my EZ plan to get US off of middle east oil & decrease unemployment


Dec 10, 2010
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved

you can call it what u will but saving the economy, decreasing unemployment, giving all US citizens free power for life while getting the USA off of middle east oil are all good things :fu: :lol:
and to give all americans "this free power" how is the government going to pay for it? whats your idea there?
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved


you want a nuclear plant next to your house?

and do you have a way to safely dispose of nuclear waste?

i'll wait.
Nuclear is the way to go.

Nuclear is 20th century technology. We need to move into the 21st. Fusion is the answer to long-term, sustainable, clean and, once the upfront costs are taken care of, inexpensive power. Contact your representitives and urge them to earmark more funds for R&D to see if we can't cut down the 40-50 year expected wait time until commercial power is feasible.

For more info go to:

ITER - the way to new energy OR

Department of Energy - Fusion
Nuclear is the way to go.

Nuclear is 20th century technology. We need to move into the 21st. Fusion is the answer to long-term, sustainable, clean and, once the upfront costs are taken care of, inexpensive power. Contact your representitives and urge them to earmark more funds for R&D to see if we can't cut down the 40-50 year expected wait time until commercial power is feasible.

For more info go to:

ITER - the way to new energy OR

Department of Energy - Fusion

When they get one to work it will be very nice konrad. However that is decades away.
The first to go would be domestic oil production, not imports.

Secondly, there are over 9 million people employed in this country due to domestic oil and gas production. What of those jobs?

And what of the billions in taxes and royalties that the government collects from the industry?
My plan is to buy 100s of incandescent bulbs and sell them on ebay after the switch to the new bulbs is complete. Should double my money easy. What crappy light from these replacements!
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved


you want a nuclear plant next to your house?

and do you have a way to safely dispose of nuclear waste?

i'll wait.

I want a hundred nuclear power plants next to my house, actually I want to work inside of them. I miss looking into the Reactor pool, the Head freshly removed from the Reactor, they have begun the fuel shuffle, every 24 months they replace a small percentage of the fuel and shuffle the rest. They fill the reactor cavity, I think I have my terms right, they fill the reactor cavity or swimming pool with water, water with Boron and some other chemicals. Water being H2O is a natural neutron absorber, the natural element Boron (which only comes from turkey and the mojave desert and is used to make synthetic fibers). Boron and Hydrogen are both Neutron absorbers (one reason why H2O in the atmosphere is the number one green house gas). They fill the cavity with water to shield us from radiation, remove a small percentage of fuel after 24 months, shuffle the rest, and while they do this I have stared down into the reactor rods, growing a beautiful fluorescent blue. Its like they become transparent. Unbelievable is the only thing I can say.

Spent fuel, you could leave it on site, we have spent fuel on the beach where Kelly Slater surfs at Old Man's and Trestles. The spent fuel has been there ever since they shut down unit 1 of SONGS. It was in the spent fuel pool but Nuclear Reactors are operating 20 years beyond the original 20 year design. Every Nuclear site holds a minimum of 20 years of fuel in spent fuel pools.

Of course we could recycle the spent nuclear fuel, in the process of recycling we will create electricity a second time from the same fuel, after the recycling we can then use the reprocessed fuel in a reactor to make more electricity, a third time with the same fuel.

After six years of using the same fuel I am unsure if we can reprocess it a fourth time, of course if you put the 94% democrat scientist on the job to recycle spent nuclear reactor fuel they would come up with a way to recycle the fuel a hundred times. Remember they are the smartest scientist in the world.

After a point in time we would have to get rid of the waste. As of today, all the nuclear reactor fuel that is now spent nuclear waste, this is from the first reactor built to now, all the waste from every single reactor would fit inside a football field, put that foot ball field at the bottom of an ocean or a deep lake, or even the bottom of a giant pool of water and we will never have to worry.

We have the design, it will be mass produced like model T's. Build the industry here, we can no longer machine 50 ton pieces of steel, we shut down our heavy industry. You want jobs, lead the world in Nuclear reactor construction. As it is now we are buying replacement parts that suck from Italy. The design is proven and being built by Westinghouse in China. Build it here, One thousand reactors right on top of cities.

Get rid of taxes, the lawsuits, we have the regulations that are proven to work, the NRC is very effective in commercial nuclear power plants.

10% tax across the nation, do whatever it takes to have a 1000% of the electricity we need all from Nuclear power.. We should be selling electricity to Canada. As it is we buy electricity from Canada.

This will never happen, why, because that would require that the USA be the best nation in the world and the Liberals will never allow us to be the best. They read too much Chomsky and Zinn.
Notice the mention of Carter at the end of the article, we have suffered Carter policies for 40 years after the fool has been gone, even more recent Carter messed up North Korea which results in a Nuclear armed North Korea. Watch us suffer just as long with Obama's energy policy. Green Energy may be very slow and painful.

Nuclear Wasteland - IEEE Spectrum

France, in contrast, now reprocesses well over 1000 metric tons of spent fuel every year without incident at the La Hague chemical complex, at the head of Normandy’s wind-blasted Cotentin peninsula. La Hague receives all the spent fuel rods from France’s 59 reactors. The sprawling facility, operated by the state-controlled nuclear giant Areva, has racked up a good, if not unblemished, environmental record.
The United States now claims to have a way of eliminating reprocessing’s other major liability: the risk of spreading a supply of raw materials for bomb making. The United States officially banned reprocessing of spent fuel for power reactors in 1977, during the administration of President Jimmy Carter, who feared that proliferation of reprocessing technology would make it too easy for wayward nations or even terrorist groups to obtain the raw material for bombs

it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved



Who is supposed to pay for all those free power plants and the free maintenance and refueling needed to keep them running?
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved


you want a nuclear plant next to your house?

and do you have a way to safely dispose of nuclear waste?

i'll wait.

Personally, I would love one in my garage. The radiation exposure from an active plant is actually less than you get from a cross country flight. I know this for a fact because the entire time I spent in the Navy my single greatest exposure measured by my dosimeter was the time I accidentally took it home on leave with me. The nuclear waste is a problem, but not nearly as serious as that of disposing of those new fluorescent bulbs you are going to have to buy next year.
It's not such a crazy idea, apart from the free part. I mean, free electricity would be nice but it's a bit far fetched.

And when you think about it in this day and age, using oil for anything other than motorized vehicles is absolutely ridiculous. With the price of home heating oil being what it is of late, I would imagine that heating with electricity couldn't be a whole lot more expensive. It's certainly a whole lot cleaner.

And a far as disposing of the nuclear waste, just collect it and shoot it into space a few times a year. NASA's got the technology to build big enough space vehicles and it would give them something worthwhile to do while.

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