My favorite trump troll so far


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012


The response?
Bizarro world: Pelosi angry over Trump plan to send illegal crossers to sanctuary cities
Pelosi had a conniption fit.
This was political genius. Shows just how hypocritical and disingenuous these "superior" leftists are
great. we now rate our leadership on how well they antagonize others.
great. we now rate our leadership on how well they antagonize others.
Um no, mr self righteous.
I just thought this was funny as shit.
I thought Obama was funny on "the fern"
Does that mean I think he was a good president? A comedian?
Get the fuck outta here
great. we now rate our leadership on how well they antagonize others.

That's pretty much all our bread & circuses leadership is good at anymore.. well that and looting, raping and pillaging the common folk.

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt" -- Juvenal
great. we now rate our leadership on how well they antagonize others.

That's pretty much all our bread & circuses leadership is good at anymore.. well that and looting, raping and pillaging the common folk.

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt" -- Juvenal
when how well our 2 year old argues with your 2 year olds is a sign of victory, we are most certainly playing the wrong game.
Trump is definitely a brash, impolite SOB, but after the actions of the democrooks over the last 30 years and the pathetic weakness of the Bush regimes and GOP in general, I will gladly enjoy watching him chew democrook ass all day long.

Those fucking pieces of shit got away with saying the most outrageous shit, character assassinations, lies, and back biting with the aid and complicity of the media that they deserve everything they're getting from Trump.

I hope they get their asses kicked so hard next year that they're finally humbled and learn to act like civilized and dignified human beings, otherwise let the Idiocracy continue.

great. we now rate our leadership on how well they antagonize others.

It's the only criteria that Trump has any recognizable skills at.
you and him have that in common.

And I'm an anonymous poster killing time on a silly internet discussion board while he is the POTUS. You honestly don't see the difference in what should be reasonably expected from those two endeavors?
well i don't find our president funny trolling others. just as pathetic to be honest.

I didn't find obozo or Whory Reid funny either. I didn't find the lack of response from the GOP funny.

It's not even Trump that I find all that funny, it's the outrage from the moonbats that has me laughing the most. It's as if they've been these dignified statesmen and ladies that have been the epitome of class and virtue for 30 years and they're suddenly finding themselves getting shit thrown at them by some malcontents they've never provoked. Everything they're getting now is a concentrated form of the shit they've been throwing for decades and I'm glad someone is throwing it at them from the highest roof in town.

They voted for that cult of personality meat puppet, who reduced the government into an Idiocracy, so the GOP elected the World's Richest Professional Clown in response.

I didn't even support him back then but I will be proud to vote for him in 2020. I'll probably vote for Kanye West in 2024 if the bed wetters are still having what has been the longest collective temper tantrum in history.


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