Robinson Watch

You focus on this while cats and dogs are bring slaughtered in Ohio.

Yesterday and this morning I was posting Trump's high praise of Diddy. Today it's this black gay nazi.

“You have to cherish him. It’s like a fine wine,” Trump said. “He’s an outstanding person.”

“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” Trump said of Robinson

Trump also referred to Robinson as a “friend”
Yesterday and this morning I was posting Trump's high praise of Diddy. Today it's this black gay nazi.

“You have to cherish him. It’s like a fine wine,” Trump said. “He’s an outstanding person.”

“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” Trump said of Robinson

Trump also referred to Robinson as a “friend”
Trump stands by his friends. I expect to see Mr Robinson next to him at tomorrows rally. They believe in the same principles.
Yesterday and this morning I was posting Trump's high praise of Diddy. Today it's this black gay nazi.

“You have to cherish him. It’s like a fine wine,” Trump said. “He’s an outstanding person.”

“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” Trump said of Robinson

Trump also referred to Robinson as a “friend”
not to mention his love of Kanye West.
White privilege is supporting a white man who fucked a porn star while talking about kicking out the black man for watching porn. It is supporting the white man who walked into a room full of naked teenage girls as a grown ass 50 something year old man to sneek a peek at nude chidren, but talking about kicking out the black man for looking at grown women in the shower when he was a kid. Yes, Robinson needs to go, but so does Trump.
Spot on.
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Trump endorsed a slavery wanting black NAZI because he "liked Trump." As usual, Trump's endorsements are basically a popularity contest. He did not vet Robinson, so CNN did it for him and uncovered the truth about a candidate that fits seamlessly into the maga movement but is poison to the voters of North Carolina.

Who knows. This bigly screw up by Trump could not only cost him North Carolina, but the rest of the country as well.

Trump endorsed a slavery wanting black NAZI because he "liked Trump." As usual, Trump's endorsements are basically a popularity contest. He did not vet Robinson, so CNN did it for him and uncovered the truth about a candidate that fits seamlessly into the maga movement but is poison to the voters of North Carolina.

Who knows. This bigly screw up by Trump could not only cost him North Carolina, but the rest of the country as well.
So the true racists, founders of the KKK, come out to post now right Ass-tro??

Trump endorsed a slavery wanting black NAZI because he "liked Trump." As usual, Trump's endorsements are basically a popularity contest. He did not vet Robinson, so CNN did it for him and uncovered the truth about a candidate that fits seamlessly into the maga movement but is poison to the voters of North Carolina.

Who knows. This bigly screw up by Trump could not only cost him North Carolina, but the rest of the country as well.
Trump called a guy who referred to himself as a "black Nazi", as the next MLK?

Trump endorsed a slavery wanting black NAZI because he "liked Trump." As usual, Trump's endorsements are basically a popularity contest. He did not vet Robinson, so CNN did it for him and uncovered the truth about a candidate that fits seamlessly into the maga movement but is poison to the voters of North Carolina.

Who knows. This bigly screw up by Trump could not only cost him North Carolina, but the rest of the country as well.
I remember how the Marxists went and found a white bitch to falsely accuse Herman Cain of impropriety because the left knew that Obama wouldnt get a 2nd term if Herman won the Republican Nomination. This is just another hit job by the Marxists,(who are showing their true racism) by once again accusing a black man of things he didnt do. And the Lame Stream Media who lies all the time, runs with this.

Mark Robinson denies he’s dropping out of NC governor’s race after salacious report - Washington Examiner
Robinson said in a video statement just prior to the report’s release that he is staying in the race as speculation swirled that he would drop out.
“Let me assure you, the things you will see in that story, those are not the words of Mark Robinson,” he said. “You know my words. You know my character, and you know that I have been completely transparent in this race and before.”
“We are staying in this race. We are in it to win it,” he added.
We all know that Marxists cant run on ideas for the country, because they have none the people agree with, so they must slander their opponents in the hope they will drop out, like Herman Cain did. It was President Trump who showed the corrupt Marxists by not stepping aside but fighting tooth and nail against the vehement Lame Stream Media attack outlets.

But hey lets remind everyone of this.

I don't see how Robinson can help Harris unless he kills gop turnout. I'm not really sure if there are other issues or candidates who'll gin up the gop. And the NC race is pretty much tied ... if you believe polls that show Harris having any chance at all.
Not endorsing anything he said and don't really care. But the state of the media is lower than abysmal. Imagine not giving a crap about Aurora or Springfield, but hunting down email addresses and comments from 25 years ago.

The nation is done. Hope you are all so proud, like Dont Taz Me Bro and Mac1958
What's lower than abysmal is Republicans and their lies, this being one of countless examples.
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The Didi defense....but MAGA says trump NEVER LIES!

If Trump doesn't lie what about these comments?

“I love Diddy,” “You know he’s a great friend of mine, he’s a good guy”

Then Trump described Robinson as “Martin Luther King on steroids,”

"we have to cherish Mark" and that Robinson is "outstanding" and an "incredible gentleman."

He meant a good black.

“I told that to Mark. I said, ‘I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two,’”

Trump has heaped praise on Robinson, calling him "outstanding" and "one of the hottest politicians." He said Robinson has "become a friend of mine."

And Epstein? Trump has WEIRD friends.
Why do a press conference when there are stories to be had?
It costs a lot of money to pay everyone to ask only the right questions.

Kamala hates everyone, and everyone hates Kamala.....and it costs money to produce an event that doesn't make this obvious.

I'm wondering how much that Oprah opera cost yesterday, because only 10,000 people bothered to watch it live.

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