MY God, the Orange Idiot can't even respond to Barcelona without wagging the racist dog

Trump may as well play to his diminishing base. He has no interest in being president.
I know he's a racist. I knew it 20 years ago. But there are lots of racists. Can't he be a competent one without tripping over his stupid tie every god damn time?
Trump resurrects pig's blood myth after Barcelona attack

Well clearly the tactics of letting them into Western countries, giving them citizenship and welfare isn't working.
How is that occupation and colonization of their countries working out?

Colonization of Islamic countries? Do tell.
Where are you son? All over the middle east. And Guam? Ain't even given them the vote yet.
Holy shit. Is it a sin for me to pray that all liberals die a horrible death?
The wages of sin IS death.
Yeah, no doubt I am going to die a horrible death myself.


Pretty much me with the hammer and nails.
the term "racist" has been broadened to include any bias or perceived bias against any group.
As to the Pig blood and Pig skin stories attributed to Pershing------they may be true and WOULD
be effective. I see no evidence of "racism" in Trump's comment. I do see racism in Islamic teachings regarding the beauty and glory of murdering lots of people as a form of worship of their
"god" The suggested Islamic legality of mowing people down with a truck in spain relates to
Spain's alliance with countries that oppose ISIS --------allahuakbar. I see filth in anyone who
trivializes that stink and filth of the act by knocking a person who expresses anger over the multiple
murders-------such a person belongs smashed in a gutter rather than are the innocent victims of
the filth he TRIVIALIZED with------oooohhh don't say "pig blood----it is offensive"
Not only the response, but the time frame.

How long did it take for him to respond to Barcelona? Minutes? Hours?

How long did it take for him to respond to Charlottesville? Days?
As to the Pig blood and Pig skin stories attributed to Pershing------they may be true and WOULD
be effective
You really believe if the US military coated bullets with pig's blood it would be more effective against ISIS?

Do you think the US military should hire witches? Are you volunteering?
I know he's a racist. I knew it 20 years ago. But there are lots of racists. Can't he be a competent one without tripping over his stupid tie every god damn time?
Trump resurrects pig's blood myth after Barcelona attack
He spoke the truth. We should have been dipping our military rounds in pigs blood years ago fighting the Muslims. The psychological impact of them thinking getting shot by bullets dipped in pigs blood would have been positive and caused a deterrent in them attacking us.

Muslims aren't afraid of pigs or pigs blood. They just don't eat them.
I know he's a racist. I knew it 20 years ago. But there are lots of racists. Can't he be a competent one without tripping over his stupid tie every god damn time?
Trump resurrects pig's blood myth after Barcelona attack

Hey, stupid fuck, ISLAM IS NOT A RACE! ISLAM IS NOTE A RACE! ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! It is an ideology of pure hatred (yes, I've read the Quran) which anyone with functioning eyesight attached to a function brain (unlike yours) can see comes in ALL races, including white. For example, Chechnya is a muslim country and not only are they as white as a backpacker hosteling crowd, they're near the Caucasus mtns. where us whites first evolved. Idiot.

What the fuck IS it about something as violent and cruel as Islam that makes you liberal sick fucks so HORNY??? What strange hold does this barbaric evil have over you?

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