my EZ plan to get US off of middle east oil & decrease unemployment

It's not such a crazy idea, apart from the free part. I mean, free electricity would be nice but it's a bit far fetched.

making electricity FREE for everyone is the means to get us off the middle eastern oil i.e. if it isn't free we don't get off oil
FREE energy from nuclear?

Yeah I remember that myth from my weekly reader back in the 1950s.

Still waiting for it.
FREE energy from nuclear?

Yeah I remember that myth from my weekly reader back in the 1950s.

Still waiting for it.

well obviously someone has to pay for the building & maintenance so when I say 'free' I mean free to access i.e. the power to your house or apt would be FREE but there would have to be something like a national nuclear energy tax that all taxpayers have to contribute say 2.5% of their income to help pay for it....The point is we can find a way to pay for it bc WE MUST GET OFF OF OIL & I haven't heard a single plan yet that is anywhere nearly as good as mine to make that happen.
It's not such a crazy idea, apart from the free part. I mean, free electricity would be nice but it's a bit far fetched.

making electricity FREE for everyone is the means to get us off the middle eastern oil i.e. if it isn't free we don't get off oil

Well get cracking! Let's see your perpetual motion machine. Maybe I'm just a bit jaded, but seems to me things like free electricity lead to over use and waste. I sort of lost you about the free part too. When I take income from you and use it for something else it becomes free? I think you need to come to my house and give me all your money. In return I'll give you free lunch for your working lifetime.
It's not such a crazy idea, apart from the free part. I mean, free electricity would be nice but it's a bit far fetched.

making electricity FREE for everyone is the means to get us off the middle eastern oil i.e. if it isn't free we don't get off oil

All we need to do to get off of Middle Eastern oil is to stop using oil for anything other than motorized vehicles.
FREE energy from nuclear?

Yeah I remember that myth from my weekly reader back in the 1950s.

Still waiting for it.

well obviously someone has to pay for the building & maintenance so when I say 'free' I mean free to access i.e. the power to your house or apt would be FREE but there would have to be something like a national nuclear energy tax that all taxpayers have to contribute say 2.5% of their income to help pay for it....The point is we can find a way to pay for it bc WE MUST GET OFF OF OIL & I haven't heard a single plan yet that is anywhere nearly as good as mine to make that happen.

What you mean is someone else pays for it. Sticking the word free onto something is not free is a lie.
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved


ah yes, the monthly NUCLEAR card has been played... cool

I'll ask the same question we always keep asking, which tends to always make the nuke threads grind to a quiet halt:

Where is the uranium going to come from?

You know, for a planet that currently can't meet but 58% of demand and all, we'd love to hear where this new glut of uranium is located, exactly...

There is a reason nuclear plants haven't been built in decades... And it has little to do with oil glut nor nuclear waste obstacles.
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Nuclear is the way to go.

Nuclear is 20th century technology. We need to move into the 21st. Fusion is the answer to long-term, sustainable, clean and, once the upfront costs are taken care of, inexpensive power. Contact your representitives and urge them to earmark more funds for R&D to see if we can't cut down the 40-50 year expected wait time until commercial power is feasible.

For more info go to:

ITER - the way to new energy OR

Department of Energy - Fusion
Fission we know works. Fusion produces no power commercially... yet and is at best 40-120 years off before we perfect it for industrial use, and this is assuming nothing disrupts research. Fission and clean coal for the future it is till Solar and Fusion can finally equal the output of those to things with similar or better energy density.
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Of course we could recycle the spent nuclear fuel, in the process of recycling we will create electricity a second time from the same fuel, after the recycling we can then use the reprocessed fuel in a reactor to make more electricity, a third time with the same fuel.


The irony is that posters like RGR pretend it's US who don't understand the basic Laws of Thermodynamics. Then, allies of his post stuff like this above. Friggin classic.

Fuel "recycling" a myth, a French report involuntarily demonstrates - Fissile material
ah yes, the monthly NUCLEAR card has been played... cool

I'll ask the same question we always keep asking, which tends to always make the nuke threads grind to a quiet halt:

Where is the uranium going to come from?

In 1956, in the same paper Hubbert used to jumpstart the peak oil religion, he did an assessment for the length of time humanity could use the nuclear fuel he was already aware of. That time frame was measured in 5000 year blocks.

The Gassaway Member of the Chattanooga shale has approximately the same uranium energy content per square mile as all the oil used on this planet in an entire year.

There are thousands of square miles on this shale in Tennessee and Kentucky.

SpringerLink - Abstract

Next rhetorical question from the geoscience neophytes/peak oil religious fanatics in the group?
FREE energy from nuclear?

Yeah I remember that myth from my weekly reader back in the 1950s.

