My favorite pets were...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
...Barney which was a short eared owl, & Neuman( BIG mutt all white goat) plus Pandora an all black Pygmy goat(never penned them up as they just roamed the acreage but slept in the garage on dog beds). Barney had been scatter gunned in his left wing & would have died if I had not apprehended him. I took him to a vet which informed me he could never again fly. I took him home & it took about a week & the little guy was completly @ home with us. I built a simple perch for him which I placed on the mantle which was over the fireplace in the frontroom. I built another perch & put it in on the shelf of the window behind the bar in the basement, & also another perch in the laundry room in the basement.
We'd feed Barney chicken necks & gizzards as well as live mice. We as a family played a LOT of canasta at both the kitchen & dining room tables so one of my sisters constructed a portable perch about table high so Barney could watch the activity. After a while Barney would push off the perch & land on the table a few inches away then cruise from one to the other of us wanting to play with us. We'd play 'touch the talons' with a finger & Barney would do a little dance which we new that meant he wanted his mask stroked. Too much else to list here but I can tell you this, if I had the chance to find another damaged short eared owl I'd have em to the vet & back home in short order & be the happiest man alive!
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Do yous live in the woods?
Kind of a scrub brush praire. Enough workable acreage for some crops but also some lava rock acreage. Short eared owls are not forest creatures but more flatland creatures like around Fairchild Airforce Base & Reardan Washington. Short eared owls are the only ground nesting owls in the world.

My favorite pet was a cat named 'Chairman Meow' There was nothing democratic about that cat and he ruled the other house pets with an Iron claw. But like all mini dictators he was a barrel of laughs, really loved that guy.
This guy


Still miss him
A mix bred dog lab, collie , shepard mix. Solid black and the smartest animal I have ever seen. Also I have had curs black&tan bluetick hounds. one pitbull. That was nice lookng dog you had there clean.
My favorite and most beloved pet was my cat, Pepe. He was my buddy, my best friend, a being that was always happy to be WITH me. Unfortunately, at the age of roughly 7 years old, and having him just a little over 4 years (He was a stray we took into our home.) he got severely ill and didn't make it. I was there in the room with him when he was put to sleep. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but I couldn't bear the thought of him going out alone. I mourned for at least two weeks. I refused to talk to anyone for a few days after he passed. What got me back on track was I checked out a couple books from a local public library, that detail how to get over the loss of a beloved pet. I can't remember the titles of these books, but they were very helpful in my getting over my grief. Pepe passed in late September of 2009, I STILL think of him several times a week. We've had two wonderful cats in our household for over 10 years now. This has helped ease the pain of losing Pepe. RIP, Big Guy, I hope to see you again one day, after I leave this Earth. Thank you for your time, to anyone that reads this.
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Davey Crockett- got him as Christmas gift from my youngest son in 2012- we are a perfect pair- he doesn't bother me unless he wants to and I don't bother him unless he wants me too- I gave him an Indian name as they had the tradition of giving a name for actions (other than birth name)- Davey is; Inmywayunderfoot- knot head, knuckle head, shit head, ratchet jaw, damnit Davey, sleepsalot, sugar cat-

We have a nightly routine, after I finish reading in bed when he decides it's time for us to bother each other- he's the only cat I've ever even heard of who knows what "give me some sugar" means- sometimes he does-LOL

