remains impaired and the lack of appropriate oxygen delivery to the brain continues to dangerously progress.

That’s why, after prolonged mask use, many people say they don’t “mind it” anymore (it’s an unintended pun because they’re losing their mind).
Maybe it's not too late for the vaxxed. Look online and find out ways to lessen the effects and intent of this vaccine. And DON"T get another one!!!

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