Still waiting for it.

well obviously someone has to pay for the building & maintenance so when I say 'free' I mean free to access i.e. the power to your house or apt would be FREE but there would have to be something like a national nuclear energy tax that all taxpayers have to contribute say 2.5% of their income to help pay for it....The point is we can find a way to pay for it bc WE MUST GET OFF OF OIL & I haven't heard a single plan yet that is anywhere nearly as good as mine to make that happen.

What you mean is someone else pays for it. Sticking the word free onto something is not free is a lie.

well a lie that gets us off of the middle eastern oil tit is better than one that keeps us on it ;-P
ah yes, the monthly NUCLEAR card has been played... cool

I'll ask the same question we always keep asking, which tends to always make the nuke threads grind to a quiet halt:

Where is the uranium going to come from?

In 1956, in the same paper Hubbert used to jumpstart the peak oil religion, he did an assessment for the length of time humanity could use the nuclear fuel he was already aware of. That time frame was measured in 5000 year blocks.

The Gassaway Member of the Chattanooga shale has approximately the same uranium energy content per square mile as all the oil used on this planet in an entire year.

There are thousands of square miles on this shale in Tennessee and Kentucky.

SpringerLink - Abstract

Next rhetorical question from the geoscience neophytes/peak oil religious fanatics in the group?
You don't understand. King Chicken Little the Last WANT'S society to be destroyed. He's praying his fantasy comes true so he can be right and laugh in our faces
You don't understand. King Chicken Little the Last WANT'S society to be destroyed. He's praying his fantasy comes true so he can be right and laugh in our faces

King Chicken Little The Last...I like that one even better than "Parrot Extraordinary".

Peak oil the religion is designed for exactly what you describe. The world is ending, its all over, woe's us, I can grow a tomato and will out survive both those dumb Hummer driving yuppies who don't have a chance.
well obviously someone has to pay for the building & maintenance so when I say 'free' I mean free to access i.e. the power to your house or apt would be FREE but there would have to be something like a national nuclear energy tax that all taxpayers have to contribute say 2.5% of their income to help pay for it....The point is we can find a way to pay for it bc WE MUST GET OFF OF OIL & I haven't heard a single plan yet that is anywhere nearly as good as mine to make that happen.

What you mean is someone else pays for it. Sticking the word free onto something is not free is a lie.

well a lie that gets us off of the middle eastern oil tit is better than one that keeps us on it ;-P

The lie does nothing but make you out to be uninformed. We are using their oil in order to startegically keep ours. WE have huge reserves.
it's a simple idea:

build enough new nuclear power plants per state to provide FREE POWER to all US citizens
-it would be a massive jobs program
-it would essentially be like giving everyone FREE 'GAS' to power an electric car thus killing the gas car industry

voila...problem solved


I agree with nuclear power, I just hope for your sake the oil companies arent monitoring this board, otherwise you might possibly someday mysteriously disappear in the middle of the night and never be heard from again, and end up in the same place as the fellows who invented the 150 mile per gallon carborateour.
What? They must have taken those carburetors with them. That's an old bullshit fable.
You don't understand. King Chicken Little the Last WANT'S society to be destroyed. He's praying his fantasy comes true so he can be right and laugh in our faces

Oh...I understand. A majority of the peak religion wants the same thing, even if they have a different motivational basis. They really do want the world/society to be destroyed. Not necessarily so they can laugh at others about being right, but because of a massive inferiority complex. Their lives are disappointments...but they will just feel better if their imagined ability to grow a tomato will hold them in better stead in their post Apocalyptic vision of the future than a Hummer driving yuppy.

Something is missing with many of these people, some psychological component, and the only way to feel better about themselves is through the destruction of everything else.

Its Rapture, they are saved, the evil (everyone else who doesn't buy into their scenario of destruction) must die because they are not "Enlightened".
The Gassaway Member of the Chattanooga shale has approximately the same uranium energy content per square mile as all the oil used on this planet in an entire year.

There are thousands of square miles on this shale in Tennessee and Kentucky.

SpringerLink - Abstract

Next rhetorical question from the geoscience neophytes/peak oil religious fanatics in the group?

Speaking of parroting talking points, your irony is priceless... Parrot.

Yeah, ummm... under 100 ppm is very low grade for a uranium mine. If the grade were 5-10x better, you might have something. Or at least get people to look at it seriously for an In Situ Leach (ISL) operation. Unfortunately, Chattanooga Shale is estimated to contained an average grade of 54 ppm.

Much like your perpetual fail trying to conflate heavy oil with light sweet crude totals, pretending this crap yields reactor-worthy uranium really shows your profound limitations on this subject, and proof that you're just running to "the Google", learning as you go along, and desperately clinging to anything you can find... Without a firm or honest grasp of what you think you even have.

Do better.

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