My oldest son had a Pit Bull named Paxton who was with us for almost 11 years- he was a better person than most people I've known. We had to have him put down when he got cancer in his shoulder- I laid on the vets floor with him, breathing his breath and him mine as he passed on- I cried like a baby- he was my first grandson- my son built him a casket and buried him on land he is going to inherit from his mom-
My favorite and most beloved pet was my cat, Pepe. He was my buddy, my best friend, a being that was always happy to be WITH me. Unfortunately, at the age of roughly 7 years old, and having him just a little over 4 years (He was a stray we took into our home.) he got severely ill and didn't make it. I was there in the room with him when he was put to sleep. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but I couldn't bear the thought of him going out alone. I mourned for at least two weeks. I refused to talk to anyone for a few days after he passed. What got me back on track was I checked out a couple books from a local public library, that detail how to get over the loss of a beloved pet. I can't remember the titles of these books, but they were very helpful in my getting over my grief. Pepe passed in late September of 2009, I STILL think of him several times a week. We've had two wonderful cats in our household for over 10 years now. This has helped ease the pain of losing Pepe. RIP, Big Guy, I hope to see you again one day, after I leave this Earth. Thank you for your time, to anyone that reads this.
I understand your loss boy do I ever. I lost Pandora My Black Pygmy Doe goat. She had a tummy problem. I took her into the local vet & he did what he could do but she died on table with my arms wrapped around her. Just a couple little weak blah blah blahs she managed to push out then she just stopped & went limp, jaw dropped with her tounge hanging out of the left side of her mouth & her eyes open with a bluish haze over them. Honest to Christ it's like I could feel her leave her body(Tears a plenty). It cost me $400.00 even for the vet service & body disposal but she was worth many times more than that cost to me. After Neuman passed away I was down to the white tail deer(Neuman & Pandora used to play with them). Take care bluzman61 till next time.
My favorite and most beloved pet was my cat, Pepe. He was my buddy, my best friend, a being that was always happy to be WITH me. Unfortunately, at the age of roughly 7 years old, and having him just a little over 4 years (He was a stray we took into our home.) he got severely ill and didn't make it. I was there in the room with him when he was put to sleep. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but I couldn't bear the thought of him going out alone. I mourned for at least two weeks. I refused to talk to anyone for a few days after he passed. What got me back on track was I checked out a couple books from a local public library, that detail how to get over the loss of a beloved pet. I can't remember the titles of these books, but they were very helpful in my getting over my grief. Pepe passed in late September of 2009, I STILL think of him several times a week. We've had two wonderful cats in our household for over 10 years now. This has helped ease the pain of losing Pepe. RIP, Big Guy, I hope to see you again one day, after I leave this Earth. Thank you for your time, to anyone that reads this.
I understand your loss boy do I ever. I lost Pandora My Black Pygmy Doe goat. She had a tummy problem. I took her into the local vet & he did what he could do but she died on table with my arms wrapped around her. Just a couple little weak blah blah blahs she managed to push out then she just stopped & went limp, jaw dropped with her tounge hanging out of the left side of her mouth & her eyes open with a bluish haze over them. Honest to Christ it's like I could feel her leave her body(Tears a plenty). It cost me $400.00 even for the vet service & body disposal but she was worth many times more than that cost to me. After Neuman passed away I was down to the white tail deer(Neuman & Pandora used to play with them). Take care bluzman61 till next time.
That must have been heartbreaking. Our deep love for these animals is what causes heartbreak when they pass, but it's worth it in the end because I believe they DO understand love, and are capable of giving it back. After Pepe passed, I told myself I wouldn't fall in love with another animal again. Well, I love our two cats we have now, Henry and Emily, just as much, if not more than I loved Pepe. And I believe they understand that I love them, and our Emily is receptive to me when I'm feeling a lot of pain in my feet due to having diabetes. She'll see me lying in bed, in pain, and will get on my bed, and on my stomach and give me warmth and love. This is making me tear up a bit thinking about it. You really DO get love in return from your pets if you're willing to show them love and caring. I truly believe our beloved pets are a blessing from God.
View attachment 415731

Davey Crockett- got him as Christmas gift from my youngest son in 2012- we are a perfect pair- he doesn't bother me unless he wants to and I don't bother him unless he wants me too- I gave him an Indian name as they had the tradition of giving a name for actions (other than birth name)- Davey is; Inmywayunderfoot- knot head, knuckle head, shit head, ratchet jaw, damnit Davey, sleepsalot, sugar cat-

We have a nightly routine, after I finish reading in bed when he decides it's time for us to bother each other- he's the only cat I've ever even heard of who knows what "give me some sugar" means- sometimes he does-LOL

