My decision about who to vote for as TX gov has been decided for me.

I think it was a rouge leftist cop, there are LOTS of them out there. Authoritarians love authority after all.

I also support West for Gov.

Abbott locking us down and pushing that mask bullshit was the last straw. He could have taken a position of leadership that even Trump failed to embrace and declare the stupid Covid hysteria to be the manufactured crisis it is and rejected the leftist mass media's narrative.

Sure... he signed some common sense gun freedom laws, but those should have been enacted decades ago anyway.

Alan West is a man who speaks bluntly, and gets the fuckin job done.

I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.
We need political leaders who can assess a threat properly, or observe a problem and do what it takes to solve the issue. If it requires extracting them and physically removing them, then so be it.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Me and Mrs. Bootney are on board:


(Mrs. Bootney and I....but you get the point)
You know what's nice about AW and most other repubs? They don't tell you what they want you to know, they tell you the truth. IOW, they don't have to remember the agenda and the memes that go with it to support their position. They are more open and honest; when a dem tells you the truth it is usually an accident.
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You know what's nice about AW and most other repubs? You don't tell you what they want you to know, they tell you the truth. IOW, they don't have to remember the agenda and the memes that go with it to support their position. They are more open and honest; when a dem tells you the truth it is usually an accident.
That's at least true with regard to Allen West.

The guy he is attempting to replace? I cannot vouch for him.
Allen West.... Lol

Texas sure luvs em some carnival barkers.... :auiqs.jpg:

The irony is that in 2021, it is those people who actually get things accomplished. That is a sad reality today in the corrupt, unaccountable world of politics (in Canada too).

If you see a smiling, waving, meek, botoxed politician who is all dolled up and repeating his script, he is probably already planning how to make it easier for your industry to be shipped to China...
Listen to this interview:

Of course, he plays the politician, but when he is questioned about his positions, he can hit all points on the constitution without hesitation. He knows it backwards and forwards. That's the guy I want.

He knows the fuck of which he speaks.**

**(perfect grammar for "he knows what the fuck he is talking about.")
I'm gonna vote for AW too, but not because of this. This sounds a lot like he 'driving while black' syndrome that ought to be expunged but hasn't been. Not yet anyway.

I think AW explained it as a driving while being a well know conservative. It's funny how the MSM jumped over this story while ignoring the Hunter porn and racist texts.
You know what's nice about AW and most other repubs? They don't tell you what they want you to know, they tell you the truth. IOW, they don't have to remember the agenda and the memes that go with it to support their position. They are more open and honest; when a dem tells you the truth it is usually an accident.

Another sheep bleats the Republican talking point that all Democrats lie. And suddenly the police are all filthy scum.

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