My oldest son had a Pit Bull named Paxton who was with us for almost 11 years- he was a better person than most people I've known. We had to have him put down when he got cancer in his shoulder- I laid on the vets floor with him, breathing his breath and him mine as he passed on- I cried like a baby- he was my first grandson- my son built him a casket and buried him on land he is going to inherit from his mom-
I just got a pit bull puppy. I had no idea how charming and intelligent they are. This one has a love affair with homemade food. Yesterday I made enough chicken salad for a week. After making a chicken salad sandwich lunch, I left the kitchen momentarily, heard a swish sound and went to complete clearing the table, and Reddy had jumped up on the table, eaten the three quarts of leftover chicken salad and hopped down without breaking the clear glass bowl in a matter of around 60 seconds. I couldn't believe how he pulled that one off, but the little rascal's tummy was distended when I got there. How could I discipline such a larceny, when it was a good and tasty salad? Lolol!
My favorite and most beloved pet was my cat, Pepe. He was my buddy, my best friend, a being that was always happy to be WITH me. Unfortunately, at the age of roughly 7 years old, and having him just a little over 4 years (He was a stray we took into our home.) he got severely ill and didn't make it. I was there in the room with him when he was put to sleep. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but I couldn't bear the thought of him going out alone. I mourned for at least two weeks. I refused to talk to anyone for a few days after he passed. What got me back on track was I checked out a couple books from a local public library, that detail how to get over the loss of a beloved pet. I can't remember the titles of these books, but they were very helpful in my getting over my grief. Pepe passed in late September of 2009, I STILL think of him several times a week. We've had two wonderful cats in our household for over 10 years now. This has helped ease the pain of losing Pepe. RIP, Big Guy, I hope to see you again one day, after I leave this Earth. Thank you for your time, to anyone that reads this.
I understand your loss boy do I ever. I lost Pandora My Black Pygmy Doe goat. She had a tummy problem. I took her into the local vet & he did what he could do but she died on table with my arms wrapped around her. Just a couple little weak blah blah blahs she managed to push out then she just stopped & went limp, jaw dropped with her tounge hanging out of the left side of her mouth & her eyes open with a bluish haze over them. Honest to Christ it's like I could feel her leave her body(Tears a plenty). It cost me $400.00 even for the vet service & body disposal but she was worth many times more than that cost to me. After Neuman passed away I was down to the white tail deer(Neuman & Pandora used to play with them). Take care bluzman61 till next time.
That must have been heartbreaking. Our deep love for these animals is what causes heartbreak when they pass, but it's worth it in the end because I believe they DO understand love, and are capable of giving it back. After Pepe passed, I told myself I wouldn't fall in love with another animal again. Well, I love our two cats we have now, Henry and Emily, just as much, if not more than I loved Pepe. And I believe they understand that I love them, and our Emily is receptive to me when I'm feeling a lot of pain in my feet due to having diabetes. She'll see me lying in bed, in pain, and will get on my bed, and on my stomach and give me warmth and love. This is making me tear up a bit thinking about it. You really DO get love in return from your pets if you're willing to show them love and caring. I truly believe our beloved pets are a blessing from God.
You got that right for sure!
...Barney which was a short eared owl, & Neuman( BIG mutt all white goat) plus Pandora an all black Pygmy goat(never penned them up as they just roamed the acreage but slept in the garage on dog beds). Barney had been scatter gunned in his left wing & would have died if I had not apprehended him. I took him to a vet which informed me he could never again fly. I took him home & it took about a week & the little guy was completly @ home with us. I built a simple perch for him which I placed on the mantle which was over the fireplace in the frontroom. I built another perch & put it in on the shelf of the window behind the bar in the basement, & also another perch in the laundry room in the basement.
We'd feed Barney chicken necks & gizzards as well as live mice. We as a family played a LOT of canasta at both the kitchen & dining room tables so one of my sisters constructed a portable perch about table high so Barney could watch the activity. After a while Barney would push off the perch & land on the table a few inches away then cruise from one to the other of us wanting to play with us. We'd play 'touch the talons' with a finger & Barney would do a little dance which we new that meant he wanted his mask stroked. Too much else to list here but I can tell you this, if I had the chance to find another damaged short eared owl I'd have em to the vet & back home in short order & be the happiest man alive!
My white maltese Bernie exhausted from humping Maddie. Bruno watching.

With an audience.
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View attachment 415731

Davey Crockett- got him as Christmas gift from my youngest son in 2012- we are a perfect pair- he doesn't bother me unless he wants to and I don't bother him unless he wants me too- I gave him an Indian name as they had the tradition of giving a name for actions (other than birth name)- Davey is; Inmywayunderfoot- knot head, knuckle head, shit head, ratchet jaw, damnit Davey, sleepsalot, sugar cat-

We have a nightly routine, after I finish reading in bed when he decides it's time for us to bother each other- he's the only cat I've ever even heard of who knows what "give me some sugar" means- sometimes he does-LOL

My oldest son had a Pit Bull named Paxton who was with us for almost 11 years- he was a better person than most people I've known. We had to have him put down when he got cancer in his shoulder- I laid on the vets floor with him, breathing his breath and him mine as he passed on- I cried like a baby- he was my first grandson- my son built him a casket and buried him on land he is going to inherit from his mom-
I just got a pit bull puppy. I had no idea how charming and intelligent they are. This one has a love affair with homemade food. Yesterday I made enough chicken salad for a week. After making a chicken salad sandwich lunch, I left the kitchen momentarily, heard a swish sound and went to complete clearing the table, and Reddy had jumped up on the table, eaten the three quarts of leftover chicken salad and hopped down without breaking the clear glass bowl in a matter of around 60 seconds. I couldn't believe how he pulled that one off, but the little rascal's tummy was distended when I got there. How could I discipline such a larceny, when it was a good and tasty salad? Lolol!
Well it was all in GOOD TASTE!

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